» Philosophy » All Just Is, E.C.Nemeth [important books to read .TXT] 📗

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real. Conversely, both the present and the paradox are illusion and they are only real when the two are combined together.
The present is a difficult concept to grasp because of how we perceive it as constantly slipping away from us and becoming new again each instant. It is this implied momentum that resolves the issue in our minds but what if we froze time and captured a single present that could then be scrutinized in detail?
The question is moot since the answer would be that if time were frozen there could be no awareness. Awareness may be rooted in the present but it relies on the passage of moments to manifest itself. That is, sentience relies on time because although awareness is rooted in the present awareness requires additional presents to become real.
As it so often happens the solution lies with relativity. The moment of creation is unlike the others to follow because it is a transition between what was and what is about to be. Although that can be said for any present moment there is only one such moment that bridges the gap between absolute reality and the universal reality that followed.
We are caught in this world of illusion and even our thought processes are suspect since they are also part of the ruse. It is this understanding that points the way forward.
The finite realm
God created the universe. God’s only building material was God. Since God is and was everything that proved to be of little concern. God simply created something out of God’s infinite supply of everything. Now there was God and the something we call the universe. To state that in mathematical language would be to say that if you take away a finite number from infinity you are still left with infinity. This idea will be expanded upon in the next chapter. Suffice it to say for now that the universe is a finite portion of the infinite Divine Presence.
The moment of the first present was unique. It marked the initiation of a new phenomenon, the finite realm. The finite realm is a paradox of the highest order because it excludes absolutes by its very nature and its level of knowing is therefore limited. The only way to know a thing is to either be the thing or know what it is not. It is presumed that by relating to a thing we can tease the information that it contains out into the open and by doing so to all things we can eventually unravel the whole mystery.
But consider the word ‘eventually’. To unravel the whole mystery by this method would take an infinity of time even if the ‘things’ in the universe were finite because each thing would have to be measured against and compared to every other thing. The number of permutations to such a system would quickly leave the realm of the finite altogether. Which implies that eventually really means not until eternity.
To put it simply: Omniscience (the state of knowing All) is not attainable by gathering information about the detectable objects within the universe.
Sentience vs omniscience
The creation of the present clearly states the intention of bestowing awareness on the constituents of the universe. Since awareness is the goal it also implies movement but that remains unmanifest for now. Instead, the paradox is created and it asserts that the universe is an elaborate illusion of Divine intent.
In order to have awareness there must be duration. There must be a span of time that passes during which awareness can experience. To be aware requires at least inward reflection and even that takes time.
When we think of awareness we think of our own limited awareness but the Divine’s awareness is absolute. What this implies is that God’s awareness spans the all of it at once. It is this aspect of the Divine that is often overlooked. We assume God’s awareness has limitations because it is taken for granted that our own awareness is severely limited and we mistakenly anthropomorphize God in this regard.
But since God’s awareness is infinite God’s experience of this universe happened instantaneously. From God’s viewpoint this universe of ours came into being and played itself out in totality all in the same moment. It is only our paltry senses and limited understanding that makes the mistake of thinking that the universe is a very long process. It is the contradiction of the last two statements that is yet another argument for the necessity of the paradox.
From our viewpoint it is impossible to experience the totality of the universe simultaneously. It takes time to focus our awareness on the many aspects of the universe and absorb the information brought to our awareness, not to mention the many permutations it would require to assimilate each piece into a comprehensive whole. Yet since God is infinite this linear progression that we are experiencing happened in an instant. In order for God to be experiencing this linear progression in lockstep with us God would have to be experiencing every possible linear progression at the same time. It is this understanding that lays the foundation for the idea of the paradox.
The paradox is the alternate reality, the one that might be or could have been. This concept is necessary to explain the inconsistency between God’s span of awareness and our own. It could be that God experienced the entire universe in an instant and then moved on, leaving us to experience it at our own limited pace. Yet that would still not negate the fact of our existence nor would it make us any less a part of the Divine Essence. From our viewpoint, there is no way to know what God would have went on and done after this universal experiment abruptly ended. That the universe still goes on for us and we are still a part of the whole requires a method by which our pace of awareness matches that of God’s. Call it a universal awareness constant, if you will. This constant, the paradox, is the sum of the alternate realities that are possible at any given instant. And that sum is always infinite.
