» Philosophy » Life Matters, E.C.Nemeth [robert munsch read aloud .TXT] 📗

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true even though it seems as though it is. So, all discussion of any kind serves one of two functions: to illuminate or to keep in darkness. In fact, all discussion eventually leads to illumination because that is the truth. To be enlightened is to be filled with light. And light is synonymous with truth. Therefore to be illuminated is to know with certainty - everything!
One could ask, “Why does the truth allow or indulge our view of reality without asserting itself?”
Is it not evident that if a mind is capable of believing in separation, any answer must first grant the position of separation without contest. How else can an answer be composed? The One Who Knows has no need of questions or answers. Only the misguided require guidance. The separated mind is always guided. It is only a question of Who will guide. And who guides is always a personal choice.
Run away!
It is the guide that determines what will be perceived. Reading these words is an act of volition and so it is a form of choice regarding the willingness to learn of the truth. It proclaims the choice to choose The One Who Knows as The Guide. Those who read these words and others reading words of similar content have all gained a certain level of understanding, an awareness that reality is not as it has been marketed by society at large. Some of these are already guided by the Representative of Truth. Many are turning their heads toward a voice that has always whispered of another way. Many more are not yet aware of the Voice For God but are willing to be shown parts of the truth. There is a wave of knowing building that runs counter to the wave of ignorance. The two waves will intersect and when they do the illusion will disappear.
There is only one more understanding needed before extension can be properly described. The illusion cannot maintain its integrity when it is brought close to the truth. This is because the illusion depends upon the awareness of its presence. Since it is not true it cannot stand near the truth because there, it being the lie would be quite obvious. Just as darkness must stay away from the light in order for it to remain dark, the illusion must keep away from the truth in order to remain believable. To stay away from the truth the illusion must have the individual’s complete allegiance - there is no other way it can maintain its integrity. In fact, to stay away from truth is the definition of the illusion.
Stepping back to the moment of creation: there is a reason why The One made the mistake of considering itself separate from God. Creation is the manifestation of something new, something hitherto unknown and non-existent. The creation of something new is something else, something separate. So when The One considered its autonomy as self-evident the separation had already occurred. But The One is not autonomous, God Is. The One depends upon the sustenance of The Creator, for The One resides in God’s Holy Mind. All of creation, as seen from the world’s perspective, is part of the illusion. The One mistakenly spun a marvelous tale of mystery, danger and intrigue, all while safely nestled within the Mind of God.
And the tale goes:
I am separate from the creator so unity must be untrue, therefore, there must be many separate things. If I am separate from God there must be a plurality of separate phenomena because then unity is not the truth. All phenomena are singular units, isolated and alone. A particular unit can perhaps join with others in co-operative ventures but it must still bear the travails of its private life and thoughts alone. Since I'm alone I am small, vulnerable and lost. I observe the magnificent magnitude of the universe and I know I must be powerless and helpless. If there is a God then that God cannot help me, or if God can then God couldn't care a whole lot about me to let these terrible things happen to me and others here on the earth. God must be vengeful and easily turned to wrath as the response to man's transgressions. The message of Love as expressed in the wisdom traditions is qualified by laws that God has set for us and by which we must abide or else God will not love us. That sounds like hate to me. Such a God cannot be trusted. If I have to walk on eggshells all the time, worrying about incurring the wrath of God, then I have no free will. God must be my enemy and God is very powerful. I can do better by myself. I must learn to make it on my own. At all costs I must be vigilant against the terrible wrath of The Creator.
The One wove a tale of incredible intricacy. Being made in God’s image, The One creates with thoughts. The story The One imagined set off an unfortunate chain of events. In order for the story to be true The One had to disassociate from The Truth. That however, is impossible, not being the will of The Creator. The moment The One disassociated God supplied the correction, weaving the truth into the story The One wanted to believe and wished to create. A moment later The One awoke, grateful for God’s loving guidance even in The One’s fantasy of a nightmare made real. That moment of fear composes the entire multiverse and spans all of time. In an instant, a single thought spawned a reality replete with world’s and consciousness and the struggles of the myriad individuals bestowed with life. In that same instant God gave the answer, the correction to the mistaken thought - and the dream was over. The thought of The One is what the universe is and God’s correction to that thought is what the universe is for.
