» Psychology » Non vowel resources of some good mood, Alexander Borodin [e book reading free .TXT] 📗

Book online «Non vowel resources of some good mood, Alexander Borodin [e book reading free .TXT] 📗». Author Alexander Borodin

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even if he is “spoiled”, he should not be “strained” by anyone, this is prohibited by law - being ment a new term - geopsihologiya? Are there countries in which the population lives off of their labor, are there countries in which the population lives off on the labor of others? Only difficulties can help socialize, but not everyone needs it everywhere? Is a psychologist who “hones” a person to the reality in which he lives? When reality cannot satisfy the needs of some people, they respond with aggression? If you consider yourself too nervous or too ambitious, then it’s better to work not for an uncle or aunt, but for yourself - many create their resources on the Internet and ask for donations for their development and existence and, due to this, live - create your own “feeding trough” if can you and if it’s uncomfortable to work for someone? A civilized person should not have fear, aggression, unrestrained sexual attraction and other emotional experiences inherent in animals, or they need to be controlled - this is necessary in order to use the fruits of civilization and not live in the forest, like ancient people, complete indulgence of emotions and instincts destroys civilization? It is necessary to fight not with what is called alcoholism, but with its advertising and popularization - they do not hide alcohol in stores, as they do with cigarettes in order to combat smoking, the authorities would be happy to do it, but they need money to the budget, and more from cigarettes treatment costs of the effects of smoking than profit? Events that are considered bad, shorten the days of our lives? Always, when someone feels good - someone feels bad, someone has lost money - he feels bad, whoever found them - well, someone exploits someone - is good for the exploiters, and bad for the exploited? Who watches and listens to what TV channels does he think so - what works in the 21st century as the struggle for the minds and propaganda? What is a “comfort zone" - is it the totality of someone’s personal interests? When someone leaves his "comfort zone", he becomes nervous and irritable and begins to look again for this "comfort zone" - who has "tasted" more (better), doesn’t agree for less (worse)? All roles are distributed by higher forces in the form of his personal “comfort zone” for everyone, for example, a businessman, as a rule, loves expensive things and the presence of a large number of women, for this he needs to earn a lot, which means that such people are needed to form a budget of any state and the content of state employees, which, for example, are doctors - doctors are needed to treat those who pay taxes, etc. - is everything and everything interconnected? When you want to find a job, you need to think about what you have to offer (sell) to the employer: your strength of mind (fearlessness - usually such a product is valued in the army, in risk-related professions) or intelligence - if it is not, you need to educate and acquire it ? According to managers, men are well tolerated by natural stress, which appeared and disappeared, and women are more likely to tolerate chronic stress when there is constant pressure? Acquaintances on a street like a pickup truck are inexpedient with everyone - do you need to get acquainted with those who are looking at you while walking by, or looking around and looking at you - is this an indication that you are interesting, it makes no sense to pester everyone who passes by? The paradox is that, according to history, male people come up with moral standards - for example, some religious figures, but at the same time they do not always adhere to them, but these rules are usually followed by women, or some leaders use them in relation to subordinates, but themselves, as a rule, do not adhere to any norms? Is a sadist who feeds on other people's suffering? A sadistic boss pouring tea on his subordinate’s head when he saw that he was not drinking it at lunch time, should and could be punished under the law? To spite mom’s ears, I will frostbite - ponder what you are doing? When you endlessly write and mail messages about violation of the law by someone, you keep the tone of the person you write against and he is afraid to break the law, although he wants to break this law, but he is afraid to do it because of your letters - it makes no sense to write the same thing all the time and keep the violator in the “tone” of it, it makes sense to write once and wait for him to calm down after he has been taken to “clean water” and will begin to break the law again, and then they will catch him, because he already received information from you earlier, and he’s focused on manie law enforcement officers? The creation of youth movements and not only movements aimed at supposedly improving the society, just social populism, designed to receive donations from some states and organizations and grants for their activities? For thousands of years, people have been learning to understand each other correctly and can’t learn how to do this? In fact, what is considered borderline mental disorders such as fear of leaving home, aggression, exhibitionism, and other emotional experiences associated with fear, aggression, and sexual behavior are just the dominance of instincts over what is called civilized behavior that distinguishes a person from an animal - Is it a manifestation of the animal part of a person that has become dominant? Not all social principles are old-fashioned and who dictates the fashion for them? Is time a luxury that you have refused, getting a job in certain places that require you to be fully committed? Does