Suddenly the scope of the Divine plan expands immensely. The universe becomes a place of infinite possibilities of which our own limited awareness is only an infinitesimal portion. God is experiencing every possibility imaginable in every conceivable combination while we experience our tiny fragment at the same time. In this way we adhere to the ‘law of the conservation of the relative flow of awareness’.
The paradox claims that nothing can be known with absolute certainty and that there is always an alternate view. The seeming contradiction between the reality of the present and the illusion of the paradox is a misconception, it turns out, because the truth is that they both exist in unison. The concept of unity ties the paradox to its Divine Author and anchors the absolute truth in the present. Since the present is ultimately a frozen piece of a much larger whole it is proper to say that each present is essentially the same. It is always the present…
But the first present had the additional attribute of being the only moment that contained the whole of it at once. The universe was created whole and complete, then it was fragmented into tiny shards of a dubiously universal reality.
The creation of the illusion
The universe was created intact and complete, for that is the infinite scope of our God. Then it was broken into tiny pieces and flung far and wide. It is not only the things, the forms, which were so treated but the eternal moment of now as well. Each piece of the whole, both in terms of the forms and the all the separate presents, is manifested according to the universal template of which each is a part. The statement that each is a part of the universal template infers that they are never separate, even though it seems like they are. To understand this relationship is to see through the illusion and encounter a larger, more stable truth.
Why would the truth need to be created at all and what would it be created out of – the lie? The truth may seem to pop into existence but it is really the illusion that is created. The illusion is as yet frozen in a single moment with the truth in a forced co-existence. The next moment the truth is shattered. But can truth be destroyed? Truth is truth. It is not the truth that shatters. It is the illusion that the truth is immersed in that fragments and distorts the perception of the truth. That each piece still contains the whole truth underlines the fundamental quality of reality, which is that we are all one and as such we are inseparable.
The illusion isn’t some cheap, theatrical performance like making the Statue of Liberty disappear or some such. God has set up the illusion for reasons only God can know and when God conjures God conjures for keeps, for real. That is why the illusion is so pervasive and difficult to see through - its Author is omnipotent.
Since it is possible to see through the veil of the ruse it seems self-evident that it is a calculated occurrence – God purposely chose to make it so. And if God wanted us to pierce the fabric of the lie it is a great accomplishment on our part to actually do it. See through the lie and you will see God’s continence looking down upon you. That is a powerful motivator for there is no other experience even remotely similar – and nothing is sweeter.
Simultaneous nows
God is the reason we continue to struggle to understand because we are God in motion and we wish to be still once more.
The stillness referred to is the present, the great now. The present is always in the here and now, the what’s real. There is nothing else but that. Reality is firmly anchored to the present moment and does not extend beyond it. The stillness is a place of static repose where reality becomes a sea of calm encompassing infinity itself. The stillness is All.
The present is God’s intention made manifest. Since God is infinite God’s intention is also infinite and its range covers every contingency at once so that all presents happen simultaneously. The fact that this is not what seems to be the case, from our point of view, is very illuminating. If the first present contained all the presents to come as well then what transpired to cause us to experience that totality as a linear progression instead? That is the topic of the next chapter.
In order for this elaborate ruse to continue it must be maintained. If it were not it would revert back to its normal state of wholeness, of oneness. This implies that each moment must be recreated anew. Remember that each moment already existed at the beginning. It is not the present moment that has to be created but the illusion that does. The illusion of separation must be recreated every succeeding moment so that a seamless progression from one moment to the next can be simulated. The constant string of presents is the contextual vehicle upon which creation has continued unabated since the very beginning of this universe. That is the greatest understanding. Know this and the universe changes from a place of determinism to a place of infinite miracles. The difference is simply a state of mind.
The paradox asserts that very notion; that everything that can be imagined can be made real. It is our beliefs that shape this world not because we are all little gods but because together we are the God. It is God’s world we live in. God is the ultimate
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