» Psychology » We Are A Scam, Santosh Jha [the reading strategies book .txt] 📗

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layer in human engenders both experience and knowledge. This conscious layer happens because of the very late evolution of a complex brain, especially the evolution of top cortex layers. This aware, experiencing and knowledgeable element of conscious human being is a huge facility, as it has not only survived the human in most difficult situations but also helped humans tide over a rather poor design of body and mind. However, this conscious and aware self also happens to be the root cause of most human troubles. This conscious layer is largely different from subconscious and algorithmic layer primarily in the sense that the later deal largely with tangible elements within body and outside milieus, whereas the former largely deals with intangibles like thoughts, feelings, emotions and beliefs, et al. This creates loads of different and almost always conflicting and competing realities, which is exclusive trouble only for humans. Animals do not face this huge trouble because their singular algorithmic consciousness ensures singular reality for all of their species. Very naturally, this belief-based reality makes humans a dangerous animal. Humans therefore shall perceive reality differently and believe their personal reality to be true and all other’s realities as a threat. This is the seed of calamities for humanity.

Another big trouble, which this conscious, aware, experiencing and knowledgeable self creates for humans, is its transient and emergent nature. Most animals have singular and fixed consciousness as their limited and un-evolved brain is largely algorithmic. Some bigger animals may show some simple signs of intelligence and at times come up with unpredictable behavior but not like humans. As human conscious is dualistic; it has a massive plexus of subconscious algorithmic brain as well as a very overriding presence of conscious and heuristic brain states. This dualism creates loads of unpredictability in human behavior and actions. The unpredictability factor makes humans confused, conflicted and chaotic. Probably, only humans are conflicted and no animal has this dualistic mechanism to show up any conflict in actions and behaviors. This makes humans the most dangerous species on earth.

The emergent and transient nature of human consciousness makes it most difficult to fix a personality tag on a person. We can educate, train and condition a person and make him or her accept the utility and worth of an idea. As consciousness of humans is very localized, he or she shall readily learn a life-lesson. He or she shall also show up signs of change in behavior and actions. However, as and when they move out to a contrasting milieu, they shall suitably change and behave differently. Therefore, a man can be good, caring and amicable in a milieu, where the ambience is good and he is reciprocated for his goodness. So, we can label him as a good person and put a tag that he is a rational person. However, if he moves to a different milieu, where suddenly he faces antagonistic feelings or his goodness is not reciprocated well, he shall behave and act aggressively and become a different person. The intangibilities of thoughts, feelings, emotions, beliefs and perceptions are very dominant in humans and therefore, a person is different personality in different milieus and situations. This conscious and aware self is an emergent, transient and vectoral reality as it is constantly in interaction with changing milieus. This is scam of evolution and a mega tool of disaster for human world as it instills loads of conflict, confusion and chaos in human milieus.

The human system of body-mind communication also seems to be different from animals and they also add to the chaos and conflict in human world. Though the neural and hormonal systems are very much common in humans and most animals, the complexities that they create in human mechanism is still to be deciphered. Therefore, nothing can yet be said with surety. Yet, it seems, the neural and hormonal systems of human body-mind communication have evolved to become so complex that conflict and confusion seems inevitable. Science is still trying hard to decipher the details of the working of neural plexus and hormonal structures but from what we know, it seems, because of the exclusivity of aware and conscious elements in humans, the endocrinal system of hormonal communication is more prominent in human system. Essentially, neural plexuses create communication for short-term changes and adjustments and they are mostly subconscious. The hormonal communications shape up long-term adjustments in behavior and they are two-way communication – hormones changing behavior and behavior priorities changing hormonal communication. This is more conscious and shaped up largely by intangibles of thoughts, feelings, emotions, beliefs and perceptions. They are more aligned to what the human world popularly knows as mood or mental landscape. Though this endocrinal or neuro-endocrinal system of communication in contemporary humans is a huge area of study and scientists are making headways in it; yet not much can be said with definitiveness. What we can say is that if modern human world is so much infested with mood-mental disorders and there are enough talks about hormonal disarray in contemporary humans, it seems, the complexities of the neural and hormonal communications in humans might be something, which troubles humans much more than average animals.

