» Poetry » Poems for Grieving Parents, Samantha Wilson [free children's online books TXT] 📗

Book online «Poems for Grieving Parents, Samantha Wilson [free children's online books TXT] 📗». Author Samantha Wilson

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miss you so much all I do is cry
My heart is broken I want to be with you
Today you went to heave to meet Jesus
But me I only cry
I hope for the day, I come to see you
Hope it won’t be long before I get to meet you
We can fly together and jump on the clouds
Tonight I lay here crying wishing you were around
My Angel keep on flying until mommy comes off the ground
See you soon my angel up in the sky so blue….
Samantha Wilson 4-30-2012
One Wish
If i could have a lifetime wish
a dream that would come true
I'd pray to God with all my heart
for yesterday and you
A thousand words can't bring you back
I know because I've tried
And neither would a million tears
I know because I've cried
You left behind a broken heart
and happy memories too
I never wanted memories
I only wanted you.
Samantha Wilson 4-30-2012

Until We meet later
We think about you always,
we talk about you still,
you have never been forgotten,
and you never will.
We hold you close within our hearts,
and there you will remain,
to walk with us throughout our lives
until we meet again.
Samantha Wilson 4-30-2012

Crown of Mother’s
Heaven lit up with His mighty presence,
as all the Angels looked down.
Today the Lord was placing the jewels
in all the mothers crowns.
As he held up a golden crown,
as all the Mothers looked on.
He said in His gentle voice,
"I just want to explain each stone"
He held the first gem in His hand
but the radiance couldn't match His own.
For He was the light of Heaven,
reflecting off each of the stones.
"The first gem"He said, "is an emerald,
and it's for endurance alone,
for all the nights you waited up
for your children to come home.
For all the nights by their bedside,
you stayed till the fever went down.
For nursing every little wound,
I add this emerald to your crown".
"A ruby, I'll place by the emerald,
for leading your child in the right way.
For if you hadn't taught them about Me,
they wouldn't be here with you today.
For always being right there,
through all life's important events.
I give you a sapphire stone,
"For untying the strings that held them,
when they grew up and left home.
I give you this one for courage".
Then the Lord added an amethyst stone.
"I'll place a stone of garnet," He said.
"For all the times you spend on your knees,
when you asked Me to take care of your children,
and then for having faith in Me."
"I have a pearl for every little sacrifice
that you made without them knowing.
For all the times you went without,
to keep them happy, healthy, and growing".
"And last of all i have a diamond,
the greatest of all gems,
for those Mother's who lost their children
when they came home to heaven before them".
"This is the most precious stone.
For i know just how you felt...
I too lost a child of my own."
After the lord placed the last jewel in,
He said,"Heavens is now complete.
For every mother has her crown of jewels,
and all her children at her feet"
Samantha Wilson 4-30-2012

Our precious baby angel
Our shining star above
You came into our world
And filled our hearts with love

Your perfect little face
Your long hands and toes
The love we feel for you
No one really knows

Never will we forget you
You're forever in our hearts
So spread your beautiful angel wings
And fly away to a new start
Samantha Wilson 4-30-2012

In my Heart
O precious, tiny, sweet little one, You will always be to me
So perfect, pure, and innocent, Just as you were meant to be.

We dreamed of you and of your life, And all that it would be
We waited and longed for you to come And join our family.

We never had the chance to play, To laugh, to rock, to wiggle.
We long to hold you, touch you now and listen to you giggle.

I'll always be your mother. He'll always be your dad.
You will always be our child, The child that we had.

But now you're gone...but yet you're here. We'll sense you everywhere.
You are our sorrow and our joy There's love in every tear.

Just know our love goes deep and strong. We'll forget you never -
The child we had, but never had,
And yet will have forever.
Samantha Wilson 4-30-2012

Love Cord
We are connected, my child and I,
by an invisible cord not seen by the eye.

It's not like the cord that connects us at birth
this cord can't be seen by any on earth.

This cord does it's work right from the start
it binds us together attached to my heart

I know that it's there though no one can see
the invisible cord from my child to me.

The strength of this cord it's hard to describe
it can't be destroyed it can't be denied.

It's stronger than any cord man could create
it withstands the test can hold any weight

And though you are gone though you're not here with me
the cord is still there but no one can see

It pulls at my heart I am bruised...I am sore
but this cord is my lifeline as never before.

I am thankful that God connects us this way
a mother and child death can't take it away!!
Samantha Wilson 4-30-2012

How is Mommy?
My Mom, she tells a lot of lies,
She never did before.
But from now until she dies,
She'll tell a whole lot more.

