» Philosophy » The Dreamer Famulus, Benjamin Kovacs [red novels TXT] 📗

Book online «The Dreamer Famulus, Benjamin Kovacs [red novels TXT] 📗». Author Benjamin Kovacs

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Benjamin Kovacs

The Dreamer famulus

Table of contents

The dream

Introduction ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....
Replica ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Apostrophia ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....
Knights of dreams ... ... ... ... ... ....
Odyssey ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Autognozis ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Modification ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Coitus ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....
Aphasia / Antiaphasia ... ... ... ... ... ... ..
Á.P.SZ-out of lethargy. ... ... ... ... ...
Village-ideal ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Communication ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..
Famulus ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....
Child Psychoanalysis ... ... ....
Child Futuristica ... ... ... ... ..
Controllation ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..
Thanato ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....
Empathy ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....
Sympathy ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..
The third dimension ... ... ... ... ...
Repeat, repeat ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
-Two is a nightmare between !................
Truth ?!.....................................
The reality
Friend ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....
Credulous ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Physics ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....
Mathematics ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....
Chemistry ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Physiology ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Collective privacy ... ... ... ....
Mastery !.......................................
Constellation meaning ... ... ...
Neurology, dream ... ... ... ... ... ...
Archive dreams ... ... ... ... ... ...
PS ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Benjamin Kovacs

the Dreamer Famulus

“I recommend the book to my dear friends, my teachers and my family, but most of all colleges in Hungary where the dreams and the psychology of dealing with their report!”

First part:The dream

The Dreamer
(Like an abaut word.)

... A stereotypical crap ...
(November 2006)

What's your dream? "Some say that pain, horror, horrors.
Others believe that wonderful brain szüleményeiből created magic.
Well no matter, everyone thinks the truth of their own.
But one thing is for sure. NOT REALITY.? "Well, that someone, anyone, only your imagination. I do not know.
I could not even dream of a couple who already understands.
But there is no more wonderful than a child's fantasy world.
The flow of things in the universe works.
Of the universe, and only makes it possible that we live the dream.
If there would be no universe, Milky Way system and the planets other than Earth, then there would be no dream. In other words, the only cause dreams, who has a world of imagination.
Very simple. There is space in the heart of all of us, what few have seen life-size.
The kids always want to have their completeness, they are also high in the middle of the slopes.
The middle of world as always the kid, and so it will be forever and ever.
Egyptian, Chinese people in ancient times the stars are studied using the river flooding, and what I saw, I redream the next day.
Is there any meaning in dreams?
Well ... someone that is, some say no.
There are dreams that do not remember, there are those you never forget.: This can be both good and bad.
The dreams are pejorative and undesirable.
Well, think it would be nice if every dream, the dream would be boring and the imagination.
If all the poor would be equally applicable.
Expression is evident in the dreams is not found.
Because we do not understand them.
What are we?
Have a dream axiomatic that there is no bother him.
Yet now that much of the elemental dreams. The dream is now very poorly circumscribed and stereotyped.
Now brings you a world that is both funny and scary.


"I'm sleepy and can not sleep;
I'm awake and still dreaming. "
/ Sandor Petofi /

Replacements: no This property is a rather an expression of what I say.
The dreams do not reflect nothing but the truth and error as well.
Things now look at the paralógia part.
I have a small child, say, to 8 years. Expects it to fall asleep and admit him to the world of dreams, but here is the rub.
What if the kids get a feeling of true Algesia? Die? Probably. Algesia medicine point of view of the simplicity of a seizure, causing sudden fright effect creates a state of shock, which begins to bleed due to the inner part of the human ear. Appears in the dream of our own people.
This is terrible, what the mother wakes up her child, listen and find the bleeding in his bed. It is very simple: the bad dreams. Let's talk about just a little bit.:
There are some terrible events in life are worth our childhood.
The trauma of a catharsis that would not be able to describe and explain in words.
.Just crying. These dreams, do not anyhow.
Maybe that dream malicious, like a tumor. Walk into that point in your brain and die. More mikromania able to return much of the dream as ever took place. Replica? "No!" The now is not: this might mean.
The neuralgia (Neurokinetikus shock, or prolonged illness which attacks the nervous system), a serious dream, accident, or in case of nervousness.
These things some shaken.
Do not miss a dead child or the family life of the people.
The dreams are very disszharmony, even the good dreams as well. A good sleep is also bad. Maybe we do not know, but I have. Very well. Such catharsis so I wish the man no one, because it may be that the lives of others or on their own plays.
... This is a replica of the word "here" sense.
Whoever invented this word is not thought through what you will find out.
Are all part of the dream itself constitutes a dimension within which replica, that is not understood. These parts as a criminalisztic have to discharged and is summarized in the picture.