As so much of human body-mind system is yet to be deciphered, it is tough to clearly pinpoint something with surety. Yet, what we can see and experience, there is enough and logical space for philosophization of reality. What we are accepting in next few paragraphs is also what we can label as scientific philosophization as enough factual data is still missing. Therefore, it should be taken as a probability; nothing more. What we are saying is that human system of body-mind mechanism has its own complexities and poor design. Moreover, humanity has since ages unconsciously and consciously added huge loads of complexities in the physical and mental milieus, where it survives and struggles to keep afloat. Together, they create a huge load of confusion and conflict for average person. No doubt, it requires adequate and qualitative mind training through a long educational process to make a growing up child to evolve as a matured young man or woman with streamlined thinking and decision-making. This does not happen with 99.9 percent humans. They are educated but with an aim to develop a person with skills for a profession; not life-living. The new born of most animals can learn everything required for their optimum survival from just being with their mother and in the herd they are part of. Most required mind training is already wired in their algorithmic mind mechanism. They do not have to go to school and colleges. Humans however are unfortunate as most kids are born to parents, who themselves are not qualified to be parents. The socio-cultural milieus the human new born move around is stupid and massively hypocritical. They are born in conflict and confusion and grow up to add more to their milieus.

Primarily, because of the design of human consciousness, unlike most animals, humans are essentially belief-based species and never fact-based one. Most humans act and behave as per their beliefs and are least interested about what facts are and what Reality could be. The humans always feel and think, what they believe is what is true, right and real and what others may feel contrary to their own personal subjective beliefs are essentially stupid and ignorant. The subjective sense of ‘I’ or ‘Me’; this perpetual feel of self as distinct from others; make humans a belief-guided species. The element of experiences and knowledge created out of experiences also seem to augment this personal belief-dependence of average human. Naturally, as 7.5 billion humans live in millions of different and often competing world of beliefs, there are loads of conflicts, confusion and chaos.

The contemporary human world is now much beyond correction or redemption. The scams have run so deep and for such long times that it is impossible for this human world to ever change and correct its stupidities and hypocrisies. The human race has become such a behemoth that no energy of rationality, knowledge and change can install sanity and system back in the human world. However, an individual still can change and redeem itself to get back to sanity, peace, poise and order. An individual is the only possible unit of change. Those, who shall understand and accept the utility and worth of intangibilities of human design and life-living; those who shall accept the magic of compassion and knowledge in their lives shall definitely get back to sanity and live in lasting peace. This entire exercise of scam deliberation is for those handfuls, who shall understand and de-scam their lives. The majority of 99.9 percent shall not bother to dismiss this all as scam itself…

Accept My Gratitude

Writing something is a daunting task as there is always a lurking apprehension of it not being of utility for some readers. I however feel at ease, because of my faith in magnanimity of readers. For an author, innocence of intent is the only possession about which he or she can be and must be sincere. The utility and worth is always at the end of the readers and their judgment must always be accepted with the same sincerity of innocence. I am happily sure; you shall forgive if my efforts could not be up to your expectations. Thank you so much for being with me and allowing me to share with you.

Wish you an empowered life; with the prosperity of the higher consciousness.


About The Author

People say, what conspire to make you what you finally become are always behind the veil of intangibility. Someone called it ‘Intangible-Affectors’. Inquisitiveness was the soil, I was born with and the seeds, these intangible-affectors planted in me made me somewhat analytical. My long stint in media, in different capacities as journalist, as brand professional and strategic planning, conspired too! However, I must say it with all innocence at my behest that the chief conspirators of my making have been the loads of beautiful and multi-dimensional people, who traversed along me, in my life journey so far. The mutuality and innocence of love and compassion always prevailed and magically worked as the catalyst in my learning and most importantly, unlearning from these people. Unconsciously, these amazing people also worked out to be the live theatres of my experiments with my life’s scripts. I, sharing with you as a writer, is essentially my very modest way to express my gratitude for all of them. In my stupidities is my innocence of love for all my beautifully worthy conspirators!


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Publication Date: 08-28-2021

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