» Philosophy » Life Matters, E.C.Nemeth [robert munsch read aloud .TXT] 📗

Book online «Life Matters, E.C.Nemeth [robert munsch read aloud .TXT] 📗». Author E.C.Nemeth

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one thing that is constant is that when an individual is ready for true change they always learn to apply their comprehension universally. All problems are finally seen as the same, where only the form changes but never the content. Thus they learn to see truly through faith in truth.
Universal application comes only when all of the coveted idols the ego places before the individual are seen as temptations that lead to eventual misery - every one, every time. Then is the individual ready to accept what is, and gladly follow the direction of the Voice for God. It will occur to the individual that every situation is another chance to bless the self with correct perception. That blessing sends intense vibrations throughout the fabric of reality and causes temporal displacements, otherwise known as miracles.
Know now that miracles are the normal experience of all advanced souls.
True change requires observable results. Truth is the opposite of what we believe, its inverse, its mirror image. In order to ever effect such a reversal in perception seems to require an impossible amount of faith. That is correct. It is impossible. It is impossible to perceive a world of separate forms, yet so it seems to be. How more impossible do you think it is to perceive the truth? That is part of the reversal: from the viewpoint of the impossible it does seem as though miracles are impossible. But miracles are natural, being the truth revealed.
Miracles are way beyond easy, they are effortless. It only requires a slight readjustment in the individual’s core beliefs to suddenly come upon the realization that miracles are natural. The Voice for God only needs a moment of openness to unveil the real world in all its splendor. These moments are holy encounters, blessings from the Source. Many need to be strung together before universal application can be accomplished. This is because of the training the individual received from society and the constant re-enforcement of that training. The blazing illumination of a holy moment slowly fades from awareness and the gray world of the ego returns because that is the learned response. But as more and more blessings are received, and holy encounters metabolized, so to speak, the ego is finally seen as separate from the individual.
At that point another battle usually ensues. The split mind finally recognizes its malady and tries to rend the affected portion of itself from itself. This being a patently absurd proposition is not immediately evident, however. Remember that the realization that the ego and the self are separate is the same mistake as before but in a different form. There is no separation, that is the truth. The battle must evolve, usually over a long period of time, into a new-found fusion of the self.
This fusion comes about by realizing that the ego is part of the self. The ego includes all that is perceived as the outside world; the ego is the universe. The fusion of the self is a reintegration of its disparate parts. It is the putting together of the pieces of selfhood discarded for various reasons. To integrate the world into the concept of selfhood requires the uncovering of core false beliefs. Each is a lesson in forgiveness.
To sum up the work in this phase of development in one sentence: Forgive the world your transgressions and be at peace. It takes many, many lessons for most - very many. It may become frustrating, it may be postponed, it may be dropped altogether for a time, but once the work in this stage begins, it will end. As forgiveness takes hold, a solemn truth dawns on the individual: I am forgiven what I did not do, and nothing I think I did needs forgiveness.
The forgiveness stage is a lifetime commitment. While earth-bound all entities aligned with truth continue to forgive. Perception is ego-based, and while in this world constant forgiveness is necessary.
A vision
Imagine the following experience.
Upon awakening, a smile immediately tugs at the corners of your mouth and your heart feels as if it will burst with exuberance. "Another day!" you exclaim to yourself and the many attendants around you. You quickly give thanks to God for your existence and ask for guidance from your attendants. They minister to your mind, organizing the events of the day to best suit your needs.
You get up with a particular thought in mind. It has been received from the Voice for God and it is the focus for the day. As you go about your morning rituals you hold this thought firmly in your awareness, letting its full meaning wash over you. It immerses you in a sense of certainty, of an up-coming event at which you will be called on to extend your learning by teaching others what you know.
Smile firmly affixed, you go out into the world, confident and calm. You notice everyone, they notice you. Each one is blessed by your proximity, as are you by theirs. A dozen times you delay long enough to give aid in small ways, knowing with confidence that there is no order of difficulty among miracles. Each is equally effective and requires the same effort. A sudden glance, an answer to an unasked question, a coin, a touch, a silent blessing, all are employed by you as you go about your day, loving and forgiving everyone you meet. Sorrow touches your heart at the obvious pain of your fellow humans but you forgive them and love them fully. You know their burdens will be lightened by your empathy. And your strength you lend wherever it is needed.
