» Psychology » Force, Xicano Sol [the lemonade war series .txt] 📗

Book online «Force, Xicano Sol [the lemonade war series .txt] 📗». Author Xicano Sol

“He was beautiful. I couldn’t take my eyes off him from the first moment I saw him. To be honest, I didn’t think I had a chance with him. Because of my own insecurities, I felt he was out of my league. We met at a house party. He casually said hello and I was speechless that he had taken the time to approach me. After a few phone conversations, we went out a few times and actually began dating. It was a dream come true for me with the exception of one thing. I noticed that he drank a lot; I didn’t think it was a problem. There were a few times when I had to help him get up the stairs back to his apartment after going out. I was used to doing that for my friends so I didn’t think much of it except for this one night that things got out of control. We started messing around like we normally do, we had both been drinking, and we were having fun. At one point while I was on my stomach, I felt his hand clench around my neck and he hadn’t done that before. I tried to move to let him know that I wasn’t comfortable and he just clenched even tighter. I felt my face pressed against the floor and I was actually starting to have trouble breathing. It was just then that I felt he was trying to force himself on me, in me. For a brief second I was in shock, but when I realized what was happening I gathered all the strength I had in me to turn over and ended up throwing him off of me. He got up without saying a word and went to take a shower. I didn’t know what to do, that had never happened to me before. I gathered up my clothes and took off. I was filled with rage and sadness all at once. When I got home he had left a message for me, simply saying ‘You deserve better than me’ and we haven’t spoken since. It’s now been a few months and I’m having trouble going out with anyone new. I didn’t think it would affect me this way. In some ways I don’t think it was a big deal but emotionally I guess it was. I set up this counseling appointment with you today in hopes that you can help me get through this because I’d like my life to get back to normal.”

I’m going to try my best. From what I can tell you’ve done most of the work already and that is what got you here today.


Publication Date: 02-23-2012

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