Β» Poetry Β» Original Poems, Sarah Faie [books like harry potter .txt] πŸ“—

Book online Β«Original Poems, Sarah Faie [books like harry potter .txt] πŸ“—Β». Author Sarah Faie

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Take it Away;

Take with you,
the haters,
the sorrow you cause,
the love you're said to give.

Leave with me the pain,
so I can say "I've learned,"
from my one mistake.

Take it away;
the memories between us,
I want them no more,
take it away,
and leave with me the pain.

You've taken it away,
I'm not your little toy,
Take it away.

My lost Love;

You came and you went,
over and over again,
finally having enough,
I bid you goodbye.

Saying "Farewell,"
isn't easy,
when it's,
my lost love.

You should have known,
I'd need your attention,
hoping you learned,
your lesson as my faithful,
my dearest,
my lost love.

Goodbye Drama;

Drama you've been a friend,
never leaving my side,
talking about me,
when I'm not there.

You've brought people,
of all sorts,
to my doorstep.

All these years with you,
they've been action filled,
like an adventure,
playing in my mind.

While it's been fun,
I'm afraid to say,
I'm Done.

The dance was long,
yet every song,
has to end,
Goodbye Drama,
my dearest friend.


Why does the clock turn,
continuing with time,
when you expect it the least,
it comes to a halt.

The death of a clock,
can be sad,
I've cried over it before,
the clock first slows,
then comes to a stop.

The time it gives can be;
Wonderful and fun,
like a game,
you know comes to an end.

The clock can be wonderous,
or even quite joyable,
it can make you feel,
anxious for just a moment.

Mountain Peak;

From the mountain top,
you can see the world,
the sun it shines,
down on me as I,
stand looking down,
from the Mountain Peak.

Send me your Love,
up through these,
pearly gates,
it'll pentrate their,
defences and spread,
open ended peace.

Send me your love,
up to this high,
Mountain Peak,
where the sun shines,
and the world is a peace.

Ever After;

Forever and always,
is hardly ever guarunteed,
we can wish all we want,
yet it's still out of reach.

He promised,
we'd make it,
through the storm,
it was too strong.

Leaving me,
shattered and broken,
why do I still hope,
for it,
the one thing I desire,
A happily,
Ever After.

The moment;

Live in the moment,
let go of the past,
together we'll move forward,
hand and hand.

Time will have no suspense,
in the moment,
a swet moment,
we'll always remember,
as the day we lived.

The moments go fast,
lets catch hold and ride.

This is the moment,
we lived.


Trust not,
the light in the sky,
an early dawn,
pinked clouds.

Show only the beauty,
once gray,
and darkened.

Trust not the light in the sky,
fore it lies.


Smiling down at her,
so loyal,
it broke,
my heart.

A dreamer she was,
trusting everyone and everything.

her twisted lover,
myself in thine eye.


It may sputter in the wind,
yet it still remains strong,
burning golden and blue,
like my passion for you.

Strong arms wrap me,
in their warm embrace,
trustworthy and always there.

I call you Flame,
it'd what you are,
when the nights become dark and cold,
there you are.

A flame to chase away,
those bad dreams.


This is just,
between you and me,
a graditude that lasts.

You fixed up my broken heart,
taking your sweet time,
you gave me part of yours,
and for that I thank you.

You trust me enough,
to give me your heart,
something so fragile,
you've left in my care.

Graditude for you,
runs deep inside me,
how do I thank you?

I suppose I'm forever,
in your debt.

I'll hold onto your heart,
Thank you for it.

Left for the dead;

If someone you love,
is slowly slipping,
wouldn't you feel,
Broken and Battered?

If that someone,
was here one day,
than gone the next,
could you continue,
to live and go on,
like nothing happened?

You know your life would,
there would be a void,
that only they can fill,
it would be so,
Painstakingly empty.

They would be gone,
left for the dead,
with the rest,
of all the loved ones,
people have lost,
and they'd be,
Left for dead.


Spat and curse,
all you want,
Hateful words have,
yet to faze.

An untamed spirit,
breaking the reins.

Hateful you are,
but I stand tall,
give me a hand,
I'll just let it fall.

Hateful curses,
scream out your name,
yet I can never be tame.


I refuse to hide,
in the dark,
to lurk in the shadows,
of the trees.

Away from the sunlight,
I will never be,
clouds have yet,
to darken,
this doorstep.

blessed sweet,
like a blanket,
over me.

A blanket,
of soft,

Could you, would you, will you?;

Could you write,
me a song,
only using three words?

Will you pick up,
my shattered soul,
and mend it back together.

Would you gather,
me all the prettiest,
stars in the sky,
and tell me,
they all want to,
be in the shine of,
my beauty?

