» Poetry » I Love to Hate, Samantha Galvin [robert munsch read aloud .txt] 📗

Book online «I Love to Hate, Samantha Galvin [robert munsch read aloud .txt] 📗». Author Samantha Galvin

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I • • • • • • • • • • • • page 7.

Love • • • • • • • • • • • • page 8.

You • • • • • • • • • • • • page 9.

So • • • • • • • • • • • • page 10.

Much • • • • • • • • • • • • page 11.

But • • • • • • • • • • • • page 13.

Then • • • • • • • • • • • • page 14.

Despise • • • • • • • • • • • • page 15.

You • • • • • • • • • • • • page 16.

Come • • • • • • • • • • • • page 18.

Join • • • • • • • • • • • • page 19.

Me • • • • • • • • • • • • page 20.

In • • • • • • • • • • • • page 21.

Hell • • • • • • • • • • • • page 22.

Because • • • • • • • • • • • • page 23.

I • • • • • • • • • • • • page 24.

Love • • • • • • • • • • • • page 25.

To • • • • • • • • • • • • page 26.

Hate • • • • • • • • • • • • page 27.

You • • • • • • • • • • • • page 28.


Love is truly a joyous thing, let me tell you
It will be lost, but it will soon be found
How long it will take, I haven't a clue
And even if it seems hidden, just look around.

That is what I did, and love I did find
And once it was found, it was all that mattered
This is when I realized I was far too blind
But it was too late, I was gone the moment love shattered.

Love is a thing to be enjoyed in unaware bliss
For if one finds what is behind its exterior
They learn curiosity would have been better to dismiss
Since the motives are surely ulterior.

I will reveal you how amazing my love was
And how it ended with hate, due to the flaws.



How lonely I was, way back when
Hollow and empty, merely a shell
A walking corpse is what I was, just waiting to end
My life was a nothing and that's all it would be
That's what they said
And that's what I believed.

But, then there was you
Filled with emotion you were, not a bit of space left
"Share with me," I would say
And share with me you did
But, I was not satisfied
"Love me," I said
And love me you did.

Thank you, for filling my shell
No, for breaking it
For no longer do I need a wall
This world that once frightened me
Is where I now happily live
I would have liked to thank this world
Since if it were not for this wonderful world
I would have never met you.



You already know this, I'm sure
But, it is just something that must be heard
You are perfection
Such a perfection cannot be matched
Not in this world, or any beyond it
For you are a conflagrant sun among fallen cinders
A radiating moon among us puny pebbles
And everything in between.

This world does not deserve someone of your status
You are simply gracing humanity with your presence
We should be thankful for such an existence
As for me, I cannot convince myself this is reality
For even ones you regard as lowly paid me no heed
Yet, the one who showed me life's magnificence
And the first to actually and truly love me
Was you, the one who must be perfection incarnate.



So, how long with this fairy tail last?
"Forever," you would say
And when would forever end?
"Never ever," you would claim.

Oh, how I hoped this was true
How I prayed, wished, and begged
I would have sooner lost my hand rather than yours
You are too precious
I cannot lose you
There are no walls to protect me anymore.

You assured me your love was eternal
Always and together we would be
I believed your words
Because I wanted them to be true.



I wonder how long eternal is
Is it a month?
Or maybe it is a week?
There was a point in time where I thought an eternity had no ending
But I am beginning to doubt it
Since the love you claimed to hold for me did not last
Last for an eternity, at the very least.

Perhaps my own love was not enough
Which led you to find another to love?
Guilt overwhelms me and fear takes its hit
I cannot lose you
"I'm so sorry," I would say
Only to be met with your confusion
You deny it
You lied.

Questions flood my mind
I want to know
Does my love not satisfy you?
Why do you lie?
I cannot bear to ask them.



And then I realize
You must have done it to protect me
To protect my love for you
And your own for me
We need each other
For without the two of us
We would be incomplete.

I will prove to you my love is plenty
You will not need the love of anyone else
Tell me, what must I do
To show you that I am enough?

Speak to me and tell me
What are your desires?
I will fulfill them
Every last one
You only need me.



"You are no longer needed," you say
I am lost, I do not know, I cannot think
This was not supposed to happen
How did I lose you?

I am lost, I do not know, I cannot think
Surely my love was enough, I did as you said
How did I lose you?
Please, do not abandon me.