"A few thousand years ago, a Chinese sage butterfly dream. After he awoke, he could no longer decide whether she dreamed of a butterfly, or a dream for him. "
/ Vavyan Fable /

Agree to describe someone. But who? Well, yes.
They exist. What is this word? A stain of someone we think, who do not or are absent. It is a sin? "Not only for ourselves, for us lies in the ability of Aposztrófia. Well, yes, sin! Not a great one. We think a person should say, two eyes a nose, hair, mouths, but we've missed something? "But what?. A bloody, stupid, pointless, due to the ears of our lives hell?" No! "But it left out the tab.
A dream if there is no perfect human figure is the dream becomes a nightmare. Why. Perfectionism in the dreams of endeavor. But I was ashamed, I can not say anything more on this, just say that everything you need to pay attention when we create form.
If you take too long for the hands and feet or his nose, yet it is a nightmare.
We can not be sure that the person has created yet created. This is a fiction that what happens why.
In fact, here are the best. Even the name is also given.
That what we decide it ourselves. Even though my birth I did not even have yet another self-consciousness. The invention is called "king." Funny, but I've born I possess. But not talking about this now, why.
Get the worst of our childhood dreams.
There are also the preamble to redream or person, or his dream. Strange, yet doctors do not know the answer to why we are fictitious persons. Maybe because it's an innovative idea from me, but one thing is certain: Do not trust them because they often turn against us.
Such an analogy in the book I have described.
Namely, the "Knights of dreams" in the next chapter in a series.
Three of someone about what you dreamed of this day and i redream. Replica? Yes, this replica! Is there a way to make your own brother will be the greatest enemy ....

Knights of the dream.

"The eyes opened dream pictures can not hug him, and neither can I always dreamed that life bumpy road shaking. "
/ Bolyai /

We all dream of. In the dream we all feel a certain autocracy. This is just a kind of fiction is what I am saying is not to be taken by way of cash but it's also a theory is a thesis .. Let's look at the beginning.
Appear in our dreams, which want to be and also what is not-.
I went to bed, and you're an infernal universe I found myself. aka dream. My dreams are processed in a series like eg.: A born wives, Dr. House, etc .... This means always the same redreaming a faint difference. So, in my dream I am writing through the pages and ominous feeling you. So, three people. Me, my brother and a childhood friend, not to mention his name but he meant to the team.
The three of us to announce a phantom image. Why?? Soon find out. Can begin .... We started across the street (It's a dream)
Motor racing and who won his last held the street.
Just not with my brother who does not understand or a friend, but a band leader. They also had three of them.
In an ideal thought came to mind, but because the engine is ready fell. (I believe everyone wins when the opponent, well watch out) Yes, I fell back then?
Came to possess the power of what we call the bioastronautica, also known as flight capability. I could fly!
Every dream that I used my ability. Replica!
Here we go again talking about paralógia which never happened.
Looking like a fool? "I understand. I am. But has the intuition to the flies. The three of us we have an adventure into a dream that others are just "could not even dream". Well. The adventure or digression I do not know whether to call ... Be start!


"Everything would have been easier if we were of the same material as our dreams. "
/ Boris Palotai /

Odyssey, an adventure that is átérzés.
We live our dreams through many adventures. I have lived through a lot, this is something you do not always remember.
The following happened: Back in the motorcycle accident, ...
To feel pain in dreams? "This is surely just the thing generálikus observation. Knocks, we feel, I feel, if you knock down my hand, or any of my body, but a major pain in the brain, our brain actually can not deliver.
The dream was whether or not I told you that I can fly. We thought We develop a Brunch. The szenthármasság if I may say so. A demilitarized zone were selected for this

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