» Philosophy » Life Matters, E.C.Nemeth [robert munsch read aloud .TXT] 📗

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to be part of the viewer’s, or listener’s, or reader’s own worldview.
It is this training, this form of mind control, that keeps the individual from seeing the real world. The conditioning is continually reinforced by the information networks so that individuals in society assume the version of reality that those in control wish them to have. Each individual then imparts this understanding to others, and they back to the individual, in a constant give and take that acts as an update and dissemination of official information. It is this on-going interchange that locks the individual into a certain range or frequency of perception.
This work does not touch upon conspiracy theories beyond the ego and its contrivances. That is conspiracy enough to unravel. Even the most discerning individual must employ the mindset of the society at large to some extent at least, in order to simply be understood, for example. This induces a bias in perception. This bias cannot be easily overcome. Instead, it takes a great deal of focus to compensate for a known bias, like learning a second language, to expound on the example above. And there are many biases, mostly unrecognized by the individual.
The ego not only sees what it wants to see but creates experience as it wants the experience to be. Also, what the ego wants and what the individual wants is never the same, although it might seem as though it is. In some way, or in many ways, the ego always conspires to undermine the individual and keep the truth hidden from view.
This conspiracy has two sides to it, however, for the individual must first acquiesce before the ego can act, or even exist for that matter. The individual must willingly give control to the ego and the individual does - by misidentifying with it! The individual gives the ego the authority to act by believing the ego is the individual. Thus the will of The One becomes two...
From this position the self is mirrored by the outside world, unrecognized and unknown. The individual seems to be this little self that is utterly inconsequential compared to the infinite vastness of the cosmos. It is here that the first bias starts, for there is pain when one is small - and suffering- and death. And the not knowing part is downright fearful. The not knowing what is really going on, if anything, is really scary because it means things are “out of control”. These feelings, these thoughts, nag at the little self and cause a certain restlessness, an agitation, a fidget. This uncomfortable, irritating twitch of an itch can’t be scratched, however. It’s not even to be noticed, other reasons are made up to substitute for the barb of a notion that won’t come out, won’t stop moving inward. But the reasons are never big enough or deft enough to remove the barb, or to stop its progress inward. For if one looks far enough within, that one will see the magnificence of the self, in all its glory while the little self would vanish like a daydream now over. Yet the individual would still be there, exposed as the heir of eternity and all realities: The One, The Begotten.
That, is the two sides of All.
To do or not to do
The individual exists, that is reality. Whatever life situation or event the individual finds themselves in is entirely up to the individual. The life to be lived was chosen in a state far more aware and in tune with truth than the human form they are now in, here on earth. The question of "Why" will be left for later chapters. The salient point to be grasped is that life is a staged event, produced and directed by the individual.
To "be" is an absolute truth, gifted by the Creator to the Created. To "do" is the game the individual plays at. The individual need "do" nothing to continue to "be". To "do" is a statement of not knowing, for only the ignorant do not know they need "do" nothing. To "do" is not synonymous with living. Life is God's gift, the individual does not need to add anything to it. They don't need to eat, eliminate, sleep, reproduce, work, play or anything else for life to continue. However, without "doing" there is no experience. And it must always be kept in mind that life is not the body or the rational human mind or any of the other forms we term to be alive. This will be clarified in later chapters.
Probabilities swirl round our heads constantly. They weave their way through our lives and stand ready to be used in all the calculations and permutations required for any experience to manifest. The paradox is the sum of all probabilities of anything and everything combined. That is why the paradox can be seen as the Created, as the created truly is. The created is the sum of all possible probabilities of anything and everything combined. That is why the prophecies speak so often of the One creation. God created all of creation at once, together and complete, because God used all of Godhood in its creation. God held nothing back; not one tiny secret wisp of godhood was withheld from God's creation. The reason for this is simple: it is God Who wants to experience. That is the function of creation: to experience Godhood.
Seeing the body as the primary unit of reality constricts the individual's range of experience, not to mention that it is not true. In a way, we can be seen as cells, along with everything else manifest and unmanifest, in the body of God. From this viewpoint the grandest possible realities can be experienced. But we are tuned into a small range of frequencies that severely limits our experience. Grand realities are not had here, only dire dramas of a primarily unconscious nature. We see ourselves as helpless, with an inevitable death awaiting us at the end of a puny, pitiful existence. And we are convinced of the obvious truth of that assessment about our plight.
