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Selfishness is bad; selflessness is good. Heights of selfishness is non-vegetarianism. Focus of consuming non-vegetarian food is to satiate one's taste buds in the tongue; the impact of which is intense pain and death trauma for the living being consumed. Any food once crosses the mouth and tongue is all the same trash. Non-vegetarianism is the subtle personification of wickedness and cruelty. Claiming efforts of charity and social service, being a non-vegetarian is oxymoron. Hypocrisy at its best.


Imagine, I possess X-Ray vision. When I look at a person who has consumed non-vegetarian food, what I get to see is the burning of the animal's corpse in the stomach.

The feeling of pain for the plant, when plucking a fruit or a vegetable is negligible compared to an animal. Plants are living beings with one sense; whereas animals have five senses. Man is supposed to have six senses. The sixth sense, so very unique to man is the sense of discrimination - hardly put to use.

Carnivorous animals are destined to consume only non-vegetarian food; Herbivorous animals are destined to consume only vegetarian food; Omnivorous creatures are destined to consume both. However all in uncooked form.

When Man, with his power of discrimination has the ability to cook the food making it more tasty and prepared; should one not be demanded to exercise astuteness in the choice of food?.


Any form of GOD has to be a representation of justice, righteousness, honesty, principles and truth to be revered; else gets destroyed. Adhering to these is worship in real sense that bestows divinity. Divinity emerges when the clash between intellect and conscience ceases; result is Peace.

The clash between intellect and conscience shall cease only when we remain detached to the fruit of our actions. We shall remain unperturbed by the results of our actions only when we minimise our dependence on material comforts to the bare end.

Material comforts, social status, lavish attention are a few to mention that destroys our divinity. The material comforts and social status focus and depend on the body - two days down with viral; possessing any amount of money would not secure joy.

When we minimise material luxury intentionally, mind gets stabilised and focused on the essentials. Minimising one's indulgence in worldly activities bestows peace to mind and body. The best way to minimise our worldly activities is to minimise the activities of all our senses. It is best to avoid every unnecessary physical contact - even a handshake replaced by a pleasant smile.


Can one find Raakshasaas in the present time? Of course yes. A person filled with ego and selfishness is a Raakshasaa. The root cause of every evil is selfishness. The profound manifestation of a person's stupidity is ego and selfishness. Blind faith and humility are manifestations of Divinity. For instance., Padmapada, earlier called Sanandana.


Flirting is an art. It is the most powerful and effective tool to get closer to people of the opposite sex. Generally, for any person, one's better half is the only person to whom one could open up without fear of disapproval. Flirting would get us as close as we desire; much more than a friend, a little less than one's better half. This would help them open up their minds to us without fear or hesitance; and we would be in a better position to help them. As long as we have self control; we would never make use of their vulnerability that arises out of such flirting.

Flirting helps us get closer to another person mentally; psychologically. The result, we would have made the other person cross the physical, mental, psychological barriers towards us. We should have enormous self control to steer the person coming to us then. We would have actually made them lose their self control; and they would approach us with tremendous pace. We should have the stamina - mental balance to harness their intensity and steer them. The pull of opposite sex then would gradually subside and they regain their balance; with the only difference that we would be considered as an integral part of their life. The actions are weighed by the almighty based on the intentions with which it was performed. Flirting is not bad. It is not mean stuff. Intentions must be ethical and abiding the sastraas. It is the mind - intentions that matter most; not actions. Remove the idea of sexual intercourse from flirting, the real sense shall surface with clarity. The greatest flirt of all times, Sree Krishna.


Mortal frame is meaningless. It’s the mind - one's conviction that matters. There were two Guys - brothers. On the eve of Vaikuntha Ekadasi, one wanted to visit temple and listen to the tales of Vishnu; the other wanted the company of a wench. Both went their way.

The one in the temple thought, he is a fool as his brother is enjoying, while he is wasting his time here. The other thought, his brother is much wise than him in securing merits. Both died. The one who went to brothel, went to Vaikuntam; the other in the temple went to hell.

Where ever we may be, in whatever situation; if we fix our thoughts intently on the divine, we shall be blessed for sure.


A lady is not mere daughter. A lady is related to the men folk in umpteen number of ways - mother, daughter, sister, cousin, friend, wife, ex-wife, fiancée, lover, girl friend, companion blah..blah..blah.. The most crucial of all these relationships is the mother, daughter, sister relationships that are naturally insulated from sexual overtone; nothing else is. The sexual pull is evident, natural and socially acceptable though need not compulsorily exist in every other relationships except the crucial three.

The physical appearance - body contours of a lady is the natural fundamental basis of sexual appeal to a man. Hence, the prime reason to demand basic dressing sense from a lady; that conceals her body contours much more than expected from a man. This is not curtailing freedom but expecting decorum and decency due to the natural selection of substratum of sexual appeal.

A lady demanding equal rights in conduct and similarity of expression with that of a man is stupidity; as it is against nature. The physical appearance of a lady demands attention and significance depending on the situation, profession and conduct. However, irrespective and in spite of situation and profession, the manner in which a lady conducts herself matters most.

The profound unchallenged natural vulnerability of women folk demands a greater sense of maturity, ethics and common sense in conduct. Ladies claiming similarity in actions with the men folk on every front as an indication of gender equality is an invalid and stupid argument. Only ladies have the privilege of giving birth to child; men unfortunately are incapable of doing so. LOL.

Nature has dictated men and women to complement the other and not supplement. Accepting this is common sense. I do not subscribe to feminism or for that matter chauvinism. Comparisons are invalid. Man and woman should complement the other and not supplement. Man and woman are not equals. Certainly not. Women are much more precious than men. So take care with maturity and common sense to stay safe. Ordinary stones are left in the open; precious stones are always locked up in safe.?

When a man commits a crime, or when he is ruined; only

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