» Pets » Buffy Town, Evelyn Palmer [ready player one ebook txt] 📗

Book online «Buffy Town, Evelyn Palmer [ready player one ebook txt] 📗». Author Evelyn Palmer

Buffy Town

One day I got a call,and it
was my brother,and he wanted
to know if I wanted a dog.
I said yes I would enjoy
a dog.

I told him it would
have to be a small
dog,cause I could
only have small dogs.
He said it was a small

He also said that
it was a she,and
she was being abused
,and she was hit by
a icecream truck.

She took to me right
away. her name is Buffy
,and she is doing good now.

I movied to a bigger place
,and she turn her life
around. Buffy is like
a kid,she plays with toys
,and she has to be dressed.

Buffy dosen`t like going
outside with out being
dress. Buffy also loves
adults and childern.

Buffy also loves pillows
,and blankets.
She dose love to play.

I`m glad I have her
,and I`m glad my brother
got her for me.
I couldn`t live
with out her now.

I take good care of my dog.
I hope everyone else will too.
They are one of a kind.

So enjoy your pets.



Text: evelyn palmer
Images: buffy
Publication Date: 01-20-2012

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