» Poetry » Poems for Grieving Parents, Samantha Wilson [free children's online books TXT] 📗

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his angel passes away without a peep
he wonders how this could happen
and dies a little inside
The grief is more then fathers can take
the rudness starts then comes the drugs
daddy does not want to feel all this pain
little more drugs maybe he can see his daughter today
Fathers do not know how to share their grief so drugs and drinking become their lives
He thinks of his daughter what would she think of him
He says he does it for her but really it is for himself
he feels so selfish taking drugs to forget
His beautiful daughter with her angel tips
He thinks about the fun they had for so many many years
He crys out her name and cries for a bit
Then he thinks to himself what kind of man he is
he is not there for his wife who lost her angel too
He reachs down and pulls picture of them together
one happy family daught father and mother
He knows what he has to do
get clean for his loves
she might not be here with him but she sees his faults
He goes to rehab and gets himself fixed.
No more drugs to daul the pain
just love and tears with his angel here on earth
Each night they look at the stars so happy for the time
they had with their angel all those short days!

Samantha Wilson

Without a sound
I carried you in me for 8 months
You came little early but you should be fine
Your lungs are ready your all formed now
now idea why your early
I don't mind
I go to the hospital with your dad
labor was hard
23 hours later time for me to push
three hard pushes and you were born
I did not hear a cry or gasp for air
I knew something was wrong
your skin looked so weird
nurses and doctors ran to your side
they tried so hard to bring you back
They came back to me with you all bound up
blankets to help cover you up
Doctor told me you were not alive
My heart is broken I wanted your touch
My life is so lonely here without you
I wish I could see you all pink and full of life
But instead all I see is the purple of your body
Oh how I wish You could have met me and your father
My eyes are full of tears Our sweet little angel
you are in heaven now with nanna and papa
tell them I love them and to hold you tight
some day I will meet you up in the sky!
Samantha Wilson

the tears
The tears are rolling down my face
my baby has gone to another place
How will I know if they will be happy
will someone take care of my dear little baby?
My love is so strong I want my baby back
I scream to the sky
As I set there on my knees begging and crying
I look up at the night sky
there in my sight I saw something great
I saw one little star in the sky
I could have swore it was you looking down
So I got up off my knees
I feel better now
My love is still here for you
It will never go away
But you are in heaven now
and in the stars

Samantha Wilson


I hold you in my arms
I watch your life fade
You were my baby, but only for short time
I watch the light fade out of your eyes
I knew that god had come to get you
I look and watch you as the last sparkle fades
My baby got her wings today
No more pain for her
My heart is breaking
My arms just want to hold you
You will rest safely In your grandmas loving arms
until mommy can see you again
You know that I love you
even with your very short stay
My baby girl got her wings today
and that ended my world!
Samantha Wilson 3-29-212

My angel baby is flying high
how I miss you these days
You were born sleeping
You grew your angel wings
mommy and daddy cried for you
when the doctor said you were gone
My heart is broken, knowing you won't be around
We tried so hard to have you
then you were taken away
I did not get to hold you
why is my heart broke this way
My love for you is for always
my little angel
No pain for you in this world
No hurt in your heart
I know you watch me tonight with all my thoughts
I wish you were here with me
just for an hour
Then I could hold you and say that I love you
But right now you are in heaven
you got your angel wings
Fly high and proud
and mommy will see you around
Samantha Wilson 3-29-2012

Today I Will.....

Today I will play in the dirt in memory of how you hated your hands dirty as a baby.
Today I will smell the roses in memory of the flowers you picked for me.
Today I will tell a joke in memory of your smile.
Today I will bask in the sun in memory of how you brightened my life.
Today I will reach out to another in memory of your kind heart.
Today I will learn something in memory of your remarkable intelligence.
Today I will embrace the dawn in memory of the moment you gained your wings.
Today I will live each moment for both of us with a love for you so strong it could never become just a memory.
Samantha Wilson 4-30-2012

There’s an elephant in the room.
It is large and squatting
so it is hard to get around it.
Yet we squeeze by with,
“How are you?” and “I’m fine.”
and a thousand other forms of
trivial chatter.
We talk about everything else –
except the elephant in the room.
We all know it is there.
We are thinking about the elephant
as we talk together.
It is constantly on our minds.
For, you see, it is a very big elephant.
It has hurt us all, but we do not talk about
the elephant in the room.
Samantha Wilson 4-30-2012

