» Essay » SG Ruminations Vol 2, Sabari Ganesh [best electronic book reader .TXT] 📗

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After all the news about the humanitarian activities of celebs and NGOs., wonder why there exist people who are still in need and suffer. Why are we not able to eradicate poverty, hunger, disease, worry and fear; when there are so many people trying their best?

When a pot has a hole at the bottom, any amount of water poured into it would eventually get drained off making our efforts futile. In spite of all the efforts these good people undertake to every kind of humanitarian activity, there is a hole underneath that is yet to be plugged. What could possibly be that hole which drains the efforts of all these good people and hence the number of needy and suffering increase.?

Hypocrisy is the hole that nullifies all good efforts. Progress and Peace in real sense can be achieved only when we become explicitly attuned with truth, justice, humility and discipline. Progress of any kind should necessarily be a positive measurement on the parameter - peace of mind; else mere hypocrisy.


Wish the water transport system is planned and executed in Chennai. Need of the hour. Optimisation of water bodies in Chennai is the demand of the situation.

I am against temple tanks getting converted to parks. Rain water inlets that open into lakes should be restored and protected. Preserving lakes shall ensure a stable ground water table. While restoring the rain water inlets, care to be taken that sewage water does not get diverted to lakes. management challenge.

Wish to hear news of the government creating new water bodies in addition to maintaining the existing ones. A fresh and new look at a business proposal connected to the water bodies of the city need to be worked out for its sustainability. Reinvent

Government should also have options to divert the abundant water flowing in rivers during monsoons to these lakes. Sheer professionalism in management. A whole revamp of the city's landscape should be planned and executed in stages., irrespective of the ruling party.


Brahmacharyaashramam does not refer to curtailing the outflow of the seminal fluid. It refers to a state of mind, which is not attracted to the opposite sex.

Even during sexual intercourse, the state of Brahmacharyam can be maintained if the mind is free from sexual attraction. It is when, the act of sexual intercourse is performed in a detached manner. Karma Yoga. Instance is found in the Mahabharatha.

Vichitraveerya is the son of Shantanu and Sathyavathi. Bheeshma performs the marriage of Vichitraveerya with Ambika and Ambalika - daughter of Raja of Kashi Vichitraveerya dies without raising progeny. This is where, Ved Vyasa comes to rescue.

Ved Vyasa is the son of Sathyavathi and Maharishi Parasara. So, Ved Vyasa is the brother of Vichitraveerya. Ved Vyasa is called Krishna Dwaibayana.

Dhiridharaashtra is the son of Ved Vyasa and Ambika. Pandu is the son of Ved Vyasa and Ambalika. Vidhura is the son of Ved Vyasa and the maid of Ambika.

There is also another insight in the above incident on the quality or traits of the child as determined by the mental state of the mother during intercourse and pregnancy.

Another instance of the mental state of the mother determining the child's nature is seen in the life story of Prahalaad. Impact of Narada narrating stories of Vishnu to wife of Raja Hiranyakashibu, while she was pregnant, makes Prahalaad devotee of Mahavishnu. Similarly, Abhimanyu was born well versed in all aspects of warfare except chakra vyuha due to Arjuna reciting them to pregnant Shubhadra.

A lady is revered in the most respectable position as mother. Reason is only because of her responsibility to anchor her thoughts throughout pregnancy on lofty ideals, that the progeny may be righteous.

Chastity of a woman is all powerful. It has the power even to turn the three major deities of the universe - Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma to kids and it is a reality.

Chastity of a woman - Loyal and revering only to her husband, grants her very easily the one-pointed concentration; that the Men would need to toil years together doing rigorous penance to achieve.

In ancient model of the society, women were encapsulated in their homes. It was not curtailing their freedom, rather respect accorded to them. Even now, in temples, we see the main deity encapsulated in the Sanctum Sanctorum. Only the peripheral deities are seen scattered around. ;-p

The state of mind matters most. Another instance.

