» Pets » The Death of A Beloved Daughter, Forest Ostrander [top 100 novels TXT] 📗

Book online «The Death of A Beloved Daughter, Forest Ostrander [top 100 novels TXT] 📗». Author Forest Ostrander

The Poem

You left me behind after being realesed from your pain,
A pain I now wish never happened,
You left me standing here with your picture in one hand,
And your collor in the other with tears dripping to the ground,
My heart yerns to follow you,
But my soul knows I can't go,
So I guess this is farewell then,
At least until it's my time,
But as I stand here over your grave,
Crying until the tears run dry and I go to sleep,
I feel your preasence next to me,
Brushing againt my leg,
Then a soft gentle toung giving me my last goodbye kiss,
Then nothing when you're gone,
I cry even more for your leaving,
But I knew I needed to let you go,
Your pain was too much for you to bear,
And your death was to much for me,
Now I cry alone, even though the tears are never seen,
Our family says I should just forget you,
But they don't know a mothers love,
So as I go on in life,
I always weep foy your loss,
These tears never seem to stop falling,
Even long after your time,
I guess that means my heart is still acking,
Acking for your return,
But I know you are gone forever,
And I know your soul is in a better place,
So hear my last call to you,
saying "I love you, I love you,"
Now go be free my beloved daughter,
Run 'till your hearts content,
But never forget me down here,
Waiting for my time.

The Day I First Got Her

The day I first got Bullet, I do bealieve I was 5 years old. She was just a puppy then and I fell in love with her the moment I laid my eyes on her. Grandpa got her for free from a friends house for doing a job there for them and in return recieved a beautiful Germenshepherd puppy. Grandpa named her Buller after out dog Bullet #1 who was also a Germenshepherd dog that allowed me to use him as a pillow when I went to take naps. When grandpa brought her home, he had to give her a bath because she stunk to high heavens from rolling in something, I forgot what, but it smelled horrible. When Bullet was clean and dry, grandpa allowed me to play with her which was fun, she always enjoyed chasing me around. We bought her a choker coller for her (which I now wear to this day) so that she doesn't run away, and she loved it. I had grandma on christmas get her a toy for her to play with and the moment when she met our horses for the first time was funny, she was scared but at the same time curiouse, so she was fighting between two feelings of wanting to go see them but also wanting to run away from them. I knew this was good for her for she needed to get used to the horses being around sence she will be going up to the barn a lot with grandpa to feed them morning and night. I did everything with Bullet, she was such a cutie.


Publication Date: 10-23-2010

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