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பரத்தை மறைத்தது பார்முதற் பூதம்;

பரத்தில் மறைந்தது பார்முதற் பூதம்!


கல்லை கண்டால் நாயை காணோம்;

நாயை கண்டால் கல்லை காணோம்!


மரத்தை மறைத்தது மாமத யானை;

மரத்தில் மறைந்தது மாமத யானை!


பொன்னை மறைத்தது பொன்னணி பூடணம்;

பொன்னில் மறைந்தது பொன்னணி பூடணம்!


தன்னை மறைத்தது தன்கரணங்களே;

தன்னில் மறைந்தது தன்கரணங்களே!


அகம் உணரபெற்றால் புறம் பொருட்டல்ல;

புறம் பொருட்டாயின் அகம் உணராயே!


The Veda is the source of the Universe. The Veda is unlimited and undivided. Ved Vyasa categorised the Veda into four – Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, Sama Veda and Atharvana Veda.

Each Veda has three segments – Samhita, Bhrahmanam and Aaranyakam.

Samhita is an organised part of the Veda that provides information on the focus and objective of the Veda.

Bhrahmanam focus on the practical application of the Veda to fulfil the objective as detailed in the samhita.

Aaranyakam focus on the contemplation of the focus and objective of the Veda based on the experience gained out of practice.

Upanishads are the ultimate of Aaranyakam; and the penultimate of Sanyasam.

Even the Veda belongs to either of the three psychological categories – Sathvam, Thamas and Rajas and its practical application radiates either of these three.

A spiritual aspirant must transcend all the three psychological categories; hence the Veda is also transcended at the dawn of Adwaitham.

Adwaitham Aanandham.


Any medium of communication; be it visual or aural; must nurture reticence and taciturnity. Inhibitions to vulgarity and raunchiness is an inevitable prerequisite that preserves humanity. A human being without inhibitions either in personal or professional life is an animal.

Implicitness and subtlety of expression retains the beauty of the content and context. If everything is explicitly expressed, beauty is lost. The reticence demonstrated by a girl shunning away from her hubby and blushing is beautiful. Imagine a girl, walking into her marriage bed and commanding the guy! LOL.


One must be very conscientious to ensure that the person that one is naturally does not conflict with the professional that one has become; else the result is catastrophe arising out of hypocrisy.

In the clash between the professional and the person that one is; the victor should always be the person for if the professional wins, then the result is a life full of deceit and pretence.

Much care must be taken to remain the person that we are naturally. There exists only a wafer thin line of demarcation between the person and the professional.

The professional may earn a lot of money; but it is the person who should be happy to live with that money. The person can and should never be ignored.


A product is a reflection of the kind of professional one is. The product and the professional are inseparably linked.

The argument that the product has no bearing on the kind of person and professional one is; is invalid. Escapist attitude.


Nature’s fury is an indication of Man’s digression from Truth and Righteousness.


Any art must reflect the society that it intends to represent and not lead it. Any society must be led by the Dharmic laws of the land.

An art must adhere to the moral and ethical values of the land. Even if it is the art form of a different region; modifications to weed out the conflicting aspects is deemed inevitable.


During weekends, or whenever I am free and in a good mood; accompanied by family and/or friends; I would go to the children's park in Guindy at 4PM; buy a pack of popcorn; sit in the bench and watch the elephant for at least an hour. It is absolute pleasure watching the elephant; a combined personification of beauty and divinity.

Then off to Besant Nagar; to the Ashtalakshmi temple and then to the Church; light the candle at 6PM sharp. The welcoming beaches; cool breeze, chill water, Bajjis, bondas and fresh drinking water; fun! The tummy full food at the dhabha opposite the beach at 8PM; then heading straight home; half asleep.

Last week I visited the temple and the church with a friend of mine. By the time I reached the church, the pastor/priest was giving away the bread crumb - "the body of Christ". People were in a queue accepting it. I too stood in the queue. Earlier I had visited the Ashtalakshmi temple and my forehead as usual had a mark of the tilak! When my turn came; the priest looked at me; said, "Body of Christ"; I said, "Amen"; he was perplexed!

He again repeated "Body of Christ"; I said again, "Amen"; only to the effect that his confusion increased. Both of us were standing face to face for a couple of seconds. It was when, a person behind me in the queue said, "Sir, You should not accept this." I politely said, "OK" and moved off with a smile.

This precisely is the crux of the problem. I am a human being just like the priest himself. Having spoken to my friend, Vishnu; If I am gonna call for Christ with faith and love; will Christ not respond to me? Will HE say "NO" to me?

Religious centers must radiate humanity. They should not separate people. GOD in any form is equally claimed by everyone. No need for religious conversion at any point of time.

If Jesus Christ is the GOD only for Christians; then Jesus Christ is not divine.

If Allah is the GOD only for Muslims, then Allah is not divine.

If Vishnu is the GOD only for Hindus, then Vishnu is not divine.

GOD must be claimed by anyone, everyone without any barriers. The religious traditions may be different. Never mind. Even traditional Hindus, Muslims and Christians are not completely aware of the customs and traditions of the religion that they claim to own!?!!

Religious centers must radiate love, compassion and forbearance. We are all children of the same GOD. I, like a small, innocent kid can pick HIM up in as many forms and names as I like; and every time I pick up a form, I choose the same GOD.

If I am a Hindu, My Vishnu will not be angry with me because I accepted the body and blood of Christ and/or the sweets from Allah.

If I am a Christian, My Jesus will not be angry with me because I accepted the sweets from Vishnu and/or Allah.

If I am a Muslim, My Allah will not be angry with me because I accepted GOD with a form - be it Jesus or Vishnu.


GOOD is GOD; GOD is in GOOD!!

GOD transcends GOOD!!!

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