To deny What Is, to be absolutely convinced that What Is seems to be other than what it is, does not change What Is one whit. It's much like the quandary involving the quantum. It is often stated that things seem to work "counter-intuitively" at the sub-atomic level. Without getting technical then, the quantum defies the smooth, linear logic of the macroscopic world. What is actually being encountered at the level of the very small is the inviolate nature of consciousness itself and its natural tendency toward unity. The quantum represents the very units of consciousness that undergird, support and sustain the entire universe. No amount of manipulation can unravel or untangle the probability matrix of the quantum. Its existence is inviolate because they are projections of energies from other dimensions into our own. They cannot be effected here because they are the cause in this reality. In the same way, What Is, reality, The Truth, whatever the universe is called, cannot be changed or altered because that is What Is.
To do is to have forgotten the truth that to be requires no doing of any kind. In such a state, doing is experienced as necessary, involuntary and largely beyond the ability of the individual to control or predict. From the viewpoint of a whimsical universe, certain phenomena will be encountered that run counter to expected behavior. This "counter-intuitive" principle then, can be employed to point out those areas that can illuminate the nature of reality as it truly is and not as we think it to be.
Gotta be cruel to be kind
We are all like the story of the ugly duckling. As we grew up we were called ugly and labeled misfits. We weren't popular, we never got the perks of the beautiful and the privileged. Worse, we believed what others were saying about us; we became convinced those others were right about us. Yet, the ugly duckling was only ugly in terms of being a duck. In fact, in truth, the ugly duckling was a beautiful and majestic swan. The ugly duckling was shunned. Reborn in the company of its own kind the ugly duckling was welcomed and appreciated, wanted and loved.
Some will have no idea of the deeper significance of this myth. The majority will deny they understand. A relative few will catch the meaning, will grasp its greater implications. For those few the doors will open and knowing will envelope them. The universe bends towards those few gifting their faith in truth with all things good. Still, those few must remember they are majestic swans, not ugly ducklings. It is in this context that the gifting occurs. The ugly duckling scorns what to the beautiful swan is tremendous good fortune. For as long as the individual imagines they are the duck the universe continues to teach them of their true swanhood. And the false image is difficult to maintain in a climate, in a universe, where the unveiling of truth is the order of the day. It causes stress, chaos and uncertainty. This must be hidden and denied, which only causes more stress...and so on.
Add to this understanding the idea that what we are is powerful creators of experience and the myth begins to be seen in its true light. If the swan wishes to believe it is the duck then so it will seem to be. The swan will see its reflection as that of the duck and will interpret its experiences as if it really was the duck. It will live and die the life of the duck. Since the swan is not a duck it will experience events that will not fit in with its belief that it is a duck. These are the experiences that accumulate in the unconscious, in the psyche of the individual and nag at the periphery of their awareness, unrecognized and only half remembered but easily ignored if necessary. If one identifies its nature with a specific form its very existence is threatened if that form shows evidence of losing its cohesiveness. The cohesiveness is the normal flow of everyday evidence that is expected and accepted as proof that the individual is correct in its identification with a specific form. When this cohesiveness is threatened, then, the individual dumps the bulk of the details of the event into the subconscious. In other words, the individual pretends to forget about the event in terms of it having been odd in some fundamental way. But these events accumulate and cause a certain counter-reaction. Their existence cannot be undone - they are as much as the individual is. And so the individual finds it necessary to completely deny the existence of ever larger segments of reality in favor of the tiny insignificant specific form it has grown accustomed to identifying with.
We are pushing everything outside of ourselves. We are lost in the defining of what we are not. We are obsessed with the naming of things for things are what we are not. We can continue to ignore the obvious by so occupying our minds. We are lost in insignificance amongst the teaming multitude of phenomena. We are truly helpless and without direction or purpose, separated from our Source. We are disappearing and becoming like insubstantial ghosts, with but tenuous hold on causality. Ultimately, we will dissolve, evaporate and cease to be: convinced we were the illusion all along. A dreary conclusion to a dire, pitiful and puny existence.
Now consider, if the truth is that we are all bestowed with infinite power and creative potential then, how but through separation can the experience of unity be achieved? How can we know and come to realize our divinity without experiencing separation from our Source? How can The Source know Itself and
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