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begets truth. So in order to delve into the truth one must have the authority issue firmly resolved.
The concept of the atom perhaps most clearly defines this idea for the atom is the building block of the macroscopic world, the world of everyday experience. It is not to be confused with the physical object that is implied by the concept. It is the idea of the atom that paints a true picture of its implications. The atom represents the concept of the other, of you. It is only in the presence of another that experience, as we know it, can be encountered. To encounter is to come upon and to come upon implies both motion and space, inside and outside, the cornerstones of manifestation as we understand it.
Duality requires you. It needs your allegiance. Without the implied authority of the other there is no world to perceive. The concept of "you" is personal. It implies "the many" as seen by the individual. It is imperative to remember what “you” really is. You is the unwanted portions of “me”. You are parts of me that “I” didn’t want to possess. The “I” and the “you” are mental constructs; they are ideas about the self, about “me”. They are methods of disassociation by transference of unwanted characteristics and attributes onto a fictional other. Notice how these sentences drastically alter the reader’s perspective. It jars the self to see these concepts contextualized for it is the absence of the context that allows them to exist as separate ideas. These are the core beliefs associated with both individual and mass consciousness. “Me and you are completely different” is its basic tenet and therefore “we” cannot be reconciled at this level. How “we” fits into this picture will be explored in the chapter devoted to the line of truth. For it is the context of “Us” that leads the way forward to clarity.
You is the declaration of a split mind for only then can there be another. You is the cause of the world as we know it and all drama is its effect. You is the cause of the drama of life lived on the world stage. You is the individual's opportunity to choose. Either the individual chooses to learn of the truth or to practice denial in one of its many forms. The drama is the denial in action for any drama is a contrivance to avoid the truth. You is merely the desire for a point of view other than that bestowed upon The Created by The Creator. You is the illusion laid bare. You did not cause itself. You is only distinct from God in that God is its Cause. But where does that leave me?
A split and divided mind cannot grasp the significance of this twist in logic for it is a shift in perspective normally hidden by other, more pressing concerns (the drama). If you are The Created then Who created me? And if I am The Created, Who are you? Here is the dichotomy of creation as seen by the split mind. We cannot compute this equation; it will not reduce down to a nice tidy picture. Our world view is not harmonious, and is therefore in constant conflict. Here is sin born. And with it comes death. The sin is the flawed mind that cannot resolve its own conflict. It is often seen as God’s retribution for having opposed God’s will. This sin, this flaw, haunts our collective psyche. We will not explore what lies behind this idea for fear of personally incurring the wrath of The Creator. None wish the eye of God to turn their way for how could they defend their sinful ways. No lie could save them and no excuse would stand against that inscrutable gaze. They would be forced to admit their unworthiness and then to await the inevitable Divine Punishment. They would go straight to hell or its equivalent, and rightly so...
The concepts of you and me hide the individual’s terrifying fear of God by making up a world of distractions. The excuses, the blame, the guilt, the rage, the envy, the hate, - all the drama of any kind: all the conflict, all the pain and suffering, all the death, all the uncertainty, all the not knowing - everything, is but to cover our terrible fear of God’s wrath. Any experience is better than to deal with the only one that really matters. This is the ego’s final line of defense. The fear of God’s wrath keeps you locked into the ego’s game.
The line of doing is all about the overwhelming sense of fear that the individual is not willing to face. Doing implies lack. The fearful are always in a state of lack for two main reasons. First, because they obviously lack peace and second, because there is a constantly nagging half-unconscious sense that something is missing. The lack of peace incites a stirring, shifting, restless attitude while the sense that something is missing allows for the excuse to go look for it. Thus is fear translated into action, into doing. Keep in mind however that the ego’s motto is “Seek but do not find.” or the more devious, “Seek only where you will not find.”
With the concept of me and its projection, you, firmly established as core beliefs the ego is fully in control and begins its fantasy war on reality. Yet can a fantasy have any true effects? The answer to that question is the topic of the next chapter in which the expansion of the universe is considered. To believe in the illusion one must never see the truth. That is so obviously unnatural that it takes effort to learn how to do it. And anything that needs to be learned is not true. That is a handy little reference. Use it wisely.

