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only serve to diminish a masterpiece.
When the truth has been revealed and accepted there is no more of anything but joy.
The sin of innocence
That's not the case at the moment because the truth has not been accepted. The thing that does the not accepting is the maker of forms. Having usurped creation, this thing now makes a mockery of truth. Forms distort the truth, twisting it into vast numbers of varying shapes. And with senses also formed by this thing we marvel at the coherent picture that results. For, although this thing is insane, its thought system is coherent within the context of its insanity. Thus can the truth be successfully not accepted.
But the Truth is not a decision, as was stated earlier, it is fact.
Truth is like a liquid in that it takes on the shape of its container. It does not whimper like a child or have tantrums when it is misunderstood. It does not declare sovereignty over reality with a harsh hand, knocking into oblivion all those not accepting its existence. It simply assumes any shape the observer wishes. The shape of truth does not affect the truth, just as water is still water in a fluted vase or a lake. Take away the shape, remove the container, and the content will be identical. Underneath the form, truth is unchanging and universal.
Much like innocence.
True innocence does not change. It is not a state of mind one arrives at. Innocence is purity; it is perfection; it is beauty. True innocence is not something to be acquired; it is an intrinsic quality. And, it is not in question, it is fact. Innocence is not ignorance, it is utter knowingness. It is knowing to the point of not needing to know. Innocence is the unwavering belief in the power of faith. And only the truly innocent can love truly because only the truly innocent have faith in Truth.
What this means is very important because it abolishes for all time the concept of sin. Every individual is truly innocent, that is fact. The thing that the individual made, the ego, made the concept of sin to moderate this truth. With the ego’s model in place an individual can seem to accumulate little blotches of impurities on its innocence, in the form of guilt from personal transgressions against others. Thus the pure innocence of truth seems to be eroded over time. And with the loss of innocence comes fear.
If you do not have faith you have fear. It really is that simple.
At first, it matters little what the individual chooses to have faith in, fear will be abated. Over time, however, the choice will always somehow seem to be not so certain any more, and fear will return. This is because reality is not a choice but a fact. To choose, in this regard, automatically implies a failure to know and so the choice becomes merely a 'best guess'. Others may not see it, it may be well hidden, it may even be hidden from the self, but everyone harbors this doubt. This is self-evident since only faith in truth will foster a sense of joy, as was said earlier. And joy is not the common emotion in this world at this time. For there can be no true joy on earth unless it is heaven on earth
Belief in sin locks the individual into mortality in a way that shuts off any attempt to transcend such earthly limits. By believing in the accumulation of impurities of thought and action, the individual believes in the erosion of perfection. This is clearly insane, for what is perfect remains perfect or it never was perfect to begin with. Perfection is not subjective; it is not a choice. Instead, perfection is objective and intrinsic. Since to teach that perfection is temporary is so obviously in error, a more deceptive route had to be taken. Sin was given permanence by being implanted within each individual at birth. The belief in original sin and in the concept that the individual is intrinsically flawed, is this deception laid bare.
How can what is perfect conceive of sin unless that perfection is first denied?
Here is the split, the divergence from the truth seen clearly. If perfection is not intrinsic then infinity is an illusion; if sin is real then eternity can never be. Here is the birth of mortality. Here is the denial of the true quality of selfhood. If sin is real then innocence is not real. If there is no innocence then God is vengeful. If God is vindictive then the universe is at war with the self. War is the absence of peace. Where there is no peace there is no joy. And where there is no joy, the truth has not been accepted. Thus the Mind that is One is in conflict and must perceive a world of falsehood.
But a split mind is not One and so can never be. That is why what is perceived is always false. To perceive is to make up. To make up is to establish What Is Not as What Is. And so the world of truth, of reality, must give way to this giant reversal of thought.
This giant reversal is truly a remarkable accomplishment and if seen correctly can be a sign of the miracle of creation. We are creators of such magnitude that we thought we created an entire universe and in the process we hid the truth from ourselves. It is truly a miracle and speaks volumes about our Creator as well. For God has blessed us eternally. If it were possible to create a universe without God then God would be a moot concept. In fact, if we did create a universe by ourselves then we would be God. That returns to the miracle, for even in our delusional state we still have a glimpse of our true power as attested to by our universal manifestation. The universe is a miserable place, a cold and indifferent place, without our Creator, yes, but the universe is a magnificent construction of immense proportion and intricate detail, nonetheless. It points to our magnitude and our grandeur, misplaced though it is. It truly is a miracle that even in our insanity we manifested our potential to such a degree, we just don’t know it collectively yet.
