» Philosophy » Life Matters, E.C.Nemeth [robert munsch read aloud .TXT] 📗

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small part of the neighborhood laid out below. The neighborhood becomes part of the city and the city part of the countryside . As the view continues to widen the countryside becomes the continent with oceans on both sides. Then the earth itself is seen as one small planet circling the sun. And the sun is but part of a neighborhood of local stars, which are seen to be part of the galaxy. And the galaxy becomes part of a local group of galaxies before the scene widens more and the local group becomes part of a massive filament of numerous galaxies. And as the scene widens further all is seen as part of the whole.

limits, forgiveness, innocence, love
The way home
The line of truth is the moment of the creation of zero and infinity. It is in this context that impulse is born. This fundamental impulse is the inborn desire to grow and to know. It is a fixation of tremendous impact. A fixation is an obsession. An obsession is an urge that cannot be controlled. An urge is a call to focus attention in a specific direction. Therefore, the fundamental impulse is a focus of attention on growing and knowing.
To grow is to live. To know is to be alive.
In contemporary society, we see quite clearly how this fundamental impulse has been expressed as to learn and to be grown up. That is an exact reversal of its intent. To grow is to do and to know is to be. Instead, the modern world seems intent to be the action and to do the intrinsic. To learn and to know are in conflict and cannot co-exist. To grow and be grown up are equally conflicting. Only one of each pair can be the truth.
The other is the lie.
The line of truth, then, seems to begin with a reflection of truth, to which the truth is added. It is in fact the reflection that was added to the truth and used to obscure the truth behind its facade of plausibility.
To uncover the truth requires first that the illusion be seen for what it is. To see the illusion for what it is requires more than the initial willingness to learn of the truth. Remember, to learn is a defense mechanism designed specifically to hide the truth. The truth is that there is nothing to learn because everything is already known. So now, alongside the willingness there must be a growing fortitude, a diligence that applies the new-found thought system to everyday occurrences. To see the truth must first involve the true perception of the contemporary world.
True perception is still an illusion but it is aligned with truth and can lead back to it.
What if?
The creation of zero and infinity set the end caps of our experience. They are the limits imposed upon our existence. It encapsulates us in both space and time. More importantly it is a limit on our thoughts. Of all the pairs of phenomena created each instant, zero and infinity are the most tragic and debilitating.
A future truth not yet fully ready to be expressed in words is this: you are the embodiment and exhibit the properties, of zero and infinity. They are your knowing, hidden. There is nothing you do not know and everything is included in your knowing.
What do you know? And why?
Know now another future truth yet to be put into context: Creation never happened! Creation is an answer to a question, nothing more - or less. To a question posed in error based on a “what if” proposition the answer was succinctly given: “It is not.”
We are caught in conflict, thinking “What if?”, and refusing the simple negation of all such questions since all “what ifs” are by definition “Not”. Understand, “What if” is considering “what is not” as “What is”. No matter how diligent we are at seeking and finding evidence in favor of our current “what if”, IT IS NOT!
Zero and infinity represent the gap we imposed between ourselves and our Source. It is the space we thought we created where our “what if” scenarios can be played out. We certainly are powerful creators. Fortunately we did not create ourselves and we cannot create anything without our Source. The concept of miscreation is impossible because God will not be mocked. God is certain and sure.
We cannot see creation because we think we made our eyes. They report of what we believe; they are not unbiased observers. Creation, however, is still and always here. Moreover, we are that creation. Creation as we imagine it to be never happened yet we are created beings that continuously create in the likeness of our Creator. But what we create is obscured by the false beliefs in our minds that tell our eyes what to see.
The first illusion is who we think we are. From there stem all seeming other illusions. Again and again it will be stressed: You are not your body nor is there an outside world of separate things. Your perceived world is populated by portions of yourself you deny or do not wish to possess. You made your world and only you can unmake it. You are whole and totally free. Everything is possible and there is nothing you cannot do. You are unlimited and unbounded except by your own volition. You create your reality based upon your personal beliefs, and your beliefs are based on what you decide reality is.
