» Philosophy » NATURALLY FREE, James Bernard Myers [good books to read for beginners .txt] 📗

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What does it mean to be free outside of been naturally free? What is it to be just free to do what you want and to go where you want and to eat where you want to eat.? I can’t see how that this was possible back in the day of my daddies and my mommas time. I mean this had to be real hard for a family that can not go where they please and eat where they please. How did the kids make it back then and how did that survive the Jim Crow times. I will say that I do not know to much about what my parents and my parents parents went through but I know that what I went through. It was not all that bad for me coming up ion the early 70’s and all and just trying to make due with what I had as far as mentally and physically. Now I want to take a look back at where it all began for those that were not free to go and do what they wanted and to eat what they wanted. Now the word free means to the black race; a piece of the pie, able to move, and no chains. Now Webster says differently; having the legal and political rights of a citizen, enjoying independence, not dependent upon. Now this is just a few of the things that the dictionary may say what free is as apposed to having freedom. Now freedom is as such: the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action. Now there is a difference in the two and I hope that the world know it as well as I have learned to know it. This is what we as a people have to learn to do is to go and learn the truth of who we are and where we came from and to where we may be heading. I know for a fact that we are now heading head first into the depths of hell. Cause if there is one we are all gonna go. Why are we so afraid of the truth and what the truth means to all of us as people and humans and gods children as well. We cannot run from who we are and from the hands of god whom has mad us whole and without blemish. We are all perfect in his sight but not the sight of man and we never will be in the sight of man a perfect being. Why, cause we know not who we are as a people and we know not our neighbor. But what America has done was take slavery away and brought a new form of slavery to existence. What is it? Hard labor on jobs where we are not able to advance like our contemporaries. Why do they still hold us at bay and not let us go ahead of the game and make a true impact on this world. We can make such a huge impact and change in this world that the white race is so afraid of losing what they have built up for their children. We are not trying to take anything away from anybody, we just want what is due to us. And even if it comes in the form of 40 acres and a mule we will take it, so as long as we have what we deserve. Now to be naturally free we just want to have the freedom to go to a bank and get the same loans that our white counter parts get, we want to go and buy that car that we dream of and the car the we have designed in our minds and dreams that have come to reality. We want to go and buy that home without all the red tape as far as what has happened in the past and to what degree that we have so much money and how did we get that much money. We do not want to be bombarded with questions on our affairs and where we got our money. This is a way of letting us know that we are not good enough or that we did not get the money legally. Let me tell you this now. I guess by now you have all seen the movie ‘Guess who’s coming to Dinner’. This is a movie not just about a black man and a white woman that met and fell in love, it is a movie about a black man that has much credentials as the next man and maybe more. This guy was very successful black doctor in the time where blacks still were not allowed in some places not able to go and roam and do what they wanted to do. Now in some states like the father said, he would be breaking the law. Now I know for a fact that there is not such law that will prohibit a black man to marry a white woman. I know back then it was but now it is not. It is not a law for any man or woman let alone black or white to be free to do and marry who they choose. We can’t just go and try to live the lives of our grandparents anymore. The times have changed and they are still changing forever until the end of time. So all that I am saying is let my people go and let my people have what they want and have the choice to choose what they want. God told mankind the same thing when he allowed his son to come and take over. Jesus says that he will give us the choice to choose what we will and he will not interfere. So if Jesus does not do it so how can man do it and get away with it. Man has taken the word of god and threw it aside and did what he wanted to do for centuries and still to this day man still does what he pleases. This is why we as a people and a nation and the whole world, we are burning and flooding up all over and we will not b able to recover ever. So all that I can say is take a look at who you are and where you are and know that you can not continue to go around doing what you want to man and get away with it. And for my black folks I will tell you this for a fact that yes we are free but we are putting ourselves back into slavery by having chains on our brains and not getting into libraries and learning what the truth is and learning what the word says of god. Black we have to learn to let go of the past and move ahead and stop leaning on the government for help and security. We are all free and we all have the freedom to do what we want and how we want. Yes there are laws and there are judges to govern the laws. All that we have to do is abide in those laws and do things right by god and not man. Cause man had failed us and man hands held us at bay. Man has put a hold on this country and this land that god created for all to inhabit and to refurbish. Man has allowed his ego to get away from him and let it take over hid whole body, mind , and soul. So man stand up and fight the good fight and know that god is in you and he dwells in you at all times. You will never get away with what you have planned for man, but god has the last say so. So just deal with it and know that if there is a hell below, we all are gonna go.



Publication Date: 12-14-2010

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