» Poetry » " HAPPY 2010 ", By Ashwini Kumar Goswami [knowledgeable books to read .txt] 📗

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invincible win,

Being Bhutto’s daughter and his deserving akin !

Over the next decade she had to fight for power

With her rival Nawaz Sharif in electoral shower !

Military tensions in the Kargil conflict arose,

General Parvez Musharraf assumed vast executive pose,

After controversial resignation of Rafiq Tarar,

Subsequent to unscrupulous defeat in the war !

Musharraf became President by force in 2001,

Arrogantly just like Hitler at the point of gun !

Until ensuing 2002-parliamentary elections,

To flounder for any possible fair selections !

Later he transferred powers to new elect Premier,

Zafarullah Khan Jamali as Premier to swear !

Jamali was succeeded by Shauakat Aziz,

Until new elections remigrating Benazir and Sharif !

During elections in 2007, Benazir was assassinated,

Elections were postponed causing riots un-awaited !

Benazir’s Pakistan People’s Party then gained majority,

In the elections held in 2008 with sympathetic surety !

Yousuf Raza Gillani was sworn in as new Prime Minster,

Parvez Musharraf resigned fearing any sinister,

After facing parliamentary impeachment,

Which was appropriate timely treatment !

Republic rule seemed short-lived ever in Pakistan,

Just like in chess remains pitiable single pawn !

Until Pakistan realizes cordiality and fraternity

With India progressing fast towards top entity,

Internal stability shall ever be irretrievable,

Until Pakistan Army’s rule is applicable !

Pakistan being just like India’s segregated brother,

No outsider can ever be truly helpful, rather !

Pakistan shall thus remain ever “A Banana Republic”

Until renaissance is arisen among its populous public !

God alone can invoke fraternity and friendship

Between India and Pakistan using His Mighty Whip !



Wrappers or containers of selling products,
Mostly with labels of tactical trade conducts !
One-free with two, cash memo eligible for a lucky-draw,
En effect, though these are bluffing offers extra !

Car, bike or even a residential good house,
All such offers attract ladies and gents with spouse !
These are only cunning trade tactics,
Taken for granted as a popular practice !

Reality is that trader is never a loser,
It is a cunning device against customer or user !
Marginal cost of all such extra free offers,
Is already included in purchases one prefers !

Overwhelming are ever these trade tactics,
Even in clearing old stock labelled with new strips !
Hand-to-mouth people even are all involved,
Over-expenditure brings them problems never solved !

Traders thus become doubly benefited,
By promoting business beyond what solicited !
Their ready stock, coupled with outdated old stuff,
So easily is sold successfully up to snuff !

“Free Offer” is always a lingering illusion,
As its cost preoccupies prethought inclusion !
Traders always adopt such offers as a pet infusion,
Placing people between fusion and confusion !



December 21, 2012 ! Nobody will survive to dwell !
Living ones shall go to either Heaven or Hell !
This is a gloomy prognostication,
Without any scientific ratification !

Basis of this is so-called Maya Calendar,
A French Prophet, too, creating such thunder !
The earth shall face collision with anonymous planet,
Thereby causing total destruction as an aftermath !

A Nasa Scientist, namely, Dr. David Morrison,
Has totally rejected such prophecy as at random !
Prophecies of a few noted men have though proved true,
Yet such matters are awful and create an ado !

Among the intelligentsia, it’s a pathetic fallacy,
God alone controls vividly the sky with galaxy !
So let us not fear anyway, inevitable is Divine Law,
Death of Every living life is certain without flaw !

Let us, hence, live the life as long as we survive,
Life is like swimming with any occasional dive !
Be there any fear, that is apt for our re-birth,
That’s, too, certain whether inside or beyond earth !

Indian myth pleads a life has to cross 8.4-million turns,
To regain human life after so numerous and troublous runs !
Filthy creatures as we very often happen to see,
Carnivores, insectivores or omnivores they happen to be !

Cockroaches, crabs, crickets, maggots, vermin and snails,
Lizards, scorpions, snakes and innumerable aquatic details !
Whenever we come across them, we feel irksomely fearful,
Thereby feeling feared of such life being hard to pull !

What form re-birth gives us, depends on our daily deeds,
So adhere always to sow philanthropic fertile seeds !
Let us all give up addictions, if any, to misdeeds,
That’s a dogmatic advice, each religion quite so pleads !


“GOD IS ?”

All religions, all peoples,
Worship Him differently,
At homes, churches, mosques and temples,
Day-and-night frequently !
With His different Names,
He stands absolute
Playing only Divine Games !

