» Poetry » " HAPPY 2010 ", By Ashwini Kumar Goswami [knowledgeable books to read .txt] 📗

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May or may not be agreed in lots !
Hence with this hope, I have to say,
Let us be benevolent everyday !

Love all things that appear around,
In the sky, oceans or on the ground !
Help all those who are in need,
Proud and happy you shall be indeed !

Fight out all obstructive aberrations,
Which are spoiling amiable relations !
Whenever, wherever, you feel helpless,
Even then you may never feel hopeless !

God helps those who help themselves,
Without distinction between ‘havenots’ & ‘haves’ !
So, go ahead with philanthropic aim,
Unmindful of any blame or fame !

Life being totally in hands of God,
We know not whether it is short or broad !
We have to live it up to its length,
So live it with your maximum strength !

To do your best without loop-hole,
To achieve its fruit and right aimed goal !
Needless to say, our land is full of sins,
A hero is he , who all that vigorously wins !



Single or like me and my wife,
Those walking on the edge of life,
Dragging the life with too much strife,
Like a lamb to be slain with a knife !

End of life is a scheduled sacrifice,
However nice may be preventive device !
Breathing when comes to a full-stop,
It is unknown, we have where to elope ?

Merely imagined seems dogma of re-birth,
Whether within or beyond the earth ?
All our virtue vanishes after death,
Still unknown is its ultimate aftermath !

Philosophy of re-birth is superstitious,
Life-to-another-life seems fictitious !
Matter is eternal and indestructible,
Though it is, however, convertible !

Gas may convert into its form solid,
Also it’s apt to become liquid !
This theory ratifies idea of re-birth,
Earth is yet known as life’s lonely girth !

No life seen yet elsewhere than earth,
This mystery yet remains to unearth !
Last breathing time is a crucial moment,
Divine Law always remains emergent !

Conclusively, life is an unseen agreement,
Divinely imposed without supplement !
Doing good deeds is hence only contentment,
Till end it keeps up our inner sentiment !

Do our duty unmindful of our right,
God is solicitous with all His Might !
Keep praying God every day and night,
Enjoy thus always a blissful delight !


(One To Seven, Yet None Is Son)

Two Springs, I have yet to gaze,
To hit a quarter century of age !
Now I am walking along the edge
Of my life gone above average !

When I do feel being emotional,
I happen to be quite devotional !
Consequently dipping into thoughts,
I recall my silly childhood rots !

Scenes of growing our family tree,
My memory exhibits before me !
Our family grew like an oak tree,
Broad branches whereof being three !

These branches were my three granddads,
Who, I remember, were our family heads !
Two of them cherished births of sons,
The third remained ever aspiring such ones !

He continued growing family with such ecstasy,
But every time contrarily he begot a lassie !
One-to-seven, yet none was a son,
All lassies, too, were of swarthy complexion !

This created in him a sense of grudge,
Against his brothers, so thence he became a drudge !
Though that was so-called irony of fate,
Which has to be sustained without rebate !

Hope is a good breakfast but a bad supper,
Outcome of which all have to suffer !
The jealous grandpa was lastly blessed with a son,
Whereby dwindling his so long inset tension !

The son can only enhance family tree,
Making the father’s parentage free !
That’s why the birth of a son is preferred,
And that of a daughter is demurred !

The Goddess “Mother Universe” felt this disparity,
Being observed against any daughter’s entity !
She blessed seven lassies of envious granddad,
With high academic degrees to go ahead !

All his seven girls gained prodigious talent,
Each one proved high-flying and gallant !
They began teaching by tuitions day-and-night,
Thus earning enough to defeat family plight !

They laid examples in our fallacious society,
To do away with all fallacy of variety !
Their family thus became rich enough,
To entice grooms for betrothal hand-cuff !

“Mother Universe” thus proved Her Prudence,
Favouring femininity to gain credible credence!
Now the women class is prospering everywhere,
Equally high-flying with their fantasy of flair !

”Family Planning Code" they adhere to,
To restrict their issues to maximum two !
Developing or under-developed nations
Are yet to happen to learn such lessons !

Like China and India having huge populations,
Whereby facing indecipherable aberrations !
Their rural hoi-polloi yet proliferating,
Unmindful of large family yet anticipating !

Hence they all are with multitudinous family,
Always increasing there, though willy-nilly !
Rigid rule of law is must to be enforced,
The governments must take it to be endorsed !

Over-population snubs the way of development,
Developed nations only are yet vigilant !
Let us all developing nations swear by God,
To restrict human growth using rigidly a rod !



Publication Date: 01-01-2010

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