» Poetry » Free, Lucia Morosanu [easy to read books for adults list .txt] 📗

Book online «Free, Lucia Morosanu [easy to read books for adults list .txt] 📗». Author Lucia Morosanu

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You say…I say

You say…I say

You say I only miss a leap of faith
I say my eyes are much too open to ignore the pit
You say I am arrogant and vulgar
I say you are pompous and falsely superior
You say a higher force guides you
I say morality is entrenched in our humanity
You ask what is the harm in just believing
I respond what is the harm in just asking
You say I am a harsh cynic
I say you live in a pernicious dream
You say I am a soulless creature
I say you are an over glorified sheep
You say every word is sacred
I say man's work is damned to be erroneous
You say you will harvest the eternal fruits
I say I believe in the evidence of now
You say you are a gift
I say I am a result
You say your modesty knows no boundaries
I say my selfishness betters the world
You say my soul is rotting
I say your mind is stagnating
You say you know
I say I am a skeptic until proven right
You say you are chosen
I say I am free
You say everything we see was made only for us
I say we are just a piece of a big puzzle
You say you believe, you say you will be rewarded
You say I am a fool, you say I will be punished
You say many things, you prove none of them

Seven deadly colors

Seven deadly colors 


Red, the yearning flames will forever fuel your fervor

Breath by quickened breath, touch by forbidden touch

Moistened lips, craved kisses, soft skin, longing for immediate satisfaction

The smell of naked flesh in the warm nights makes the blood boil 

You are aware you are not allowed but deny you understand 

You can perceive the consequences, yet you refuse to cease 


Gold, you want it now, you need it all, you have to have it 

More and more, borderless desire for priceless possessions 

The heart grows larger as the mountains of gems extends without finality

Satin, silver and spices serve to satisfy the phony soul 

The glitter of a beggar's only coin consumes you from within 

All is for you to seize, but it has devoured what remained of your humanity 


Black, the ultimate demise will soon be upon the sinful 

All will pay, none will be spared the eternal punishment 

The storm forming is becoming dauntingly palpable, thunder and lighting 

The earth trembles to its very core, as it awaits the inescapable sentence 

You will stop at nothing to destroy the ones you passionately loath 

Search for shelter, beg and weep if you wish, but there is no escape 


Green, pure poison running through your rusty veins

The luster of the unworthy sun must become yours 

With every look, your anger grows ever stronger 

None deserve to go higher, to have more, to be better

Just as a venomous serpent, you are a silent and deadly killer

Every attempt for glory in nothing but a pathetic joke in your eyes 


Purple, the beginning for all beginnings, and the end to all ends

Nothing can compare, none is able to rise to the ivory throne 

Perfection does not do justice to flawless creation

The world around slowly decays, erodes away without forgiveness 

But the mirror shows the only true reality that will ever matter 

Flawless in every way, blissfully content until the end, alone for eternity


Orange, is never enough to be enough, always needs more of more 

Whatever the wondering eye sees, the weakening heart must posses

No quantity is ever sufficient to satisfy the primordial want 

Limitless pit of desire, coveting endlessly at every whim 

You indulge beyond normal need, growing to ghastly proportions 

Your undying greed will become your passionate demise 


Blue, nothing can perturb the motionlessness perfection of stillness

Time goes by, silently second by second, without forgiveness

Yet all is calm and blissful, the sky cloudless and storms unheard of 

Every grain of sand is lost without a soul to mourn them 

Apathy slowly creeps in, stubbornly nesting inside the deepest caverns 

Nothing changes, nothing progresses, until the end all will be unmoved  


We are all but slaves to colors, as they engulf our withering minds 

Enchanting, delightful, scintillating, sinful sirens calling all 

Their scent is intoxicating, their grip inescapable, their punishment inevitable 

They may change, they may combine but they never disappear

We are mere puppets in their hands, as they carelessly play us 

Their every whim will be our command, every laughter our demise



Give me

Give me


Give me a grain of hope and I will build you a universe

Give me the present and I will fabricate a flourishing future

Give me a simple sound and I will rally up all the lost souls

Give me a drop of reason and I will pull down the pernicious veil 

Give me a strong voice and I give life to all the deepest dreams 

Give me a powerful word and I will rewrite anarchy

Give me a splinter of light and I will illuminate all the darkened minds

Give me a spark of courage and I will ignite the flames of revolution 

Give me one chance and everything will be shaken to its very core 

Give nothing but my pen and nothing can prevent my ascent




The refusal to think will be your silent demise

Stubborn ignorance robs you of your humanity

Do not look around for fulfillment

Do not cheat your way to the top

Do not wait for heavenly salvation to come 

Do not forget your mind is your own greatest asset 

Do not search for your reflection in the eyes of others 

Do not compromise your prized ideals for mediocre approval 

Do not be afraid of the empowering ”NO”

Do not accept to be enslaved by believes 

Do not accept your voice to be part of the majority 

Do not take my word for it; open your eyes if you dare to see 

A world of colorful masks and perishable identities 

An unfair world inherited by the second-rate meek 

You can accept their rules and taste limitless success

Or you can embrace your true nature and fight with pride 




The world is slowly crumbling away

The golden plaster is shedding forever

Sharp minds are lost to mediocre perfection

Justice continues to be immune to evidence

The only true law is money's green eye 

Religion paralyzes progress, imprisoning humanity in the dark

Everyone is placed in a box from which escape is futile 

Austerely followed archaic rituals cripples authentic individuality

Old will forever beat young, men will always overthrow women 

Intellectual frustration reaches its final hours 

Fighting against never dying winds and infinite brick walls

Armed with only reason and logic, the fight will be surely lost




Can you let go of everything around you

And be satisfied with just your inner being?

Are you that sure of what you truly are?

Do you need constant reassurance to feel complete?

Can you love something without hating it?

Can you live for what you are and not of others?

Can you be happy alone, without a safety net?

Can you strive to be better and succeed 

For yourself and not for appearances? 

How can you be so sure there is a god

When you look around and see

The hate, the pain, the anger?

Can you look at the world around without judging it?

Can you be sure the pain is not still haunting you?

Can you be sure you will never regret a mistake?

Are you sure you are out of tears, so you can go on?

Can you ever be certain of your convictions?

Can you honestly ask yourself these questions?

I am not like that

I am not like that



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