That is where our innocence lies. We did not create reality. We cannot. We are pure beings of infinite potential and creative ability, in the likeness of our Creator. We create like God. God does not create conflict because God is not conflicted. God is certain and sure. What is of God is given forever and ever more, it is never temporary.
We are all the same. Our seeming differences only highlight that fact. Differences are a matter of degree, and are therefore temporary. Remove the temporary and what you have left is the permanent, the eternal - that is our sameness. Together we are eternal.
Sin is temporary in the light of this argument because sins are also a matter of degree. There is original sin, venial sin and mortal sin. There are sins of the flesh and sins of omission. There are sins of the father and sins of the son. There are impure thoughts that are little sins and thoughts acted upon that are great big sins. There is even the seven deadly sins. Yet belief in sin is the belief in death. It always leads to death because only after death can the individual be forgiven for having sinned. So if we apply the above reasoning: if we remove the temporary, sin, what you have left is the permanent.
Remove belief in sin and the block to the remembrance of innocence is also removed. Being aware of its intrinsic innocence, the individual naturally knows its Source beyond all doubt. Without doubt, the idea of choice is removed. Reality is accepted as it is and the guilt associated with choosing falls away. Free of guilt the individual has nothing to fear. Thus suited in the invulnerable armor of innocence the individual is free to truly love.
To love truly is to know the truth. The truth is the recognition of the permanent, no matter what one seems to see. It is the denial of the temporary, within and without the self. Love is this place of certainty.
Love in this world is considered, like everything else, to be a matter of degree, and therefore subject to change. Love is not an emotion, interpreted by the ego as to validity and value. It is the sense of belonging recognized. It is the only true feeling. The degree to which we consider a feeling to not be love is the degree to which we are duped by the false belief in separation. This should be very obvious, and it really is, but it must be experienced to be believed. And it must be experienced repeatedly to be relied on as an article of faith. All encounters are holy encounters, another chance to recognize the unity, the love, shared among all. The truly innocent recognize their innocence in everyone they meet, for they know that since they are truly innocent so must the other be as well.
Love is the answer God gave to The One. Love binds love to itself. Love is the glue of reality. “Follow your heart” is not just a matter of self gratification on earthly terms but a mighty means to an end. To follow your heart is to see without your eyes - to feel love. To feel love is to truly see. The vision of love is without deception. Love sees truly.
For many, the idea of opening their mind is nonsensical. How do you open a thing filled with thoughts and memories without spilling out what’s already in it? This is a common misperception based on the idea that the mind is always open, assimilating incoming data in a never-ending objective search for meaning. If it is always open to begin with then, when asked to open it, that can only be interpreted as a request to close it by emptying it of all its previous content. This is obviously fearful - and obviously insane. In fact, that’s exactly what we think we have done. We think we have emptied our minds of the truth and substituted our own truth in its place. But truth is not subject to change - ever.
Better to say, “Open your heart”.
To follow your heart is to relinquish your interpretation of the truth. To open your heart is to let go of your insolent authority over reality and accept that without your Source you are lost. Without your Source YOU DO NOT KNOW. Your personal universe is the unequivocal proof of that fact. See it truly and the truth will dawn on your mind and your heart will overflow with love.
Forgive yourself the world you did not make and let love teach you of Truth, with a capital “T”.
The language of love
The stillness of God is not the opposite of the ego's busyness any more than love is the opposite of hate. The stillness of God is not a concept at all. Instead, it is contextual. In the context of eternity, and based on the viewpoint of those immersed in time, the stillness of God is the closest approximation possible to a description of what eternal life feels like. It has no intellectual counterpart because intellectuality relies on concepts, and it has already been stated that the stillness of God is not a concept. In the real world, or heaven, there are no words, but there is a universal language. That language is the stillness of God.
The word language as we understand it means a culturally derived method to share
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