What you see is what you get
To deny The Source is to experience this world exactly as it is being experienced, every moment of it, the good and the bad. The universe and all its past and future is the expression of an insane idea: What if I created myself? Or, to put it another way: What if there is no god? This is the birth of concepts, and the death of true context. To deny the Source is to not believe in God. Only then is the individual in a position to define the parameters of reality. This constitutes creating oneself. Even God has never made that claim. The wisdom traditions state that God has always been and will always be, not that God created God.
This world is based on the insane proposition that we can create reality by ourselves - without knowing how to do it. It is as though a group of children walked into a factory and decided to build a rocket ship in a corrugated paper plant. Maybe the plant could be retooled to make spaceships, maybe not. It makes no difference however, because the children have no idea how to build a rocket ship. The best they can do is use their creative potential to assemble some of the boxes at hand into a facsimile of a rocket ship. Then, using their imaginations they could go for a ride to the moon inside their cardboard construction. The difference is that the children know they are pretending and they realize they are safe and at no real risk throughout their mental adventure. We have forgotten this fundamental truth.
WE ARE SAFE. There is nothing to fear. It is only our own thoughts we cringe from and project onto a non-existent world, then react to as though they have come out of nowhere. It is not the world that is heartless, we believe it of ourselves.
What we see is what we believe and what we believe is what we think we are.
The world is not outside, it exists only within. As odd as that may seem, it is the truth. The cause of reality is thought. And the cause of all thought is The Thought. The Thought created it All. That Thought is God’s and we are all included in that single, all-encompassing Idea. That Thought, that Idea, is commonly referred to as creation. What creation truly is is beyond all words and intellectualizations.
We can only be shown the door. Each of us must unlock, open and step through it alone. Not because we are alone but only because we have yet to see that we are never alone. Once on the other side of the door, that becomes evident. The door is our beliefs. The lock is our false beliefs. The key is faith.
How can the unseen be seen except and unless accepted on faith. There is no other way. The unseen can only be seen by focusing on it while consciously de-emphasizing normal perception.
You have to know what you are looking for if you wish to find it. What you are looking for is your magnificence, your enormous magnitude, your unlimited potential and creative ability. This is what we have been discussing all along. That’s why motivational speakers are in high demand. Deep down we all want to be treated with respect, to be admired and trusted, to be loved - to be believed in. And you can do it - anything you want is yours but for the asking. Try it! But be careful what you wish for and do not expect it to show up as you had pictured it would. If you had known how to get what you want by yourself you would already have it. You must have faith, God will not fail you. Be equally sure you do not think you can. That is the promise, you will never fail to acquire what you wish to have.
The problem is that we do not really know what we want because we won’t believe the basic working principle of reality. We don’t create our reality but we think we do. We think we have the authority to decide what reality is. Yet none of us has that authority because reality is not a decision but a fact.
On this side of the door you have been taught to believe you are separate and alone. On the other side of the door you will know you are never alone. In between there is only one viable option: to accept you do not know and ask for help with your false perceptions. This entails for most a lengthy course in ego dynamics. The thing you made must become clear to you, its thought system laid bare before you in its entirety, experientially. Only then can you make the one choice that makes any sense.
You can absorb all the words with great bouts of comprehension and even spiral to unimaginable spiritual heights and yet you will fall if your experiential knowledge lags behind your intellect. Experiential knowledge requires another. This would be self-evident if you believed you can never be alone. And this is what all experience teaches: You are not alone. To experience the deceit of the ego you must plunge into its world in a bubble of awareness beyond fear. Thus anchored in truth the lies of the ego become slowly clearer. At first continued identification with the ego will cause a great deal of doubt and lack of faith. It will seem as though you are sacrificing too much in the pursuit of truth. It may seem as if you will not be able to survive without the help and advice of the ego. The ego will even convince you you are mistaken about the world of spirit. It will use its flawed logic to argue for the world your eyes see well enough. It will question the very existence of spirit, since there is no direct evidence for it. Before the end of the strife it will even impersonate the Voice for God. This state of ego embattlement can stretch through many years or last only a few months or even minutes. Everyone is different. The
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