Today a healing is the main focus. You cross paths with a person you have never met. Your awareness quickens, the colors brighten, your heart races. "This is The One," says a soft voice inside your mind. Sure enough, circumstances allow the two of you to communicate. You waste no time, certain of your task. You say a quick prayer to center yourself. Within moments the topic changes to the pertinent issue. Without fear, full of compassion you begin the connection. Heart center wide open, you envelope the other in your love, knowing the Source of Love resides within the other as well. Thus connected you begin to minister.
You cut through the mire of irrelevant arguments and excuses, refusing to take on or to re-enforce the illusion in any form. You lend the other your vision for a moment, so that the other might see the Truth. The gift given, it is done. You quickly give thanks to God for the gift you have received. You thank the other as well and offer a gentle reminder of the other’s unlimited potential and the legions of hosts ready to help with its implementation. You tell the other that all that is required is faith in God and the certainty that comes with knowing you are loved in and by Truth.
The day slowly winds down, but not before some fun with your attendants - and a great deal of laughing and joking. “Life is glorious!”, you exclaim.
You enjoin infinite patience and enjoy immediate results, as all proficient masters do. You bridge the gap between the worlds with infinite patience. It gives you pleasure to manipulate your thoughts, your mind, in this manner. Your heart leaps every time you remember that this is your function. The certainty of it gives you incredible confidence. Results happen. Always. Your attendants sing your praises to the universe, proud as you, of their function fulfilled through yours, as yours is through them.
You close your eyes and sink through the layers of your Self toward the Center of All Things, The Great I Am, The Source. As you fall asleep God softly strokes your head and lovingly gazes upon your mind.
“This is my creation, with which I am well pleased!”
This is a poor facsimile of the life awaiting you. This is living The Truth.
Remember: You are forgiven for what you never did.
A personal note
I would be remiss if I didn't add my personal testimony to this chapter on Truth. As I write this book, incredible experiences have been happening to me and not all of them pleasant. In fact, I often wonder if this book is meant for anyone besides myself.
I am having a great deal of trouble integrating this philosophy into my daily life. I totally understand the ego is not me. And yet I almost fully identify with it. It always captures my mind, distorting the truth as is its function. That I would still accept its verdict of the world as my own continually surprises me. It frustrates me no end.
The frustration often finds an outlet as rage, complete mindless rage. This usually occurs in my car, which seems to be the source of so much of my problems. I still feel the freest in my car. It is my little kingdom. I am in control there. I guess I feel free to express my mounting frustration with the world there, too.
Yesterday I brought it home, I couldn't stop it. Usually I can cut it off as I shut off the engine. It took a lot of shouting at myself with door closed and a great deal of raving before I got it under control. That's a good example of my 'lows'.
Today I ran across a woman, a teller at the bank, who commented on how big a man I must be because I took the news of the computer system being down with relative calm. After a quick check with my inner voice I answered that it wouldn't do me any good to get mad at her for something that wasn't her fault. She confided that she was very frustrated and fed up with all the angry customers. She said she would have to stay late to post all the transactions once the computer system came back on line again. I empathized with her and reminded her that such trivial inconveniences are nothing compared with what's really important in life. At that she brightened, as if she had just made a higher connection. It was all over her face. I saw it immediately, and knew it for what it was. She told me I was right, that her little granddaughter had died horribly a year ago and how that brought the survivors together more closely than anything else could have. Imagine my shock. She went on not about the pain of the loss but about the love she has for her daughter. How, now a year later, her daughter had another child that they appropriately named - Hope. She then related a small story about how she had helped a man with a very severe headache by right then and there printing out the 110th psalm, right at her station. A week later the man came back and thanked her. He said the headache went away shortly after he read the psalm. I guess that was her way of thanking me. I took it that way, in any case, and I thanked God for the chance to learn by teaching what I know. This story illustrates my 'highs'.
Tonight, my girlfriend showed up at the computer room door with the game, Sorry!, her favorite game, in her hands. We haven't played in months, and only last week I had turned her down. She wanted to play, to have my full attention, she would clarify later as we played the game. It was fool-around, stupid fun with my lover. I whooped her ass!
An hour later, after we stopped playing and I went back to my work, in flew her panties, landing across my keyboard. I know what that means...
This little snapshot of my home life highlights the little joys and the things
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