Surely my love was enough, I did as you said
Forgive me for whatever wrong I have committed
Please, do not abandon me
Without you, I cannot survive in this world.

Forgive me for whatever wrong I have committed
You will not leave, I will make sure of it
Without you, I cannot survive in this world
Return to me, or I will resort to other means.

You will not leave, I will make sure of it
A price must be paid for the walls you have torn down
Return to me, or I will resort to other means
Just take me back, it would benefit both of us.

A price must be paid for the walls you have torn down
I may not be needed, but I need you
Just take me back, it would benefit both of us
Running is pointless, I will have you.

I may not be needed, but I need you
You're an important possession that I cannot lose
Running is pointless, I will have you
You are mine forever.

You're an important possession that I cannot lose
One that I will never lose
You are mine forever
And so, you will not leave me.



How unfortunate it is for you, dear soul mate
I will make it so you regret the day my adoration turned to hate
Prepare yourself, my vengeance is near.

My patience has run thin, no longer can I wait
I do believe you have made your decision rather clear
How unfortunate it is for you, dear soul mate.

There is no changing your mind, it is too late
And there is no meaning in accepting a love made from fear
Prepare yourself, my vengeance is near.

Your attempts to flee are in vain, accept your fate
That body of yours is for me to tear
How unfortunate it is for you, dear soul mate.

I gave you a chance, a chance for a clean slate
You merely belittled me, often with a sneer
Prepare yourself, my vengeance is near.

Sweet revenge, I'm certain it will taste oh so great
Do not despise me, for it is you who started this, my dear
How unfortunate it is for you, dear soul mate
Prepare yourself, my vengeance is near.



You are a worthless piece of trash
There is no remorse in destroying you
I am simply sparing this world
This act of mine, it is quite heroic
For ridding the world of a demon, I will be loved
While you, the demon, will become the hated.

Whatever love you once had, I will turn it to hate
I will make sure every memory of you is turned to trash
Your existence will be abhorred, and only your demise will be loved
Find comfort in the fact that no one will miss you
Purging the world of a cruel demon, it's almost as if I'm a hero
Watch how your ceased existence improves this world.

I wonder where you will end up when you're gone, in what world
Just promise me, wherever you end up, you will not hate
me, as not only was this your own fault but it would not be heroic
if I were to allow such a person continue living, trash
is supposed to be disposed of after all, and you
are trash that I must get rid of to create a world all can love.

Remind yourself, all of this could have been avoided if you had truly loved
me, but because you are heartless you tore down the world
you built for me, yet this is all right as a world without you
is the best place to be since everyone along with myself tend to hate
filthy areas, many prefer a nice, tidy world without the slightest bit of trash
littering it and so eradicating any all garbage makes one quite the hero.

It would be appreciated if you vanished, maybe this would even make you a hero
yourself, but nothing will save you from your fate of one who is not loved
as no one is willing to degrade themselves to loving a piece of trash
but have no fear, if you were to have yourself travel onto the next world,
you would surely find scum who are much easier to hate
it will also make it much easier for us in getting rid of you.

How stubborn and persistent you are, why do you
insist upon staying in a world where you cannot be saved, there is no hero
willing to rescue you, for they all know now what my ire and hate
will surely bring them, remember there is no longer any love
for you here, at least not in this world
move on and accept the fact that you are wanted here as much as we want trash.

Dear trash,
Leave this world
You are not loved.



It's taking you quite a while to leave
Shall I escort you?
It won't take long
Just quit this game of hide and seek
We are not children.

Come out, come out
I won't bite
Teeth are rather ineffective
But, wherever you are
I will find you.

The longer you hide, the longer it will take
You are simply prolonging the inevitable
"My vengeance is near," I did say
And unlike the scum you are
I intend to keep my promises.

This game has grown dull and my patience has worn thin
I am sick of waiting
Listen to me now and listen well
No longer will you be shown mercy
It would be best if you prepared for the worst.



Please explain to me
What is there to fear?
The repentance I offer is only natural
Everyone faces it at some point
I am only speeding up the process.

If it is for what comes after, do not worry
I will make sure I join you
For after you repent for your betrayal
My love for you will certainly reignite
Isn't that wonderful?

Forever we will suffer
But there is nothing to worry about
Because we will be together



And here you are
Fleeing me
Despising me
Cursing me
Yet here you

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