Chapter Four
punctuated projection, the gap, psuedo-context, impulse
The schism in reality
The line of doing, the moment of the creation of the present and the paradox, implies motion. But that motion has not yet been manifested. The next moment of creation, the line of truth, sees the advent of a perpetual and fundamental momentum that continues to this very day. That will be the topic of the next chapter.
Remember, this seeming reality is only a reflection or a reversal of true reality. To understand the concept of expansion one must first contemplate the idea of extension, which is the truth that expansion reflects. Extension is impossible to describe properly using words. However, a poor facsimile can be offered: extension is merely the full release or transference or transmutation or transcendence or conversely, the assimilation or internalization or integration of truth. The closest approximation of this description would be an idea, or a thought. An idea can be shared and in that sharing it is extended. It can also be inwardly contemplated and understood more fully, extending the depth of understanding as a direct result. In ultimate terms, it is the truth that is extended. The problem with this model is that extension to the linear mind implies a “somewhere else” and there is no such place. The idea of Oneness, which is the context of extension, is an alien concept to the contemporary world view.
Let the truth be known. God created The One. The One did not create two or any other multiple of one, although The One thought that it did. In that fantasy The One is scattered and homeless, frightened and alone. Yet, God’s answer is held steadfastly as the all-inclusive Thought of the Truth, which is The One. We share One Mind for we are not many, we are one. That One Mind is God's. Extension is possible because there is only one mind, one thought and one reality.
Back in our accepted reality, oneness is the thing denied. Yet, even here the individual by its very existence implies this oneness. The individual is a completely autonomous unit and its outline is clearly defined by a body in a world of bodies. The imprint of oneness is all around us, yet we choose to emphasize the differences and perceive a world of separate forms.
In physics there are certain limits that seem to lock us into a particular range of experience. They are not, of course, seen as limits on experience yet what cannot be observed or attained cannot be experienced. For instance, time marches along at a steady rate and all phenomena, like it or not, ride atop of that immutable temporal wave. That is a limit to experience. The same problem exists for a perfect vacuum or the speed of light, as just two more examples. Another is the idea of a temperature of absolute zero. Absolute zero cannot be attained, no matter how good the equipment is designed. Even with ideal materials and components it would be impossible to attain absolute zero. What this means is that there is a profound schism between ideal conditions as they appear to exist in nature or in scientific theories, and our ordinary experience. It is as though eternal truths must fragment and lose their magnificence before they can filter down to our level of existence. And worse yet, it seems that we are forever locked into our insignificance by this insurmountable obstacle, this schism in reality. With these ideas in mind it becomes possible to consider the idea of expansion.
Q & A
Expansion is the constant acquiring of new and conflicting content while extension is the offering of the same and consistent content. If there is new content acquired it must conflict, at least at first, with the existing content. This is because the existing content was whole and complete until the new content is acquired. Then, suddenly, the newly acquired content changes the original content and change only occurs in the face of, or in response to, conflict.
Is it evident yet that only the truth can be extended and only the unreal can expand?
From the previous chapter we learned that all of creation existed from the very first moment on. Yet in that moment there seemed to be another will that simultaneously ascribed a symbol to reflect the essence of creation. So there seemed to be the created and its reflection as described by this symbol. The universe is that symbol, at best a mere reflection of reality.
It need not be this difficult to grasp: God created The One, the only begotten child of the Creator. That is forever the reality. Yet in that creation The One seemed to cast a shadow upon reality, a reflection of itself that mirrored the attributes of The One. It is this reflection, as symbolized by the universe, that we regard as reality. And like the reflection in a mirror, everything in our reality is backwards. Not only that, it is inside out too!
Also, as was discussed earlier, consciousness is selective in its perceptions. Selective perception allows various sets of personal beliefs to function concurrently quite effectively. Thus, selective perception allows mass consciousness to operate on a set of beliefs held in common among its members, even though its members may hold different and opposing personal beliefs. Mass beliefs uphold the laws of experience in general terms while allowing for a certain amount of leeway in the individual's personal beliefs. It must be this way if there are separate phenomena, each experiencing separate viewpoints within a shared reality. In such a reality cause and effect are necessary because they connect the various seemingly separate entities while simultaneously reinforcing their separateness.
Because separation is impossible and therefore it never happened.
All discussion of any kind must assume our obvious individual autonomy. It is only from this position that a premise can be surmised and expounded upon. Yet that position is not
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