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he is affected. When a woman gets affected, the entire family and society gets ruined. The singular man Bheeshm was ever insulted and disgraced by Dhiridharaashtra and Duryodhana many a time, every time. No calamity occurred. The war of Mahabharatha occurred as the lady - Draupadhi was insulted; that too just once in the cabinet of Dhiridharaashtra. SGR108

As long as we interact, we perceive duality - Dwaitham. Dwaitham indicates the existence of Paramaathma and Jiivaathma. Ordinary humans are the Jiivaathmas, and GOD is the Paramaathma.

Valentine's Day is recognising the love of Jiivaathma for the Paramaathma. May this day be filled with prayers and attitude of surrender to the almighty Paramaathma, that we may be blessed to get liberated from this Birth-Death cycle of events.

The Valentine of every human being is the Lord Almighty - the Paramaathma. When one gains the attitude of complete surrender to the Lord almighty, thoughts of performance gets eroded. So, no action and reaction. The thoughts of competing against fellowmen is nullified. So, no hatred, no malice, no ill feeling, no vengeance.

Life becomes beautiful and filled with love, when we interact with just the Lord almighty alone. Happy Valentine's Day, in this context. Sincere prayers are always answered. Who is my valentine? The Lord Almighty is my valentine.


The status quo of every other entity remaining the same; what if you wake up one fine morning to find out that you have become a person of the opposite gender?

Every kind of relationship that we maintain in this materialistic world is based on one's gender; except the Guru-Sishya relationship. Hence the superiority of the Guru-Sishya relationship over any other.

Even for a parent, though child; when daughter becomes son or vice versa, maintaining the relationship demands a different treatment. However, irrespective of the gender of the Guru and Sishya; A Guru is a Guru; and a Sishya is a Sishya. Gender is ever irrelevant. Hence superior.


An ordinary human being is one who is a victim of one's experience in life. A divine human being is one who has won over experience to adhere to truth and Justice.

When a person adheres to justice, righteousness, honesty, principles and truth irrespective of one's experience in life; one becomes divine.


Materialism is the myopia of human intellect. Real progress of a nation is only when the basic need of humans are met with ease and finesse - clean air, clear water, healthy food. Any amount of materialistic sophistication can never minimise human's dependence on air, water and food.

A profound manifestation of a person's stupidity is the public exhibition of one's affluence. The substratum of social evil is the prevalence of the economic divide among the people.


Sorrow or Joy is an illusion; result of attachment. Destiny is certain. Astute to be detached. Attachment is the result of desire. Desire is folly. Attachment is bêtise. We get offended due to our ego. Ego is the result of attachment. Insulting a person is a sin. We insult a person, when we get offended.

Everything in all the fourteen worlds is impermanent - respect - humiliation - joy - sorrow -  prosperity - destituteness - anything. Complete surrender to the Guru is the easiest route to achieve Bliss. When one succeeds in detaching oneself from the body, mind and intellect; Bliss.

The presence of intellect is to realise that everything is predetermined. Absolutely no free will. Peace and Bliss is in detachment. The human body is the costliest; one has to trade the maximum merits to obtain a human body; farce if we waste this birth in materialism. The ultimate purpose of human birth is to realise the self.

What is mine, should never leave me; what left me was never mine, but my imagination; I have to shed this body too one day; Who am I?


சுத்தம், எளிமை, சிக்கனம், ஆசையின்மை, பற்றின்மை, பொறாமையின்மை, பொருள் சேர்க்காமை, திருடாமை, சத்தியம், கஷ்டங்களை பொறுத்தல், க்ஷாந்தி, நிதானம், நிம்மதி, தயை, அன்பு, அருளுடைமை, தான-தர்ம சிந்தனை, பரோபகாரம், அன்னதானம், ஆனந்தம், மங்களம்.


Sexual desire is the most profound and intense to surpass for any person en route to bliss. Sexual desire can never be transcended by suppressing it. Even when the body becomes incapable due to any factor including old age; sexual desire continue to exist.

The substratum of sexual desire is identifying oneself with the body and the mind; hence attracted towards people of the opposite sex. Even if one transcends body; meaning realises that the "I" is not the body; however, as long as one possesses a mind of one's own; sexual desire can never be transcended.

Transcending duality is the only way to surpass sexual desire. The only way to transcend sexual desire is to surrender one's mind to GURU. The GURU alone can remove the ultimate veil of duality and bestow peace and bliss. Adwaitham. Adwaitham Aanandham.


A person commits to extremism thereby loses sense of proportion and ethical stature when one is desperate. The substratum of desperation is the belief in the thought that he/she is the performer! The thought that we perform is an illusion. Every activity is predetermined. So saying, if one murders another human being, then it shall be appropriate to console oneself that one's incarceration too is predetermined.

The point is every human being possess an inner voice that indicates us the ethical stature of our every activity; right at the time of our mind proposing it. The trouble begins when we try to ignore that inner voice with the false support of our intellectual arguments propelled by desperation! This is precisely the need for a GURU to guide us in the right path; else the victim of desperation under the clutches of the thought of performance is sure to be doomed.

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