» Philosophy » Life Matters, E.C.Nemeth [robert munsch read aloud .TXT] 📗

Book online «Life Matters, E.C.Nemeth [robert munsch read aloud .TXT] 📗». Author E.C.Nemeth

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This book begins where the previous book ended.
The previous book, All Just Is, was concerned with the act of creation and its immediate intellectual repercussions. The protoverse is the term coined to refer to the space where the created elements were assembled. The manifestation and assembly of those created elements is called the creation sequence.
The meaning of the phrase creation sequence is the foundation of this model. The first word implies a Creator. The second word infers movement. Together the phrase refers to Divine Intention, which is God’s word made flesh. This model is based upon that principle: that God exists and is first cause - All just is.
That is the first intellectual threshold.
For creation to proceed there must be change. There must be something then something new, something else. So at the very least there must be local inequities present where the thing that is can be segregated from the thing that is not. This is crucial: there must be a space provided that supports any and all possible relativistic differences. This space, this container, must be created first. Only after that can anything manifest within it. That space is the universal manifold and it functions according to the concepts of unity, plurality and singularity.
What consequently manifests within the universal manifold is governed by the concepts of time, energy and matter. Those three concepts represent the spectrum of possible local inequities or relativistic differences. The primary idea here is that all things are relative.
At this level of understanding we can see that there is a Creator, a container and the contained. Or to put it into contemporary language we have God, the universe and all manifest phenomena. Notice, though, that the universe and the manifest phenomena are intimately linked. The universe is there specifically for the possibility of the manifestation of phenomena; wherever something exists or could exist the universe is there to allow it or the possibility of it to be.
It is very much like the waves in the ocean. Consider the ocean to be the universal manifold and the waves to be the manifestations. All the surface turmoil is the local inequities or relative differences that are in constant flux. The waves come and go but the ocean always remains. Not only that but the ocean is all there is because in fact there are no absolute differences present at all, since the individual waves are finite and local. In other words, there is only one thing.
Now it is perhaps easier to see that since there is only one thing, that thing must be God. This is so because that had already been established previously. But since we are contemplating the idea of the universe when there can be only God means that our present perception of the universe is an illusion.
God is ‘all there is and all there is not’ because God is first cause and absolute. This is the same as saying that there can be nothing more than infinity.
That is the second intellectual threshold.
The apparent discrepancy between this truth and our perceptions reveals the mechanism of the lie. Awareness and understanding are linked and shape our perceptions. We see what we know and we know it is real; we have faith in what we believe. In other words, we create our reality.
We create our own reality with faith based on what we believe in and what we believe is always reflected in our actions. For most, it is common practice to act contrary to what they profess to believe. This counter-productive behavior is the illusion laid bare. It is the way the illusion is perpetuated.
The truth, however, continues to exist regardless of the allure of the illusion. The truth is we are aware and so there is something created, something new. And that something must be God so we are God.
We are God in motion.
The above refers to the fundamental momentum that seems to propel the universe through time and from present to present. The funmoment, shortened form of fundamental momentum, is an intrinsic aspect of the universe and it facilitates the fulfillment of Divine Intention.
That is the third intellectual threshold.
The first book provided the foundation to a new understanding based on three principles:
All just is. The universe is an illusion. We are God in motion.
This book will expand on those principles by focusing on the only thing that matters:
Life. Chapter One
memory, the secret, time, the fork in the road
To see or not to see
Our memories remember experiences from the past quite skillfully. Yet there is no reason why our memories could not be used to remember the present or the future just as deftly. Or it could easily remember our experiences as if we were the thing experienced. Why don’t these words seem to make sense? What makes them so irrefutably impossible?
There are certain prejudices that are learned early on, false beliefs that built up as we matured.
So, for a moment, let us suspend those beliefs. Let us not judge but only listen and truly hear.
If there was nothing in the multi-verse and no multi-verse itself, there would be no thought, no word and no deed. That would be the end of the story. In fact, there would be no story.
Since there is at least your thoughts, everything else exists. And the story is infinite.
You are the source from which all realities emerge. You have access to infinite comprehension. Far beyond understanding, you can tap infinite potentials of information. You know.
Creation continues unending, for how can that which has no beginning have an end?
