» Pets » How My Cat Regained Her Appetite, Roxanne Regalado [i love reading .txt] 📗

Book online «How My Cat Regained Her Appetite, Roxanne Regalado [i love reading .txt] 📗». Author Roxanne Regalado

My cat named Chubby was sick

Chubby Wobby is the kitten of my cat named Mingming Jr who is also a kitten of Mingming, a cat that I rescued. Chubby Wobby used to very healthy and chubby hence I named her Chubby Wobby or Chubby for short. But then she suddenly got sick, very weak and stopped eating. I think it's safe to say that she's near death. She is a member of a wonderful social media site for pets. We noticed along with Auntie Marta, the owner of United Pets and other members of United Pets that Chubby has a big tummy. I blogged in that Chubby was sick and stopped eating and so Auntie Marta and the members of United Pets suggested that I bring Chubby to the vet and get her dewormed. 

So I decided to bring her to the City Veterinarian's Office. I put a harness on her and put her in her pet carrier and then we went to the vet. The city veterinarian is named Dr. Rabang and he is warm and friendly. He instructed his aid to inject Chubby with antibiotic, vitamins and dewormer but it wasn't all done on the same day as I forgot about the dewormer. Dr. Rabang told me to observe how Chubby is doing and if she's still weak and still not eating, I would need to come back for more shots. 

I thanked Dr. Rabang and went home. For the next couple of days, Chubby was eating a little but still a bit weak. So we went back and had her injected again. There services are free at the City Veterinarian's Office but I gave money for donation for the people working there at there. Then after Chubby got injected, we thanked the vet and his aid and went back home. 

Chubby's recovery

 A few days later Chubby's appetite came back and she's eating normally again. Her strength came back too. I called Dr. Rabang but spoke to his assistant instead and told him that Chubby is now doing fine and we didn't need to go there for more shots. I thanked him again for everything. 

I was so happy that Chubby's appetite and strength is back. She is interested in food again and almost ran when it's time to feed her. I feel very grateful. I hope people who love cats can learn from my story because as a cat lover I know that there are really times when a cat loses it's appetite. There are many causes why but what is important is that the cat must be brought to the vet and treated as soon as possible. 

There are also a lot of articles in the internet that can help you if your cat is not eating but what's important is that your cat will be checked up by the veterinarian as soon as possible. As for my cat Chubby, I'm really thankful to Dr. Rabang, our city veterinarian for saving her life. It's important to not lose hope and never give up if your cat loses it's appetite. I'm also thakful for the support given to me by my friends in


Publication Date: 02-08-2018

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