» Poetry » Poems for Grieving Parents, Samantha Wilson [free children's online books TXT] 📗

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Angel Wings
I found I was pregnant and was so proud
Later I found out she was gone on the wing of a dove
My heart broke a little to know I would never see
The twinkle in your eyes
The smile on your face
I would never hear your first cry
Oh how it breaks my heart
You would have been mommy's first true love
The only one with all my heart
Take my soul with you keep it flying high
Because my love for you will never die..

By Samantha Wilson

Our love was met to be
your father and I
We tried so long to have someone just like you
We had you in my belly how proud we both are
You made it to month 9 , but you never cried out
Our love died a little with each minute that passed
Our hearts stopped beating and we started to cry
The doctor said you were gone
we could not believe our ears
Our love for you will send you soaring in the sky
You take our hearts and soul with you when you did not cry
Our love for you will keep you soaring so high in the sky
Ride the wind my beautiful baby
we will so miss you, But remember our hearts are up there with you!

By Samantha Wilson

My heart is broken
I cannot sleep
I want my little angel back that god decided to keep
I held you in my arms for only two days
I cry each day that goes by that I can’t see your face
My heart is bleeding, but I know you are ok
God only takes the good ones he sees born each day
My angel was so special to me, but he could not wait
For you to be my baby he could not wait
He took you up to grandma and How I miss you so
But my mommy will take care of you until I meet you again
So mom hold my baby tight in your arms
My love is up there with you my heart and soul too

My beautiful daughter I had you for six years
how I loved your laughter
and the smiles on your face
I wish I could go back and have that time again
Daddy sure misses you my little angel girl
My heart and soul cried out for you
But I know that you are safe
Grandma and Grandpa are there to keep you warm
Oh my little angel girl I would have took your place
But your mommy and brother still needed me here on earth
My heart is still broken
I cry for you each day
Daddy won’t stop crying Until I leave this earth
My heart will be yours angel girl forever and always
Be good for Grandma and Grandpa until I take your hand
I miss you with every part of me
I can’t wait to see
The smile on your face
The giggle on your lips
I can’t wait to hear you call me daddy in your angel voice
I will meet you in heaven and we can start where we left off
But until I come to heaven Know I think of you first

For my sister up in heaven
I remember your face
I was just little guy when god took you with grace
I was so little but I still remember your smile
I wish we could have grown up together
In my heart I know you are happy.
setting up in heaven with Grandma and Grandpa
Give them my life my little angel sister
I hope you can hear as I tell our tells to my wife
And I will let my kids know all about their aunt
I was just little guy when Heaven became your home
I still remember how you tuanted me Telling me
I can't smile right
I laugh at all the things we did together
and when you told on me for eating dirt
Mommy and daddy will always love you
even with the holes in their hearts
I know I hardly knew you my angel sister
but I am great full I had your love for all those days
I hope that when we meet again
You will see the man I have become
I hope you are proud of me and what I have become
until I meet you in heaven one
Samantha Wilson 3-19-2012

My Angel from up above
we lost you when you were so young
Were not even born yet and you had died
we miss you and wonder what you would be like
my heart remembers the one child I lost
Your mom still thinks of you now and then
You were the child we never go to meet
But know that we still love you with all our hearts
You were born home on a night so dark
You were gone before we knew anything was wrong
Your baby life was taken and oh how we cried
But your little angel heart flow up into the sky
Years have gone by and our hearts are still broken
We remember our baby with his angel wings
You have five other siblings down here on earth
No one will forget the one we never saw
The wings you have now will always be there
Just like the love I feel for you now will remain in me still
You are now in the arms of nanny And Papaw and Grandpa Abraham
So until we see you again you can fall into their arms
To my baby up in heaven my heart is with you
Until I see you again You have others to keep you warm
Samantha Wilson 3-18-2012

When your child leaves your arms
all you do is cry
But you know all is not lost
you will see them again
you might be older
you might be sad
but the day you see your little one
you will be whole again
I remember how badly my little one hurt
I remember the pain and hurt on your face
I remember the last thing you said to me
I remember you saying Mommy I love you
I remember the day my angel got your wings
You flew up to heaven away from the hurt
I miss the light that was in your eyes
I miss the smile you always had
I miss the way I would hold you at night
rock you back and forth to help easy your pain away
No child should live in so much pain
I am glad that my angel no longer hurts
I am happy you are in heaven today
No more pain will strain that beautiful face
My life has stopped and it won't go on
But mommy is so happy all your pain is gone

Samantha Wilson

The trusted hearts of chldren
They believe your every word
When you tell them that you love them
you can see their eyes light up
When your child is sick and hurting
you simply wish them well
You make them as comfortable as you can
Then you kiss them one last time
and tell them to sleep
you tell them everything will be ok
You will see them again some day
You tell them not to worry
They will be safe
Tell them they are your life
Then you hold them as they pass away
and you watch the pain leave their face.
You know they are safe and happy now
but your heart is still broke
You know deep in your heart that your angel has their wings
You look up to heaven above each night as you pray
You hope your angel can hear you say goodbye
Samantha Wilson

The Rain
the rain reminds me of your tears.
How hard they would fall
The sun reminds me of your smile
the bright rays it brought to my heart
The snow reminds me of the snowangels
we made last year
Now as the snow falls
Those beautiful flakes reminded me of the wings
you got when you went to heaven
The thunder is the sound of you playing up in heaven
the lightening is The angels putting you to bed
The rainbow is your way of telling mommy
that you love and miss me as much as I do you
For all the things in this world
I would rather have the rain, the sun. and the snow

Samantha WIlson

The Beach
I remember the fun times we had on the beach
summer after summer
I remember our swims together
You in your floaties and me right beside you
I remember how you laughed with that sand between your toes
I remember the sandcastles so high you not see the sun
I remember the times and memories we made
I also remember the day it happened
The day I turned my back just for second on that beach with all our memories
I remember the lifeguar running into the water.
I remember looking around for you my beautiful ballarina.
I remember the feeling of something not being right
I remember watching the lifeguard pulling you from the water
I swear it looked like someone else it could not be my child
I remember seeing your beautiful lips purple without life
I remember falling to my knees and scream god why
I remember them trying to bring life back to you and how you were already gone
I remember the day I lost my heart the day you got your wings
Now you are my angle and the waves are your laughter
I go to the same beach just to hear your laughter
I build our sandcastles and listen to your voice
the waves of love that carry me for the rest of my life

Samantha Wilson

Stolen in the night
My baby was here with me just yesterday
Happy and healthy laughing and playing
Then this morning I wake up only to find
my baby got earned angel wings and I started to cry
I yerned for my baby to be here in my arms
My baby was here for a very short time
Her lips were purple signs of life gone
It breaks me in half
half of me is gone
I run to my husband and we call 911
only to find nothing can be done
Today we will put my angel in the ground
I don't think I can do it leave her all alone
in the dark and the cold oh so young
I tell my husband this is just not right
He holds me as I cry all through the night
Standing there at her grave telling her goodbye
i did not think I could leave her here through the night
But just as my husband said it is time to go
I saw a rainbow light up the sky
I knew it was my baby so happy and live
I stood up right then and wipped my eyes.
I knew my baby was ok and life would go on
So now I look up in the sky
When that act is back in my heart.
I know she is up there happy and alive!
Samantha Wilson 3-18-2012

The love of a father
The love of a father runs true and deep

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