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SGR 151

Arrogance is the signature of (concealed) diffidence!

Humility is the signature of confidence and self-assurance!!


எந்த ஒரு மனிதனும் அன்புக்காகவே ஏங்குகிறான்; அது குற்றமற்று கிடைக்குமிடத்தில், தன்னையே இழக்கிறான். இது கடவுளுக்கும் பொருந்தும்!


When one clogs one's mind wilfully with pessimistic ideas; what one perceives is mere negativity! Even a plus would then be perceived as two intersecting minus!


தெருவை எல்லாம் சுத்தம் செய்வது ஒரு பக்கம் இருக்கட்டும். உங்க வீட்டு வேலை யாரு செய்யறாங்க? உங்க வீட்டுல சமையல் யாரு செய்யறாங்க? உங்க துணி எல்லாம் யாரு துவைப்பது? உங்க அறையை சுத்தம் செய்வது யாரு?

முதலில் உங்க வேலைக்கு மற்றவர்களை எதிர் பார்க்காமல் இருக்க முடியுமான்னு முயற்சி பண்ணுங்க! உங்க பர்சனல் வேலையெல்லாம் மற்றவர்கள் செய்ய; நீங்கள் தெருவை சுத்தம் செய்ய புறப்படுவது அறிவீனம். ஏமாத்து வேலை!

உங்களையும் ஏமாற்றிக்கொண்டு; மற்றவர்களையும் ஏமாற்றுகிறீர்கள். பாக்க சொல்ல டமாசா கீது பா!

Swachh Bharath.

My understanding and interpretation of Swachh Bharath - Every individual must become self reliant to execute one's own personal activities all by oneself.

Before stepping out to clean the surroundings; one should clean one's own home without expecting a house servant; and everytime you clean your home, step out to clean the surroundings too. Cleaning the surrounding is a mere addendum to the core task - cleaning your home!


Even for the omnipotent Krishna, the most difficult part of life was leaving Radha behind at Gokul and heading towards Mathura to fulfill His life's mission. Everything else in life was mere cake-walk. In the relation between Radha and Krishna, the functioning of intellect was totally absent; no logic, just selfless love.

Selfless love is the demonstration of the attitude of complete surrender - Saranaagathi! Nothing else matches up!! The attitude of complete surrender - Saranaagathi transcends even Bhakthi Yoga; because, In bhakthi, the devotee receives Lord's blessings in return for his devoted state. Whereas, love that transcends self; expects nothing. It is just love for no reason; as intellect is totally void; making it ever pure and most intense. Even GOD cannot escape from the love that emanates from the mind of an ordinary person, that transcends any reason.

In Bhakthi Yoga, the person surrenders himself to the Lord; in selfless Love, the Lord surrenders himself to the person! That’s the unintentional supremacy of selfless love that transcends logic.

Bhakthi and Selfless love are different. In bhakthi, the devotee understands and acknowledges the Lordship of the deity and hence bhakthi., In selfless love, there is no amount reasoning; just love; and its verbally inexplicable.

In Bhakthi, duality is explicit from the devotee's point of view; and union happens from the Lord. In selfless love, no duality at any point; even if it did; duality is dissolved by the person. In bhakthi, the person gets dissolved in the Lord; In selfless love, the Lord dissolves himself in the person!


The profound manifestation of strength is to let go of that which we value, cherish and love the most with a positive attitude.


The ego of a person is the devil that causes destruction and calamity. The thought of performance is the substratum. The only quality that can save humans from destruction is humility. Any amount of effort based on intelligence, research, planning, coordination is futile without humility. Humility of a person to one's GURU/GOD is the sole saviour of human race.

Education of the present era has only taught man the effective ways of cheating and defend oneself with the support of false intellectual arguments. Intelligence in real sense is the focus and ability of a person to adhere to Justice, Honesty, Righteousness, Principles and Truth irrespective and immaterial of the intrinsically ephemeral tangible materialistic benefits.

Evoking one's conscience and the resultant inner voice that decrees the ethical stature of every thought, word and deed is the only way to remain steadfast in Justice, Honesty, Righteousness, Principles and Truth. Result is the person becoming absolute in attitude, articulation and action irrespective of any external stimuli. Hence remains forever in peace.


Day before yesterday; food, water and air was available to everyone free of cost and aplenty.

Yesterday; water and air was available to everyone free of cost and in abundance.

Today; air is available to everyone free of cost and aplenty.


Dare to call this progress and development?

Grow trees!


Beauty and attractiveness of a person depends on the kind of personality that is exhibited. The 36-28-36 figure in case of ladies; or an eight pack abdomen in case of guys may look unappealing and disgusting if one does not radiate an admirable flavour in expression. Every person in the present era walks around like a brand. It is up to us to choose the kind of personality that we intend to express.

For instance,

Actor Rajnikant in reality is a dark complexioned, bag of bones! The personality that he has expressed - the surprise factor in the larger than life machismo that transcends logic; and the style factor that target kids made him a phenomenal success.

Actor Arun Pandian - utterly masculine with a chiselled torso and muscular build; could not attract the volume of audience!

M.N.Nambiar carved a niche for himself amidst stalwarts like P.S.Veerappa and Asokan; also with the passage of time and trend; he was successful in redefining his image to the opposite core - from a notorious villain to a righteous gentleman.

So is the case with the ladies too -

Pandaribai is perceived as a very soft spoken mother; quite opposite to Kannamba.

The style factor displayed by Vaijayanthimalabali distinguishes her effectively from the homely, soft-spoken and ethical Padmini.

The blasé expressed by Bhanumathi secerns her from Varalakshmi.

The primary activity in building our personality is to introspect and choose the unique proposition that we would be able to capitalise upon at any instance of time, without any constraints. A person's social success depends on the demand that one is able to garner for the kind of personality exhibited. Also, prudence is in redefining one's personality that sync with the latest trend; else remain a memory; like the once upon a time roughneck - Sathyaraj!

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