» Essay » SG Ruminations Vol 2, Sabari Ganesh [best electronic book reader .TXT] 📗

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Nothing in all the fourteen worlds is permanent. Everything is predetermined. There is no free will. Destiny is certain. Fighting against destiny is foolishness in action.

Kamsa knew his destiny; so did Parikshit. Their attitude towards destiny made all the difference. Kamsa fought against his destiny and committed innumerable errors and hence remains condemned by everyone even today.

Parikshit accepted his destiny with humility and hence gained the blessings of Maharishi Sukhar. Detachment to the fruit of one's actions is the key to eternal peace.


Death is just a beginning. As long as we die, we have to take birth again. We are born because, we have died some time ago. The only way to surpass this cycle of birth and death is to not die. One must shed this body with complete awareness.

Everyone of us are imprisoned. We are all prisoners. We are imprisoned in this body. We are tied and our freedom curtailed by chains of relations and emotions. The only way to freedom is to surrender one's mind to a GURU. The essence of spirituality is humility.


The success of the super-hero concept and its related thoughts and movies, staggers me. The success of such movies is an indication of our earnest pursuit to claim power and authority. The aspiration in most of us to show-off our supremacy over fellow beings is the trigger. The irony lies in our losing our subtlety.

We are losing our capabilities to grasp the subtle aspects of life; moving towards superficial gross display of power and authority. When we hail the super-hero concept, though everyone wants good to win; the black hole that engulfs one's merit is the loss of humility to the thought of performance and hence ego.

There were days when we grew up listening to puranic tales; wherein everyone were mere common men; and it can be only GOD that can save everyone else from evil. The best act of every common man then was to pray earnestly to GOD accepting his limitations with humility. When humility arises empathy accompanies. Empathy and humility gives birth to respect and love.

Humility and Empathy maketh a man - HE-MAN. But when we say HE-MAN, what we perceive is gross physical power; and here lies the irony in spite of his depiction to be good - The Black Hole. This is the case with every super-hero concept. So very deceptive they are. Always..

I perceive all these super-hero concepts and ideas as the manifestation of the Kali Yuga. Let us all try not to be super-heroes but normal human beings with every effort to be good and humble.

The world is in need of honest, good and normal human beings with limitations on the gross front. One's limitations on the gross front is the essence of humility. These limitations are actually blessing in disguise, quite opposite to the super-hero ideas which are a curse in disguise.

It is vivid that the super-hero ideas and concepts are imaginary; but our aspirations for power, authority over humility and empathy are real. Bitter Truth. Super hero concepts and ideas are mere reflections of our choice for power and authority over humility and empathy.


Of all the relationships entertained by human beings, the Guru-Sishya relationship is the most revered. The complete surrender of the Sishya to one's Guru, dissolving oneself completely in the Guru; reciprocated by the blessings of the Guru; thereby uniting as one entity though two forms is the reason.

In the traditional Hindu value system, every married lady is expected to revere her husband as Guru. This is precisely the reason for the chastity of a lady been given much significance. When a person, the Sishya dissolves completely in the Guru with blind faith and total surrender, there remains no need for words to communicate.

Having accepted a person as one's Guru, one should never falter in faith or seek another whatever may be the reason; even if it is a fact that the person revered as Guru is a cheat. In which case, the solution is to end the physical proximity; but still revere that form and name, with the same amount of faith and surrender. If done so; the blessings that should have come from the Guru would reach us from the universal singleton.


Ego of man rests on "I" and "Mine". GOD laughs whenever man utters, "I" and "Mine". We are mere puppets in the hands of GOD. No puppet has free will. Everything is predetermined. Accepting this fact is applied intelligence.

When one accepts that everything is predetermined, one stops reacting. We get detached from the thought of performance and the results arising thereof. Come whatever, the mind is ever stable and at peace. When the mind is calm and serene; it begins to dissolve and disappear.

Success in life is characterised by the degree of humility that one has been able to gain in life. Humility makes us expansive thereby minimising the ebb and tide of the mind. Humility bestows simplicity. Simplicity allows us to look at the psychological substratum of life.

The psychological substratum of life is its inherent impermanency. Mirage. Anything that has a beginning should certainly face its end; meaning it is enclosed by the factor time and space. Even time and space is dynamic; ever-changing; hence an unchanging substratum is essential?. Man alone has this ability to reason and analyse. The real self transcends time and space. Who am I?


Losing to our contestant is enjoyable, when we remain encapsulated in love, empathy and respect.

Competition is a mirage. Nobody competes with anyone. The thought of competing with a fellow person is illusion and self-deceit.

The rise of thoughts on competing with a fellow person effectively misplaces our focus from the task to the so called competitor.


Fear and love can never coexist. Where there is love, fear is just impossible. When fear creeps in, love begins to wane. GOD is omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient; but it happens to be the first entity to get bashed by us in the event of any misfortune or adversity that we face. The reason is the love that we have developed towards GOD, that effectively removes every element of fear arising out of its omnipotence.

Can anyone claim the same amount of fearlessness towards any other entity minus the love factor? Impossible. So, every person can fathom out the life of love in their relationships. If you are afraid of me, You do not love me; If you love me, there is no logical reason for you to be afraid of me. Simple.


Lighting clay lamps in puja room is more sensible than brass or silver lamps. Clay lamps in puja room signifies humility. Humility is the only quality that would beget us the grace of GOD. Surrendering our mind

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