No cries fill the night
No diapers to change
No wet baby wipes
Only anger and rage

No sweet baby smiles
No soft baby skin
No warm loving child
Only hurt deep within

No cradles and cribs
No tiny little clothes
No dirty baby bibs
Only pain no one knows

No strollers, No car seats
No first baby steps
No new words so sweet
Only cries from my lips

No hollers for “Mommy”
No baby blue eyes
No “Daddy, I’m hungry”
Only tears in my eyes

No school work or paintings
No buses or books
No dances, No girlfriends
Only long, distant looks

No laughter, No tears
No father-son bond
No “he looks just like you”
Only “Get over it, He’s gone”
Samantha Wilson 4-30-2012


If I could take a minute out of each
and every day,
To hold my child close to my heart
and kiss his fears away.
If I could take a minute out of each
and every week,
To play with blocks and peek-a-boo,
tag or hide and seek.

If I could take a minute of any span of time,
I’d never waste a second of the
pleasures that were mine.
If he could crawl upon my knee and
lay his sleepy head,
upon my shoulder tenderly and dream
of gingerbread.

I’d spend my time in total bliss
and watch my small son grow,
from babyhood to childhood, knowing
all there is to know.
If I could stop my aching heart and
put my mind asleep,
If I could stop the flow of tears that
are always on my cheek.

I only need a minute, Lord, I know he’s
safe with you,
But there’s something real important
that I had no time to do.
If you could do it for me, Lord, here’s
a message he should know,
tell him that I Love Him, then I’ll let
him go.
Samantha Wilson 4-30-2012

Dear Friend ~
Go ahead and mention my child,
the one that died, you know.
Don’t worry about hurting me further,
the depth of my pain doesn’t show.
Don’t worry about making me cry,
I’m already crying inside.
Help me to heal by releasing the
tears that I’m trying to hide.
I’m hurt when you just keep silent,
pretend he didn’t exist.
I’d rather you’d mention my child,
knowing that he has been missed.
You asked me how I’m doing,
I say “pretty good” or “fine”,
but healing is something on-going,
I feel like it will take a lifetime.
Samantha Wilson 4-30-2012

We couldn't wait to hold you
And see your pretty face.
To count your little fingers,
And check your toes are in their place.
It should have been the happiest day
To remember all our life.
But joy had turned to heartache,
No breath, no beat, no life.
We will never see you smile,
Or hear your hearty cry.
We will never be able to dry your tears,
Or share your happy times.
Our precious little Angel,
We will always know your face.
In our hearts and stars forever,
You will always have a place.
Samantha Wilson 4-30-2012
To Mother and Father

There's a corner up in heaven
Where the little babies play,
And our Blessed Mother watches
All throughout the live long day.
They're a happy lot, these babies
Sure the reason's very plain
For they've missed the world's contagion,
Came unscathed, without it's pain.
"Tis an angel band they call them
And you both should happy be
You're the parents of an angel
'Cause your baby's there you see.
Yes, and smiling down upon you
With an innocent sublime:
Waiting: watching for the parents
He will meet again in time.
You should never be rebellious
Rather thank a loving God
For your little guardian angel
As along life's way you plod,
With a faith that never falters
Clasping each the other hand
Pledge yourselves to meet your baby
In that better happy land.
Samantha Wilson 4-30-2012

Don't Tell Me That You Understand
Don't tell me that you understand, don't tell me that you know.
Don't tell me that I will survive, how I will surely grow.
Don't tell me this is just a test, that I am truly blessed.
That I am chosen for the task, apart from all the rest.
Don't come at me with answers that can only come from me,
Don't tell me how my grief will pass, that I will soon be free.
Don't stand in pious judgment of the bonds I must untie,
Don't tell me how to grieve, don't tell me when to cry.
My life is filled with selfishness, my pain is all I see,
But I need you and your love...Unconditionally.
Accept me in my ups and downs, I need someone to share,
Just hold my hand and let me cry, and
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