» Poetry » Random Poems, Aminah Santos [motivational novels .TXT] 📗

Book online «Random Poems, Aminah Santos [motivational novels .TXT] 📗». Author Aminah Santos


Thank you dear readers for choosing this book to read.
I hope you enjoy my many creations. I hope you realize that you have entered the world of random silliness. Good luck and have a good time!

A Boy Ran Past Me

A boy ran past me,
I held his gaze.
He hit a pole,
I walked away.

He got back up
I turned back then.
He fell down flat
I walked again.

Ode to Nature

The animals and trees
That stand so tall.
The creatures, the bushes,
That shrink back small.
The kings of the sky,
That glide, that dive.
Burrowing mammals
Who fearfully hide.
Nature’s cycle will never end,
With the fruits and beauties it has to lend.
The greatest place to shop of all,
Nature’s Natural Shopping Mall!


Dark walls,

No sound.


But am I?


It is only loneliness.

I am surrounded by friends


I am alone.

Then, all is still.
Laughter ceases,
Motion freezes.

Yet, nothing changes.

And life goes on with one more person caught in the web of


Writer’s Block

Oh no! I’m having writer’s block!
What a horrible disease.
Oh no! I can’t think of any rhymes!
My studio’s up for lease.

What a horrible predicament,
A problem in which I’m stuck.
It seems that I have, probably,
Ran out of all my luck!

Maybe I’ll work for my parents,
After all that I owe ‘em.
Well now, will you look at that!
It seems I’ve wrote a poem!

The next two poems are about my 6th grade year. In my district, 6th grade is considered middle school, and boy, was that a year! Anyways, for some reason at both the beginning and the end of 6th grade, I was terrified! In the beginning, I was worried about homework, teachers, and just about everything! At the end, I was just anxious about 7th grade.

At the Beginning of Sixth Grade

I am shaking as I walk past monstrous gates.
I wonder what new surprises await me in the future that lie ahead.
I hear loud voices, both courageous and terrified.
I see a mixture of colorfully blended pupils in a rushing blur.
I want to be the best.
I am extremely nervous.

I pretend to be brave but my stomach is in my throat.
I feel my heart pounding hard against my chest, like a sledgehammer.
I touch and squeeze my backpack for reassurance.
I worry less now; I know I will be fine.
I cry within myself, “Carpe Diem!”
I am starting to settle down.

I now understand my new responsibilities.
I say to myself, “You’re ready!”
I dream I will be remembered one day.
I try hard and reach for the stars.
I hope to be recognized for my efforts.
I am a Suzanne Challenger.

At the End of Sixth Grade…

I am blissful yet gloomy.
I wonder if I have done enough to make my teachers proud.
I hear the ecstatic voices of grouping students and
I see that they are excited for the new year to come.
I want to be excited to, but instead
I am terrified.

I pretend to feel brave and strong, but inside
I feel as if someone, or something, is gripping my heart.
I touch my chest and feel my hearts fast pace.
I worry that I have not proved myself.
I cry out in fake gusto, “ Finally, 6th grade is over!” but truly,
I am anxious.

I understand that it’s not how you start, but how you finish and
I say to myself, “ Just push a little more.”
I dream that 7th grade won’t have so mush homework as
I try to stay awake during class.
I hope that I finished strong.
I am Aminah Santos, one worried little girl.

My Dad’s Hands

My dad has always been there for me.
He sits before his computer, working on the website that supports us.
His fingers dance across the keyboard, taping to the rhythm of focus.
They are coarse hands, and rough from his old navy life.
His hands are as sure as a soldier’s trigger finger.
I ask him curiously, remembering the times he went out to sea, “Why did you go to the navy, Dad?”
He replies, without looking away from the screen, “The navy offered a better life, and I took it.”


There was a random person,
who lived in a RandomVille.
He went to the Random Library,
and sat in a random windowsill.
He picked up a random book,
Said randomly to himself,
"Did any of you happen to know that bacon is good for your health?"


Publication Date: 07-02-2010

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