» Psychology » We Are A Scam, Santosh Jha [the reading strategies book .txt] 📗

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so that we have a consciousness, which is more objective, logical and singularly in sync with all others. Consciousness is at the core of all cognitions and therefore, we must have deep knowledge of the holism of the idea of consciousness. Unraveling the scam actually de-scams its implications on our life-living.

There are unseen and embedded rules of causalities that are infinite. Every realism is a function of some causality and therefore, to have a better understanding of reality, we need to understand as much causalities as possible. On this depends our wellness and excellence. Knowledge is option-less and its holistic acceptance is the way out of the scam.

All causalities that create realism are function of some form of communication. Every particle of the cosmos is in communication with other and this plexus of communication shapes up reality. It is only natural that a communication must have media. Every empowered person; as a potent and empowered media, should ideally be consciously aware of not only one’s own media but every communication in the milieus within self and outside.

We have discussed consciousness and causality to understand the idea of media and communication. Now we shall talk about the ways to facilitate the launch of a ‘Conscious Enterprise’ to use the ‘Media’ and ‘Communication’ plexus of our body-mind to achieve whatever wellness and success goals we consciously set for our life and living.

Firstly, from our experiences we all know how every system in our milieus have become hugely complex, diversified and multi-faceted because of high demand pressure for supplies. Thanks to the unmanageable population and its demands for ‘Good Life’. Also, as we have talked earlier, the scammed consciousness seeks indulgence and consumptive enterprises to deny mortality.

Naturally, most systems are stressed and this innately unleashes entropic elements of 3Cs – Confusion, Conflict and Chaos. All human systems, be it personal, familial, societal, cultural, political, economic or spiritual; has now become complex and stressed because of over-performance and higher optimality. This is because of ever-enhancing demand pressure, requiring increased supply optimality. The entropy has to increase proportionately as system excellence for enhanced performance goes up beyond a certain point of criticality. As is common in most system, there always are planned backups and support systems for higher optimality of performance but very few systems have strong structures with functional excellence to restore and rehabilitate the destabilizations and diastrophic situations caused by compounding entropy.

We can understand these aspects by carefully and patiently looking at our own body-mind system. We are wired for a reactionary consciousness that is guided primarily by reward and punishment sentiments. We always wish to feel rewarded and avoid punishment. This is simple demand-supply economics. Our wishes are demands on our body-mind system and if we are supplied with optimal quantity and quality of what we wished, we feel rewarded and happy. If the supplies are not commensurate, we feel punished and irritated. A child is usually happy because his or her demands are simple and few. However, deny a toy demand to a kid and he or she shall be instantly irritated.

This reward-punishment causality or what we can accept as demand-supply relationship is cardinal to our general wellness; we are designed this way. This becomes more complex and varied as we grow and mature. Our demands get diversified and complex and it is only natural that in a physical milieu, where humans have become many many times more than what our dwindling resources can support, there is always huge competitiveness for supply availability. The growing gap in demand and supply is bound to enhance system entropy and hence our growing irritation and conflicts.

The ancient spiritual system in Oriental world stressed on simple and minimalist living so that there is less pressure on demand side and therefore, less propensity of consciousness for entropic feelings, assuming that supply side is always less than demand. However, we in the new millennium have to be more aware and better endowed to handle this all. When we talk about ‘Conscious-Enterprise’, we surely do not accept to stand in deniability of the cardinal principle of an enterprise – that is maximization-optimization of proceeds of labor and investment. As a conscious person, we surely do not have to accept the classical position that ‘A System Low In Demand Is The Best Option’. Why? Because, our proposition is optimization of wellness and there cannot be optimization if we insist on ‘Low Demand’ causality of our life-living enterprise. We would rather work out a holistic model of ‘Conscious-Enterprise’ that weighs up and factors in every possible element and design and devise such a model of communication to our consciousness that shall be all-weather optimization mechanism. We would rather accept ‘Demand-Supply-Sanity’ and discretionary control over all production processes of the system, instead of a perpetual ‘Low-Demand’ system.

The simple plan is to have a very aware and consciously logical and objective assessment of all possible elements that form the ‘Causality’ of a systemic process. If things are favorable for system optimality, it shall be stupid of us to opt for ‘Low Demand’. That itself have entropic outcome on our consciousness. Therefore, what we are proposing is that we need to be very aware to assess with high objectivity and logicality the system-readiness and then suitably decide what to communicate to our consciousness so that we could attain the best possible optimum output.

It must be kept in mind that an empowered person shall practice consistently to swiftly and effectively switch over from one media to another. That requires repeated practice of differentiated communication in different suitability. However, in the ultimate analysis, we can say with definitive assurance that ideal it is to have a poise and equilibrium between demand and supply of our consciousness system but, this is tough in contemporary milieus. Therefore, it seems advisable that we consciously remain in a consciousness system that is relatively ‘Low In Demand’ so that our system as well as milieus are not stressed. It is for every individual to consciously assess and decide what it takes to have a ‘Low In Demand’ system. It is discretionary as different persons can have different capacity for systemic stress.