Only using three words?

Little Star;

O' little star,
how I,
envy you.

Your shine so heavenly,
as you twinkle with,

Little star do you have,
a name,
in which I can call you?

envied and watched,
from a'far,
is what you are.

You bring my light,
in the middle,
of those dark nights.

Built on a Lie;

What if everything,
we'd ever known;
our Love,
out Trust,
our entire life,
was false,
built on a Lie.

Would we have,
to learn it all over,

Would our love crumble,
into dust,
only to be blown,
away in the wind?

Would our trust,
dissipate our futures?

only if,
it's built,
On a Lie.


My eyes do nothing,
I am blind yet I see,
in a way most do not.

I see the beauty,
a face does not hold.

You call me blind and disabled,
then why do I see more,
how do I know,
you're there when you hide?

My eyes see nothing,
but my heart sees all,
I see the true beauty,
of a summer night.

The kind of beauty,
that would,
make you want to turn,
your head away.

So bright and beautiful..
I am not blind,
I am not crippled,
I am simply me.


Do you wish,
you could go back,
in time.

To one one horrific,
or a sweet,
brillant second.

If it were,
I'd bet,
we would all be,
wishing we could.

Do you;

Do you hear my long and soulful cries,
at night speaking to the moon?
Do you see the sorrow in my eyes?
Do you think I am over-run,
by saddened tears?
Do you think you can hunt me,
to the brink of extinction?
Do you think you can tame,
my wild spirit?
Do you wish to feel a softness,
in my gaze?

Good luck I will say!

The sorrow,
is well hidden.
I will never cry in saddened tears.
You would think I was gone,
yet I would still remain.
My spirit is something that,
can never be maimed.
Gaze at me,
and you will always see my fiece-ful laze.

Tears Fall;

I think about it,
I think about you,
my hearts been taken,
by somebody else,
yet you linger,

Linger here in my mind,
No matter how much,
I try,
It hurts,
a dull ache in my heart,
where your love used,
to be,
tears fill my eyes.

I struggle,
when I see you,
I feel as if you'll come,
on back,
a hole,
where you used to be,
Tears fall.


Anger and destruction go,
hand and hand.

Peace and tranquilaty are,
simply meant to be.

But for some god-for-saken,
reason the thought is lost on me.

Touble brewing,
serenaty strining.

Black clouds block out,
the sun it shines.

Flames engulf your heart,
running it dry,
you only wish,
you could once again touch the sky.

Tears Dry;

Strength feels me,
when I look at him,
this is the place,
I belong,
right here,
without the hurt,
without the... Missing you.

Hazel Eyes.

He picked me up,
when I fell,
cupped my face,
and kissed my lips.

Tears swell and tears fall,
sometimes they build,
without a move,
but never forget,
Tears may fall,
but also..Tears Dry.

Independent me;

Before we met,
I was on my own,
I stood tall and proud.

When you left,
I was crumpled,
like a paper ball,
I miss that,
I miss,
the Indepdent me.

I've started to realize,
as myself alone,
I'm gaining back,
Independent me,

I still see you,
but it doesn't,
hurt anymore,
guess I've gained back,
Independent me.

Time passes;

You remember,
where you were three years old,
and the best thing in life,
was snuggling,
next to your mom?

Remember when,
you were ten,
snuggling wasn't an option,
you were to "Grown Up"?

When you were eighteen,
and your future were all,
that mattered?

As we grow older our priorities,
they change,
Time passes so fast,
just remember the past and all the people,
in it,
cause even though time passes,
people never do.

First Time;

Do you recall,
the first time you,
fell in love?

The first time,
you danced.

The first time you,
ever saw that one,
person you,
fell for.

Or even the first time,
you got a broken heart,
the first time you saw,
the one you loved,
with someone else?

I do.

And it hurt,
seeing him with her,
but the pain left,
and it was only the,
first time.


A wall built so high,
it keeps the water
like a flood,
of emotions,
blocked by your,

Water doesn't flow,
from where this,
strong dam,


I dream of pink clouds,
and golden meadows,
I dream of a blanket,
and food all set.

I dream of me and you,
just sitting there,
hand and hand,
both of us together,
simply enjoying life,
as it should,
and always was,
meant to be.

It's it not?

When we're together,
I see sparks ignite.

I dream of you and me,
simply enjoying,
all life has to offer.

Angel in the Night,

When the sun sets,
I hear the sound,
of beating wings.

There must be,
an angel out there,
hovering in the air,
slowly beating it's wings,
slightly distrubing the night.

Is there an Angel in the night,
watching the worls,
as it sleeps,
maybe a gaurdian of,

somewhere out there,
is an,
Angel in the Night.


You can hear the

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