» Psychology » We Are A Scam, Santosh Jha [the reading strategies book .txt] 📗

Book online «We Are A Scam, Santosh Jha [the reading strategies book .txt] 📗». Author Santosh Jha

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not take their differences and conflicts too far. It is established by the science of consciousness that average people have an innate tendency to hit back to normal life-living (allostatic balance), even when there is a divide and conflict (homeostatic imbalance). They also cannot see and live up big and abstract issues like nationalism, war hysteria or political agenda of far-fetched consequences. It is always the politics and economics that lead people to well-planned agenda. This scam average men and women fail to see and accept.

In political science, there is a valid and well-established political process, which has the legitimacy of not only academics but in the very modern Constitution of all democratic states. This process is termed as ‘Political Socialization’ and ‘Political Recruitment’. It means, the political parties and politicians can very legitimately work on the basis of politicization of identities, which are instinctive in humans. They can and they very well, politicize ‘identities’ by standing them in competition and conflict with other ‘identities’ and then condition the consciousnesses of people with a particular identity to support their political party to come in power, so that their identities could not be in threat and disadvantage.

So, essentially, they first invoke identities, back them, make them competitive and belligerent. This then creates a society where conflict and violence becomes order of the day. They create the divides – between identities and entrenched classes; like rich versus poor. They create crisis in society so that it becomes compassionless, emotionally charged, reactionary and a violent space, requiring intervention of ‘power and authority’. They then seek mandate and legitimacy to install themselves as exclusive owner of violence to suppress and control innocent people, whom they themselves make culpable at first place.

All these are globally legal and constitutional and validated as political socialization and political recruitment. This happens to be a classic case of how jurisprudence happily weds the stupid-hypocritical philosophy of political profitability and happily dumps not only people but the Reality of humanity itself. This is scam. And, since centuries, the scams are flourishing and most people happily become part and parcel of the global chain of scam and scamming.

Here, it has to be insisted and repeated that human consciousness is not designed for goodness, righteousness and appropriates. Why? Because, these are not only humanly designed words or terms but also ‘contextual’ and ‘relativistic’ realities, amenable and evolved to have meaning-purpose-utility only in human milieus, personal or collective. It was therefore only natural that larger humanity could never come around to singular Reality of everything. It is only now that humanity has known beyond reasonable doubts that this very Reality about Reality being ‘contextual’ and ‘relativistic’ and thus given to diversities of meaning-purpose-utility for different persons and groups, is the singular and core trouble of humanity.

It is only now that we all have the singular objective knowledge to accept that entire humanity and even all lives on Earth are ONE and have singular common mechanism and process of perceptional universe. It is therefore only very natural that all 7.5 billion humans on Earth have ONE Identity and ONE life-living purpose as all lives have ONE benchmark as well as agenda for goodness, righteousness and appropriates.

This ‘ONE-Ness’ Reality is the singular common agenda for all humans. The soil for the fruition of this enterprise is the most propitious now. There has to be integration and assimilation of collective knowledge of humanity in all fields to make all humanity aware of Reality, how it expresses itself and how it plays out using our body-mind and its ‘Media’ of consciousness as its own media. This integrated, singular, objective and scientifically logical knowledge shall have to be universally disseminated, making all humanity accept the centrality of human consciousness in all problems and therefore in all solutions. This shall lead to the attainment of the much required single Identity of Humanity. This is the way to de-scam life-living. Holistic knowledge of Reality alone can de-scam the human world.

It is for sure that structures and agencies of state, government and politics shall use all sorts of smart tactics to scuttle any attempt to initiate this de-scamming process and bring about peace-order-poise in societies and cultures. That is why, all collective structures of people and even common men and women shall have to drop all other concerns and embrace this single common agenda of ONE-Ness – ONE Identity and ONE life-living purpose as all lives have ONE benchmark as well as agenda for goodness, righteousness and appropriates.


The Media

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*** The worst of the scams in this universe is ‘I’, Self or subjective consciousness. What most of us perceive ourselves as is the biggest scam. We think, believe and accept ourselves as something, which essentially is a scammed cognition as it has only grains of Reality and majority part of it is perceptional virtuality. We think, we are the protagonist, the subject and action-person of all we do in our life-living. This however is a scam. The consciousness, the ‘I’ or sense of ‘Me’ or personal self is not the protagonist but just a ‘media’ and the real and true protagonist and subject is something else. It is such a powerful scam that it is tough to believe and accept that we are just a theatre of action and the script is readied for enactment not by us but something else. This scam needs to be de-scammed…

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Awareness is cardinal and critical for wellness and peace but this idea of awareness is probably most un-understood and mis-understood word in human cultures. Most people take this rare and labored achievement for granted. Tell a person that he or she is not aware and they shall be angry at you. Everyone has this self-sustained belief that he or she is always ‘aware’. This is scam…

This is a misconception, even when most of us always feel and believe about being aware as the subjective sense of consciousness is always muffling us, like a second virtual skin. Science has established that in our daily lives, we are ‘aware’ only for few minutes at best, even while over 98 percent of our life-living is carried out in subconscious state. Science says; awareness or conscious sense is just a fleeting and ephemeral epiphany, which needs persevered practice for prolonging it.

