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be submissive even on the face of intense turmoil. Sandeepika. Prahalaad.

Sandeepika and Prahalaad were adored. Vishwamitra was continuously kept in check by Vashishta; for lack of humility and endurance.  Essence of spirituality is humility. Humility; grants endurance; grants patience; grants detachment; grants realisation of impermanency; grants stability of mind; grants peace.


Everything in this world is predetermined - The essential message of puraana kathaas in Hinduism.

The killing of Raavana and Kumbhakarna in the hands of Raama is predetermined by the curse of Brahma's psychic sons to Jayan and Vijayan. The killing of Kamsa and Sishupaala in the hands of Krishna was in fact intimated to them at their early stages of their life.

Everything is predetermined. The essential message from the puraana kathaas of Hinduism. Free will absolutely do not exist. However, it does not mean, one should sit idle and keep quiet; but try to understand that everything is predetermined; hence duties must be performed with a mind detached to the results of so called one's actions. The practical reality is, no one can remain inactive at any point of life; for even breathing is an activity!

When actions are performed with a detached mind, selfish pursuits gets rooted out and hence our every action results in the betterment of society. Our betterment in real sense shall be possible only with the betterment of society. Imbibing this quality is the elemental ingredient to remove social evils.


The crux of an organisation are the mid level process oriented Managers. Their sync with the top management on one side and the work force on the other end is the critical element of employee engagement. A well defined and focused mid level managers is the solution to instil and enhance employee engagement in companies.


Resume is no story about the candidate; rather a document that highlights only the necessary skills that match the requirements of the job.

The objective of a Resume is to gain an interview. Key words that highlight skills desired by the management is critical.


Sarasvathi Puja - Revering the Goddess of Education.

Real purpose of education is development of intellect to effectively differentiate between good and evil; and practice good; come whatever. The irony of today's education is such that those who are well educated are found to be the most corrupt in the best possible manner.

Today's education has resulted in identifying itself with the ability of a person to be unethical and still be respected in the society. Downfall of human race is characterised by deteriorating values despite rise in educated people.

Material prosperity was and is never a reflection of human progress. Today, In spite of all material progress, a human being needs money even for the basic supplies that sustain life - Water and Food. Pathetic. The day isn't far when we would need money even to breathe to live. Would anyone dare to call this progress? Our forefathers had all these free.

If we claim to be intellectually strong, we should ensure that the most basic elements to sustain life are available to everyone free. Real progress. Unfortunately today, we are forced to pay even for those that our forefathers enjoyed free of cost; that too in abundance. Progress? eh. May the Goddess of intellect shower upon us the blessing of intellectual development that aptly identifies real progress.

When we compare our forefathers with us, we seem to be more educated and intelligent. Reality is, they lived a more peaceful and secure life than us. Sarasvathi is identified in white - Purity in every sense. Today's education is identified with one's ability to cheat and still claim respect.


Educational Institutions must transform from offering degrees and diplomas to professional training center catering to companies requirements. A professional course, in reality, is one which prepares and trains its participants to be industry ready even from the first day of employment. Even better for a professional course to demand respect is when it builds entrepreneurship abilities in its participants.


Blessings from the Almighty is a reciprocal of our sincere prayers. Temples are just boosters of our individual spiritual energy. I remember a phrase, get born in a temple; but never die in a temple. It means transcend the state of visiting temples for spiritual upliftment. The result is, we would get to see GOD everywhere; not just in idols. But, even guys who visit temples, don't see GOD but just idols. They are more interested in display of their social status and Luxury. Cheap Stuff.


When one is elated by the receipt of public attention, craze, fan-following and resultant monetary benefits; must also shoulder additional responsibility to remain socially acceptable even in one's own personal and professional life; irrespective of one's own beliefs.
When, even a single person begins to listen to us, watch us, imitate us; our responsibility increases to an extent that we should remain careful enough not to provoke or propel others into activities that contradict the cultural and traditional values of the land; even if our personal ideas conflict.

My body, my attire, my style, my beliefs, my ideas, my activities, blah..blah..blah.. are just mine and my rights only as long as I remain secluded in isolation. The moment I step out in the open; it is imperative that I shoulder additional responsibility to adhere to the traditional, cultural and social norms of the land. Its called decency and etiquette!


The only route to eternal peace and bliss is to surpass duality. Adwaitham. The state of Adwaitham cannot be attained by any amount of human effort. It has to happen all by itself. When we are able to see the hand of almighty in every activity of the universe, we get to understand that there is no free will.

Everything is predetermined. Everything is a game played by the Almighty. Absolutely no free will. It is when sense of performance loses ground. Resultant is that, we become a mere witness to the Game played by the Almighty.

We remain unperturbed by the profit and loss calculation of the material world. When we transcend the state of performance, we disown

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