» Pets » Lemony, michael raphael [best large ebook reader .txt] 📗

Book online «Lemony, michael raphael [best large ebook reader .txt] 📗». Author michael raphael

Ben was a nice kid who love to help out around house .
He also would hand in his homework on time but the one thing he didn't have was a friend . He wish he had one then one day Ben's mom give him a gift from out of the blue it was a baby bird. Ben ask his mom what is it name she said that up to you . Ben named the bird Lemony because it was a yellow bird. Ben love his pet bird and Lemony and Ben would play game together like bingo and scrabble . Ben now was happy because he now has a friend and it name is Lemony . Lemony love play games with Ben and Ben has more friend now because he now know what friendship mean thank to Lemony the end.


Publication Date: 07-17-2009

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to my mom and friends

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