Ask my Mom how she is
And because she can't explain,
She will tell a little lie
Because she can't describe the pain.

Ask my Mom how she is,
She'll say "I'm alright."
If that's the truth, then tell me,
why does she cry each night?

Ask my Mom how she is,
She seems to cope so well.
She didn't have a choice you see,
Nor the strength to yell.

Ask my Mom how she is,
"I'm fine, I'm well, I'm coping."
For God's sake Mom, just tell the truth,
Just say your heart is broken.

She'll love me all her life,
I loved her all of mine.
But if you ask her how she is,
She'll lie and say she's fine.

I am Here in Heaven.
I cannot hug from here.
If she lies to you don't listen,
Hug her and hold her near.

On the day we meet again,
We'll smile and I'll be bold.
I'll say, "You're lucky to get in here, Mom,
With all the lies you told!"
Samantha Wilson 4-30-2012

Flowing Fountains
Oh little one whose breath is still,
my eyes let fountains flow.
I hold you silent in my arms,
A love denied, Unsown, A moment spent,
Our dreams denied,
I held you close for one last time.
These thoughts, our joy, the wanting bliss,
Your face, Your smile, to me God's gift.
Your tender frame, a goodbye kiss.
Forever child, I'll miss
Samantha Wilson 4-30-2012

Christmas In heaven
I see the countless Christmas trees around the world below
with tiny lights, like heavens stars, reflecting on the snow.
The sight is so spectacular; please wipe away that tear
for I am spending Christmas with Jesus this year.

I hear the many Christmas songs that people hold so dear,
but the sounds of music can't compare with the Christmas choir up here.
I have no words to tell you, the joy their voices bring;
for it's beyond description, to hear the angels sing.

I know how much you miss me. I can see the pain in your heart,
but I am not so far away. We really aren't apart.
So, be happy for me dear ones,
for you know, I'm spending Christmas with Jesus this year.
Samantha Wilson 4-30-2012
Mother’s day
So many months I carried you
and I couldn't wait to see
What a wonderful a little person
you would turn out to be.

I had my dreams of how it would be
just to watch you grow
But now those dreams are faded
because I shall never know.

For God in His great wisdom
looked from His throne above
And saw how beautiful you were,
so He carried you away with love

Now the rocking chair sits silent
and the lullabies won't be voiced
But in heaven there's a celebration
as all of the angels rejoice.

My tears, they won't be quiet,
they flow like a river roars
And I know my life is forever changed--
to be the same no more.

I must be a special mother
because I have been set apart
Some mothers carry their children in their arms,
but I carry you in my heart.
Samantha Wilson 4-30-2012

My Journey
I just wanted to let you know,
That I made it home.
The journey wasn't an easy one,
But it didn't take to long.

Everything is so pretty here,
So white, so fresh and new.
I wish that you could close your eyes,
And that you could see it too.

Please try not to be sad for me...
Try to understand.
God is taking care of me...
I'm in the shelter of his hands.

Here there is no sadness,
No sorrow and no pain.
Here there is no crying,
No hurt for us again.

Here it is so peaceful,
When all the angels sing.
I really have to go now-
I've just got to try my wings.
Samantha Wilson 4-30-2012

Little Angels
I am your little angel
and I'm sent from far away
To cheer you up if you are sad
or had a rotten day.

So when you find a home for me
make sure that it is near,
For when you to need to talk things out
I can lend an ear.

I'm here to make you smile
when you feel a little blue,
Just look into my eyes
and I'll smile right back at you.

Or when your feeling lonely,
and no one seems to care,
Remember angels do,
and we are everywhere.

If you are scared and don't feel safe,
and don't know what to do,
talk to me
and I will get you through.

Now find that special place for me
deep inside your heart,
And I will always be there for you
no matter how far apart.
Samantha Wilson 4-30-2012

Come My Child Rest
When God calls little children
to dwell with him above,
We mortals sometime question
the wisdom of his love
For no heartache compares with
the death of one small child
Who does so much to make our world,
seem wonderful and mild
Perhaps God tires of calling
the aged to his fold,
So He picks a rosebud,
before she can grow old.
God knows how much we need them,
and so he takes but a few
To make the land of Heaven
more beautiful to view.
Believing this is difficult still
somehow we must try,
The saddest word mankind knows
will always be "Goodbye."
So when a little child departs
we who are left behind
Must realize God loves children,
Angels are hard to find.
Samantha Wilson 4-30-2012

Angle Touch
There is a special Angel in Heaven
that is a part of me.
It is not where I wanted her
but where God
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