There is one criteria that must be met in order for The One to create: all creations must be created in line with the will of The Creator because that is the will of The One. Who best to orchestrate creation than The Source of All Life? The One has no wish to usurp the throne of creation because The One sits upon that very throne. If that is so, who would there be to usurp except the self? And that leads to insanity. Can what is perfect be flawed? No. Insanity is impossible and usurpation is not a part of the Thought of God. These ideas extend beyond words, making connections there that cannot be verbalized. God is not insane and God is both all powerful and all loving. Creation by extension always benefits all and is never detrimental to any creature or even to what we consider inanimate matter. All are included in and are vital to the plan, the largest picture, the biggest truth. Nothing exists that is not in the mind of God and part of the plan.
So how did The One cause this reality we perceive today? After all, if it never happened, then we wouldn’t be here. It is quite simple, and not a new concept either: The One ran away. The One ran away using two main methods. One, by denying the single Source of all Life. And two, by constantly focusing on moving through the vast vistas of the mind of God. The first seemed to split the mind of The One from the mind of the Source and in the same instant The Mind That Is One seemed to fragment into countless tiny isolated pieces, each equally cut off from the Source. And here we all are. The second method manifests as a fundamental momentum both in terms of temporal and spatial displacement. The second method will be discussed in further detail later in the chapter. It is the first method, fragmentation, that will be focused on, however, for it is more pertinent at this level of understanding.
Blown out of proportion
If fragmentation never occurred then it must be a form of punctuated perception, where the fragments are projections of what The One had to deny possessing in order to perceive and believe in its littleness and insignificance.
Imagine that moment for a moment. The One knows all, being aware of its intimate connection with The Source. Then The One innocently considers a certain thought and the next moment The One finds itself little and helpless, pitted against an enemy of unimaginable powers. The moment of this momentous occasion is unique in that all of reality existed simultaneously. This is because God gave the answer, as co-creator, to The One’s questioning of authority. The One immediately remembered its place in the largest scheme of things and the awareness of The Creator returned along with the certainty of God’s gift of Love and Life.
Together, we are the answer God gave to The One in response to The One's momentary confusion. We are each symbols of the bond between Created and Creator. We are information pertaining to The Source. Together, we are holoids of The Truth. Together, we are The One.
How the world became a place of terror and pain, suffering and death is a matter for the upcoming chapters. But the mechanics behind the world and the means used to accomplish the observed result is the topic under consideration here.
Consciousness, as we understand it in the modern world, is the result of a mistaken thought that brought into question the benevolence and the trustworthiness of The Creator. Consciousness is the denial of completeness in favor of incompleteness and the embracing of uncertainty in exchange for certainty.
At this particular stage of the creation sequence, however, consciousness is frozen in place together with all its future forms and is superimposed upon the truth. In fact that is all there ever was. The next moment The One shook off the crazy thought and remembered The Truth. That is the deepest interpretation of the creation of the present and the paradox. The paradox represents the many forms the original mistake would take before complete remembrance of perfection is once again achieved. The present is the Truth as revealed by God but its very necessity is a function of The One’s misidentification with form. Consciousness is the means The One employed to explore the concept of separation from God. This is the moment consciousness seemed to appear and The One perceived separation from The Source for the first time.
This idea is very much like the plateau that signals an oncoming orgasm. For a moment the individual is awash in sensations that seem to overwhelm normal personal reality while simultaneously expanding it and so it is the plateau itself, the sudden awareness of the utter inevitability of the coming event (pun intended) that propels the individual over the edge. It is a self-activating system. Once the plateau is reached the orgasm to follow is assured.
As soon as The One experienced consciousness all repercussions of that choice followed automatically. The One is granted all wishes and answered all questions in the very act of its creation. All wants and desires, then, are already granted. This world, while lasting only a moment, must play itself out so that the answer to The One’s question can be fully and completely covered. This playing out has already occurred from the viewpoint of eternity and the truth, but not from the viewpoint of temporal beings and the world of illusions.
Each of us are tiny portions of the gargantuan answer that God supplied to The One. Each of us are symbols of the multitudinous variety of lessons The One experienced as God’s answer. To us they are the history of the universe, stretching far back into the mists of time and forward into the
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