» Psychology » Time Is A Blind Guide, Zouhair Ouirou [online e book reading .TXT] 📗

Book online «Time Is A Blind Guide, Zouhair Ouirou [online e book reading .TXT] 📗». Author Zouhair Ouirou


     First and fermost I would like to dedicate this book to every single person that is longing to regulate his or her life,and I merely trying to point out many things that can subvert human race.That is to say,there is quiet a lot obstacles that we come across in our life,and we very seldom acclimatize with its effects which due to reflect our paths from best to worst.


     Life has its limit.However,we tend to achieve our goals,we struggle to fulfill many things,we try to monopolize higher personalities and so on.So,my friend what you are now is what you think about and vice versa.What you  think about is what you are now.Life is all about having the proper beliefe system  of who you are.I have seen miracles happen to men and women all walks of life.All over the world then it will happen to you too sooner or later.There is no good or bad,but our method of thinking maks it so.




Time Is A Gruesome Ghost

 Time is relatively flying  and every single moment that you are  in my friend must be grasped as possible as you can.Inasmuch as you shadow your lust , amusement and so on,you will find yourself in a trance.then what I'm digging  deep down is to protray  for you a vivide image to see how it's so hard to tie time and to keep it wherever you like and whenever you want.However,the most successful  people  were relying on how to economize their tasks,how to cope with people around them and how to acclimatize with  environment.Through this zealous book which is enabling you to have a sight from an other corner,you will have the ability to actevate the magic power withing you.So, wake up now and go anywhere  where can't anyone see you and bury your past,cry,demolish that fierce days that you still behold in your brain.Ask yourself such this questions: who i'm? what is my purpose in this life? To whom I'm born? Why I borned here and not there?.According to this strategies you are awaken yourself and getting out that suspecious ghost within you. Forget the past as I mentioned above,live like it's the last moment of you,regulate your steering wheel catch it confidently. remember you are the one who can creat luxirious life for you or  anxious one.Stop vaccinating your subconscious mind with such those ideas like , I'm afraid,what if people laughing at me or I can't do it. They are incredible notions that can collapseyour entire life,your future.Try always to avoid naysayers.Otherwise,you will find yourself in a marsh overwelm of crocodiles.Rise up and organize your life then keep your nose at the brindstone.Do strenuously efforst and try always to sow glorious seeds of thoughts in the garden within you if you want to reap joyous harvest.Determine your goals and keep swagering until you bite  dust. we have the same fate which is death.So,please stand up,wake up and roll your head ,and you will find your desteny in your hands.Don't try to have much free time,don't seek for it and try as much as you can to run from that ghost which swallowing those who are waiting luck

Are You waiting For Luck

 Most of the people they believe about LUCK and they commit their efforts to it,and this is one of the blunder mistakes that they make. There was a penniless man acrossing road then suddenly he found $ 60. He started laughing  and shouting  I'am so luckyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. yessssssssssssssssssssssss.Then from this .He starts walking all the streets  and hunching  looking for luck twice,he belived that there is luck waiting for him and he must seek for it,but a the end he got a fat hunchback.So,my friend if you are waiting for nothing just forget about it,sweat yourself if you want to taste how delecious harvest are going to get.Olives can not pour oil up without squashing it; it is the same method and this is how life it is.Luck comes from taking opportunities into concederation and doing duly efforts.It's all about knowing how to promote your abilities and once you believe in your potential,your heart's desire eagering to fulfill manythings instead of sleeping and waiting for the end.Life is    a passage that is to say gnash your teeth,and look within you there is  quiet a lot treasures waiting for you,a storehouse of all what you need,and a garden where you can plant momentous seeds of thoughts.Try,try and do what should be done before you pass away,Graze your thoughts perfectly and monopolize higher personality.Miximize your skills,be the observer of your thoughts; don't let anyone demoralize you.


 My friend go and buy a small mirror then stuck it where you sleep and keep verbulizing with yourself; see and descover who you are. get out  those things that you still behold; don't be a pocket which is overwelm of horror's your life you are driving it where you want.i'm pleeding you to stop it now. Think zealously and perfectly may the way that you took is not the real one.A high way waiting for you to sign your thumb on it.




 Have you ever accepted such this unbelievable seeds of thoughts: I CAN'T DO IT, WHAT IF PEOPLE LAUGHING AT ME, WHAT IF I LOSE MY MONEY, I WILL NOT SUCCEED,I CAN'T WIN. Look out my friend you are burying yourself,killing yourself,lashing the treasure withing you.Stop smacking yourself. I used to hear such those horror ideas from my friends,family,every single person around me.But  day by day I found myself swamping in a marsh within  snakes.I found myself in a black car with a gnome driver taking high way to hell.I decided to jump through the window to extricate my soul from those ideas; I went home and I started visualizing myself as a nice person,lover,and changing from the worst to the best.I tied my thoughts within me and my subconscious mind has been nourished by my conscious mind  then I could grasp how does it work.The precious thing that I see through my past  is that our problems come from the way and the method that we base on.As I has been noticed there is no either bad or good,but our thinking makes it so.You become what you think about.Therefore,if you want to be a freaking loser you can get it; if you want to be a forceful person you can get's all about opening you mental eye.


There is no roof over one's head.keep vaccinating your subconscious mind with hopeful ideas,and you will see how happy life you will get


Publication Date: 03-20-2015

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Be sure that you read this book many times then take an empty room for you,and start visualizing what you are looking for and who do you want to be.

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