The impetus to create, to extend, is innate. It is intrinsic to all life. Life grows. All life is one. Life is an aspect of That Which Is. So life cannot die, being all there is.
And you are life. You are the sum total of everything - As is all life.
All is All There Is and All There Is Not.
Duality is means for justification of the obvious. For what is one extreme without its opposite? Its existence relies on the simultaneous action of denial and implication of its opposite. It requires it’s counter-part. This absurdity results in the cancellation of meaning in terms of context and reduces existence to a mere concept. From this state of conflict arises the need, the drive, to unify. Unification is the natural inclination of duality.
The birth of concepts leads back to All. For concepts are always dualistic and pseudo-contexts are just expanded concepts. There is only one context, in truth.
That context is: All Just Is.
Taken out of context
The Chart seems too complicated and its meaning is lost among the many words.
Yet the words themselves are only concepts. It is the context which should be focused on. That is simple. That context is The Creator. No name is given, just All. The Source is, was and forever will be. All Just Is.
Rationality is the means to focus the attention in a certain direction at the exclusion of all other possible directions. Its purpose is to separate and keep apart. This is the intellect.
The emotions sum up a state of being. But since the nature of the being itself is misunderstood the state is experienced as constantly changing. Feelings come and go, only to be replaced by still other feelings. Emotions are feelings that have been interpreted by the intellect and exhibit properties closer to those of the intellect than of feelings. Even so, emotions are like a bridge between the intellect and feelings.
You think, therefore you are. This is the premise of our contemporary society. Feelings are suspect at best. Emotions are at least tolerated, since they have been analyzed and categorized by the intellect.
From your present perspective it would be more accurate to state that: You feel, therefore you are. In fact, intellect and feelings are complementary methods of experience. They are meant to be used together in a fusion of equals, not as one riding atop the other. The intellect is not the leader, nor are your feelings. They are equal members of the board while the CEO directs the focus of both. The CEO, in this example, is the Source, All.
Feelings are no more unpredictable than the intellect, nor any more or less accurate at portraying the present moment. In fact you are that point where your feelings and intellect intersect. That is your sense of being, you're "I am". You deny the knowledge of self by subjugating your feelings to the intellect. For what you are is in conflict with what your intellect alone thinks you are.
Context is the realm of feelings, concepts are of the intellect. Feelings put together what the intellect takes apart and the intellect takes apart what feelings put together. Context and concept. The Creator and the created. Each in the other.
The Context supersedes all concepts. Concepts are like “what if’s” and context is the “what is”. But in a world ruled by intellect concepts become contextual in that the amount of information available outstrips the ability of the intellect to hold in the present moment. So giant chunks of information are transformed into rigid constructs, labeled and given a symbol to represent the ponderous and unwieldy facts within them. But the intellect continues to separate and distinguish this from that. More facts accumulate and more symbols are made to contain them. In this way the intellect makes contextual what is only a conglomeration of concepts. All symbols are pseudo-contexts. They are not “what is”, they are only “what if’s” made to look like “what is”.
The true recognition of feelings and their proper placement and role in subjective experience would allow for the reconciliation of the self with itself. In other words, you can know yourself with certainty if feelings and intellect were allowed to act in unison as complementary ways to experience the unique qualities of selfhood.
The Chart only attempts to depict what the intellect has so far unraveled. It is not a representation of absolute or objective reality but of subjective reality. It is a map showing the way home and where we are in relation to that place, that state. For if we knew where home was we would no longer be lost.
The Chart seems complex because our world seems to have become too complicated. We seem to be confused and unsure. We seem to be lost.
But things are not as they seem.
I’m not crazy, the whole world is
What is believed is experienced in life. The intellect ensures this and polices all experience with its beliefs in mind. For the intellect not only separates and keeps apart but it filters all experiences according to preset parameters as well. The intellect ignores experiences not in line with its beliefs and focuses attention toward belief-supporting events. In this way certain sense data can become totally invisible because awareness is constantly turned away from that type of experience.
To be closed off from your Creator is to be dead. And that is quite evidently not the case. The Source is always there to support your cause, and your effect. It is only that your attention is elsewhere and so you don't see it. Since it is not witnessed it cannot reinforce the certainty of its existence. Yet it is still so. The truth doesn’t need your belief in it to be true, but you need to believe in it to know the truth about yourself.

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