Also, equally crucial aspect of system-sanity, which classical spiritualism has insisted and detailed in length, is the idea of ‘Self-Supply’. Thousands of years back, it was realized by humanity, which modern science confirms, that ‘Nothing Exists Outside Self And Nothing Outside Self Has Any Meaning, Utility And Worth’. This suggests, when this very conscious self, the ‘Aware-I’ has all elements of utility and worth, it is the best supplier of most happiness and wellness cognitions. Therefore, the higher consciousness has the task of not only opting for a conscious system ‘Low In Demand’ but also ‘Be The Supply’. Here comes the role of cognitive changes. Here comes the utility of the artistry of music, dance and artfulness. Here comes the worth of love and compassion in hearts. They all help in ‘Be The Supply’ artistry of consciousness.

Secondly, the communication itself needs to have clarity and exactness. Even if my media is in sync with mood and modality of my communication to my consciousness, if I am not inputting exact and pinpointed communication to the media, I shall only get abstracted and confused output. This exactness of communication is tough task. It has got to do with how we have learnt our languages with good depth and command, how from early childhood we have managed our emotions well and how we have managed our thoughtfulness to exact needs.

I must share with you a classical example of this conscious-subconscious gap and conflict, which is global in nature and intent. This shall help understand why specificity or exactness is so critical in media and communication optimality. It is widely accepted by most scientific thinking that working actionable structure of brain states is subconscious layer. The conscious states may opt for a decision but it is only intangible. The decision in mind always has to be converted into definitive action and for that only the subconscious has tangible structures. Therefore, there must be very specific linearity between conscious and subconscious about a situation. If not, abstractions shall creep in and hypocrisies shall usurp domain.

This is primary reason that globally, average person shall almost always mouth good and lofty ideals and words. This happens because in almost all cultures, goodness and righteousness is common. Therefore, it is always easy and prompt for anyone to think right and mouth most appropriate words. However, most people shall seldom do the same good and right thing. That is why ‘hypocrisy’ is the greatest malaise of human world. Our conscious self shall usually think great things but as it seldom is made to stand in sync and symmetry with subconscious, which carries the commensurate ‘action’, most of us seldom carry out the same and exact righteousness that we think. Hypocrisy is entropic situation of conscious-subconscious gap.

Globally, we have witnessed that in most nations, there is a gap between what the political leadership ‘thinks’ and what bureaucracy ‘carries’. The visions or righteous ‘intent’ of ‘decision-makers’ or law-makers are usually good and right. The policy-frameworks probably cannot be wrong and bad as they are guided by constitutions of nations. However, only the bureaucracy can carry this intent into actionable work. There is clear divide between two pillars of governance. It is very rare that decision-makers take into full confidence the bureaucracy and it is equally rare that bureaucracy stand in full cooperation with law-makers. This is akin to gap between conscious and subconscious – the ‘thinking’ and ‘acting’ layers seldom being on one page. Naturally, most nations, especially developing nations have low optimality of their governance systems.

In contemporary times, it is rather tragic that politicians and bureaucracy has even come to open fights and abuses. The level of distrust and anger against each other is calamitously high. This crisis of governance has been widely documented by intellectuals of society time and again but still, no concrete measures are taken by governments to work on improved symmetry and synergy between two key layers of governance.

Therefore, the primary specificity (exactness) is to have both our subconscious and conscious in singular and present linearity. This ensures that entire consciousness system is in singular media to receive and execute appropriate communication. This requires practice. In contemporary world of fast paced life and multi-tasking demands, often, two domains of consciousness are usually in competing and conflicting platforms. Secondly, be very aware of the character of communication so that an appropriate media is consciously chosen for it. Third, the communication itself has to be very specific, sans emotional abstractions. Lastly, the communication has to be sustained and repeated so that conscious communication is etched deeply and decisively on the subconscious structures. As we have discussed above, even as a decision for action is taken on conscious levels, it shall have to be translated to existing subconscious plexus and pathways for finality of action.



Grief, pain, turmoil and sufferings are human destiny. Look at realities around us and how painful and disastrous they have been and continue to be, despite best of human empowerment as species. There is no escape. The inevitability is optionless.

That is why; in such a state of reality, it is clear even for the most stupid of humans that what contemporary human world is considering success and worth are all scams – scams of consciousness and cognitions. It is denial and deception trade all over and 99.9 percent humans are deep down mired into it. This must end or humanity is faced with worst of probabilities in very immediate future. Either this scam ends or we perish very painfully. We already are.

This has to be understood as why humans have a troubled destiny and why the contemporary benchmarks of human success and attainments is a huge scam and cannot be sustained long. The human world needs a complete rethinking and redesign of life-living priorities. The contemporary world, where human world is divided and conflicting on the basis of identities and status is calamitous.

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