Sage Durvasa was respected as the highest of all the sages. It is laid down in scriptures, that he who eats one time a day is a Yogi, twice - Bhogi, thrice - Rogi. Sage Durvasa would eat any amount of food any number of times in a day, if offered. But still regarded as the highest of all Yogis.

The point is before consuming food, he would say, "Krishnaarpanam" meaning "Offered to Krishna". So, it is Krishna who is eating the food, not Durvasa. So, In reality, Durvasa does not even consume the one time meal permitted a day; and this makes him eligible to be revered as the highest of all yogis.

The point is our mental conviction matters most. Faith is most important. All faith is blind. Faith evolves where reasoning fails; or rather, reasoning evolves to become faith. After which there is no reasoning. Faith is the best form of reasoning. In Sanskrit, it is called "Bhava".


GURU is necessary for any amount of spiritual progress. Complete faith and attitude of surrender are the foundation of spiritual development. One would get blessed with a GURU if one's search is true. No need to roam around visiting ashrams. Sincere prayers at home would do.

Prayer blooms out of complete faith. Prayer is surrendering ego to the Almighty. A strong and clear inner voice is the result of prayer. The strong and clear inner voice is the guiding light to the GURU. It is not the intellect that recognises the GURU rather the inner self.

The most difficult part for one is the GURU accepting us, and blessing us with DHEEKSHA. It forms the link between the GURU and SHISYA. When a person gets a GURU and DHEEKSHA., the search ENDS. What is needed then is just complete faith, surrender, endurance and patience.

குருவின் உண்மையான ஸ்வரூபம் அகண்டாகார தத்வம்.

Every person has got a GURU. Go in search of the GURU. Pray intently. Sincere prayers are always answered. No doubt. When I said, "Go in search of the GURU"., I do not mean physical roaming, rather intense prayer to a form of belief. Answer to every question is within us. Search within. Its where the treasure lies. Ask yourself., Do I trust HIM.

குரு கிடைத்துவிட்டால், தெய்வம் கூட தேவை இல்லை. இது சத்தியம்.

Everything in this universe is predetermined. I am able to see the hand of the supreme self in every activity. Freewill is absurd and stupid. There is absolutely no free will.


மானுட வாழ்வின் லட்சியம், குருவை அடைவதே. ஒவ்வொரு மனிதருக்கும் குரு உண்டு. சத்குரு, பரமகுரு, ஜகத்குரு. குருவின் பாதத்தில் தான் ஆனந்தம் சித்திக்கும். சந்தோசம்-துக்கம் இவைகளை கடந்தால் ஆனந்தம். அத்வைதம் ஆனந்தம்.

காதற்ற ஊசியும் வாராது காணும் கடைவழிக்கே. குருவை சரண் அடைவதை தவிர வேறு உபாயம் இல்லை. ஆனந்தம் குருவின் பாதத்தில்.

யானைக்கு தும்பிக்கை எப்படியோ; அப்படியே மனிதருக்கு நம்பிக்கை. குருவிடம் சிஷ்யன் பரிபூரண நம்பிக்கையுடன் சரண் அடைந்தால் ஆனந்தம் நிச்சயம். நம்பிக்கையே சகலமும்.

ஆசாரியர் ஒரு நியதி வழி நடப்பவர். குரு எல்லா கட்டுப்பாடுகளுக்கும் அப்பாற்பட்டவர். குருவும் சிஷ்யனும் இணைபிரியாத தம்பதி போன்றவர்கள். ஐக்கிய நிலைக்கு முன்னேறுபவர்கள். குருவும் சிஷ்யனும் பரஸ்பர சம்பந்தத்தால் ஒன்று பட்டு நிலைக்கின்றனர்.


I like the term "Birthday Dress" that we colloquially use to refer a naked human body. This body is a "Dress" that we wore on the day of our birth. So, we are different from our body. We are not the body. Nice, Beautiful and Factual Inference.

English is a beautiful language. "My head is paining.", meaning I am not my head; " My body is paining", meaning I am not my body.?

I and the body are two distinct entities.

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