The primary reality is that most processes inside our body-mind mechanism are subconscious and as they are ruled by an auto-process, a wired proposition, we do not need to bring things into aware and conscious domain. Being aware is a holistic notion, which entails having conscious and definitive registry of infinite processes and causalities that work inside us and outside in external milieus. It is the level of awareness that decides the potential of empowerment of a person. There is no limit to how much and to what extent we can be aware of as there are infinite causalities and processes going on inside and outside us. Awareness is a life-long learning and unlearning process. But it has a process too. We need to know that, which begins by admitting the scam about awareness.

Scientific studies reveal that our subconscious brain states entrench communication and engender awareness in two broad ways. First stage is the first seven to eight years of early life of a child when he or she accepts all information from his or her parents, family, ambient socio-cultural-geographical milieus and this become his primary domain of awareness. That almost decides the destiny of the child as this ‘Pre-Consciousness’ awareness works as base benchmark to judge utility and worth of all later experiences and information.

However, this primary awareness can be altered later when the child is adult and his or her consciousness has matured. This can be altered only by inputting a conscious element or information of learning and unlearning and repeating it time and again. Like, nobody is born with driving skills but as we enter adulthood, we practice for long how to drive a vehicle and later, this awareness of driving becomes a subconscious task. When we achieve good driving skills, we do not even remember how we drive. But, such learning and awareness possession comes only through conscious inputting of the new desired awareness and continuously practicing it.

Our personal sense of ‘I’ or self, or call it the layers of consciousness, is just a media of the body-mind causalities. This means that we may keep thinking happily that ‘I’ or myself is seeing and accepting a Reality but the fact remains that actually, the specific Reality is playing it out using our body-mind as media to express itself in a way, which makes us accept a Reality the way we do. The evolutionary design of the layers of consciousness engenders this scam.

Over 98 percent of our daily life-living routine is handled by subconscious mind states. This subconscious is the core machine of survival design. Very naturally, it has evolved as an auto-process, doing all actions without the conscious self being aware of any of these. The subconscious works with five senses, which are the information carriers from the external milieus of the physical world and the neuron plexus which bring information of the internal milieus of body. These processes are subconscious, which means they keep happening, without we ever being aware of it. Why? We become aware of a process, when there is a situation of conflict or dualism. When, there is something, which is not yet settled (algorithmic) in subconscious, then a conflict situation is created. This conflict engenders the agency of thought, which them makes the conscious self aware. We are aware of only these miniscule conflict parts in our lives, when thoughts make us ware about them.

Like, you keep doing things with your computer. You press commands and do the right things for which the computer is programmed. The computer goes on well. You do not even remember, what chain or sequence of things you did with the computer to finish off your work. However, when you press a wrong key, supply a wrong command or do something for which the computer is not programmed; suddenly a small window shall op up and there shall be something written on it to make you aware that something wrong has happened. The subconscious also keeps doing things without bothering ‘you’ till everything is routine and well settled. Awareness is created or called for adjudication, through the process of thought, when a conflict situation is created. Awareness is like this pop up window of the computer.

It is tough to be aware of the fact that what we do and what we realize is essentially reaction of something, which plays on us to make us do and realize so. The causalities (cause-effect chain), which play on us, are intangible and it uses our body-mind as media therefore, because of the tangibility of body, we think we are doing it, even when the reality is that we are just the media. The actual and real ‘doer’; the true energy behind the action is the causalities. It is like, we see a bulb lighted but what actually causes it is the energy of electricity, which we cannot see. We see only the light of the bulb. Bulb is only the media; the causality is electricity’s own mechanism and processes, which is singular, common and objective. Medium changes and the cognition of the causality changes. The same electricity shall not light a fan but move it, in a way, which shall depend on the design of the fan. If the fan and bulb feels they are lighting and providing air; it is a scam…

That is why there is an ancient prescription to humanity – ‘Don’t Be, You Shall Be.’ The prescription is to come out of the consciousness of ‘I’ that is in an auto-reaction mode working mechanically and stupidly as ‘Media’ of twin internal and external causalities – the first causalities of body and mind and second causalities in the milieus.

Therefore, it is

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