His presence is ubiquitous, why then Invisible ?
Atheists are proliferating making religion feeble !
Just like Judiciary and Science, they ask for His proof,
Why is He hiding besides horizontal roof ?
Earnestly, ergo, I implore Him to appear once for all,
To convince atheists for His Sovereignty over all !

Once if so happens, it may end all His mystery,
It may then be an unchallengeable History !
All the heterodox generation may then be unanimous,
Including all atheists also becoming homogeneous !
A single glance of His may create a fantasy
To undo all the way unforgivable fallacy !



I have a craze to discuss philosophy,
Which always remains unproved !
Though that may be like deep therapy,
Or it be in our Holy Books approved !

Indian religion regards on the top,
The Trio of Brahma, Vishnu & Mahesh,
Innumerable orbs moving non-stop,
Round and around on fixed orbit base !

Brahma is Head of Generation,
Vishnu controls over Nutrition;
Mahesh dominates Demolition;
This Trinity controls all revolution;
Though they uniquely stand absolutely One !
This is the deep Divine Philosophy,
As if, it’s God's Own Auto-Biography !

Let me a bit now turn over-

To know the Trio’s Predecessors,
Or whether would be their Successors ?
We may refer to ‘MARKANDEYA PURAN,
Which is as holy as Bhagvat or Quran !
It narrates the theme of Origin,
How and whence worlds came to begin ?

Being the Prime Originator !
She begot two other DEVEES,
MAHAKALI, MAHAGOURI naming these !
MAHALAKSHMI then produced a pair,
Asking other DEVEES to do similar !

Vishnu-Vidya, Brahma-Gouri, Shankar-Lakshmi,
Being the prime siblings primarily produced,
Whom the Trio of Devees additionally adduced !
Vishnu was married to Devee called Lakshmi,
Brahma and Shankar wedded Vidya and Parvati !
The pairs gradually generated creations,
Producing then succeeding daughters and sons !
This cyclic order is an eternal rendition,
To rotate invariably even post-demolition !!!
Indian myths have laid down even more epics,
To narrate mythological sibylline topics ???



We can’t live without You, ‘O, God !
As everywhere is Your Owned Abode !
You are inside us and outside, too,
We are the creatures of Your Zoo !
We do all remain to survive and flourish,
No longer than You want to nourish !

Though only One, yet ubiquitous,
For everyone,You are solicitous !
Irrepressible are Your Natural Laws,
Which are free from faults and flaws !
Though shapeless, You may take any shape,
To upkeep the Nature intact to escape !
As we sow, so shall we reap,
No matter whether we smile or weep !

This is the Natural Law of Nature,
Complaisant to it, would be living creature !
We can’t see as to where You are ?
Near You are, You are also far !
Farthest You are, it seems quite so,
Yet, may appear at a stone’s throw !
You are the Comptroller of life and death,
You only can protect all the aftermath !

You withstand every grief or joy,
You take everything as Your Toy !
So we pray for changing Your Law,
Using Your Big quill in Your Mighty Paw !
Change our world to Heavenly Abode,
Free us from Your Rigorous Code !
Fill in every life with such seeds,
Free from faults, following good deeds !

All of us are as Your Own Issues,
Pray You God, our, take good use,
Without any further ado or excuse !
Fervently we hope, you may not refuse !
As an Almighty, You can do anything,
Even to change nothing in something !
To conclude with this earnest request,
Implore You again for a solution to quest !
Lest none should allege disparity,
Betwixt the Earth’s and Heaven’s entity !



So many are there castes and creeds,
Quite as many as tribes and breeds !
Much many more than a nation needs,
India is a land that all them, feeds !
In this regard she world over leads,
Our Nation’s budget willy-nilly exceeds !

Temples, mosques, Churches are numerous,
Atmosphere there is serenely humorous !
All these remain populous always,
Long or short may be people’s stays !
Equally cherish all myths, regard,
That’s God-gift and our sand’s reward !
Hindu religions plead varying faiths,
Solve that all, Upnishads and Veds !

Many times arose, though, communal riots,
Unscrupulous, uncontrollable fights !
Different religions, different citizens,
For silly events, create illusions !
God being one, such else is none,
Why people then making His fun !
Wise people have to impart such a sense,
To bring everywhere, unanimous renaissance !
Pray God, hence, for a charismatic boon,
So that religious disparity ends soon !



I write not only because I can,
And also not because I have pen,
So what for I have to do so then ?
Oh ! surely, if idle, as and when !

My thoughts, though my quite own
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