the president and government of any state have to be rich so that they have an interest in being who they are and so that they have something to lose if they do poor work in their posts? Presidents do not have a career ladder - they are presidents, and nowhere to move higher? In order not to be the one who is called an alcoholic or drug addict, you need to be obsessed with something, for example, the opposite sex, money, sports, power, science or something else, and you need to be just obsessed, and not just the person who just like something - is it therefore the task of a psychologist or psychiatrist to make a person obsessed with something in the sense in which this is considered a good meaning? Where is it - what can be called the motivational gland that produces endorphins and controls our behavior? What is it when it is said that what is higher than you are emotions that you cannot control, or is their control painful for you? All the troubles due to wrong attitudes - who is a specialist in mental disorders caused by incorrect attitudes? What is a psychological army? When you are engaged in heavy physical labor from 08.00 hours to 19.00 hours, for example, at a construction site, and during this you listen on the radio that someone has sexual addiction or someone has insomnia, it cannot but cause irritation, and you immediately think : here they are, to the construction site, to work, and everything will pass — the proverb that physical labor of the mind does not add, but removes stupidity, applies to this case? James Lovelock is right - is the Earth a living organism self-regulating all processes? Does the Berres Skinner token reward system work? What is propaganda of inappropriate behavior? The boy’s first 40 years of life are the most difficult - in Europe there are many who are called non-independent people? What do you want to get from some politicians - are they state employees who live on taxes? Some scold politicians both in social networks and outside of them for their unsatisfactory life, from their point of view - don’t expect anything from anyone, don’t ask for anything, make yourself in the sense of a profession, so that you don’t depend on anyone, and you will employers invite you, and not you will look for them, and you will be able to find work not only in the state of residence, but also outside it? Introducing another new concept - resuscitation psychology? Is pornography making money on human physiology? In Angola (the civil war between UNITA and FAPLA), the Soviet military looked with surprise at the fact that while they were driving past local naked women washing in a stream, women were not shy about their nakedness, and moreover, they got up to their full height and waved their hands as a sign of greeting - the human brain is a very plastic material, can each be molded what you want, and everyone’s behavior depends on the place where he grew up? Not a psychologist, but an expert on ways to fulfill unfulfilled needs? 101%, that obsession in the good sense of the word and the possibility of its implementation is a guarantee of psychological comfort? There is no fear of death, there is a fear of not realizing what you dream of - fear and ignorance, how to realize what you want, the main causes of discomfort? Some consider themselves unhappy, but it all depends on the internal perception of the external - a paradox, but there are those who like to be in prison and be disabled, as in the syndrome of incorrect perception of the body, when some themselves cut off their limbs and become happy after that? If you are doing something that is not what the higher forces need, or if you are not doing what they need, then you are psychologically uncomfortable - will this show you that you are not following the “road” that you need to follow? Be careful - not only a person manipulates a person, but also higher forces through instincts, emotions and internal opiates - endorphins? Be an independent researcher of life, and everything connected with it, and not only life, write books about it? Can a person be manipulated with what are called vices - do school experiments called the “third wave” prove this?

In a school in the USA, a student asked a history teacher, who was Ron Johnson, the question of how some Germans, during Hitler's time, could do what they did and believe in what they believed. The teacher decided to show how one can manipulate such a thing as ambition. He called all class students chosen and special and called them the “third wave” (following the example of the Third Reich), he continued to inspire them with his speeches until other classes joined them, even those students who were considered slobs joined them. The whole experiment was accompanied by strict discipline, which, in order to satisfy vanity, everyone voluntarily obeyed, and there were more and more of them. On the fifth day, the teacher stopped the experiment, because he considered his task completed, thus explaining how some German citizens during the reign of Hitler became what they became.

A person is inclined to deal with everything that causes discomfort - be it pathogenic microbes or other biological organisms that are dangerous for his survival, the person also tries to curb dangerous natural phenomena such as earthquakes, tsunamis, etc., a person is constantly in the struggle for survival, and the struggle is inherent in everyone, both the simple person and the one who is engaged in science, only the objects with which they struggle are different.

And let us return to those who are called scientists - while the majority solves half of their lives or all their lives psychological problems associated, as a rule, with finding ways to satisfy their needs, scientists, as at all times, are engaged in science, since the needs inherent in to average people, they have very few, and there are no needs - which means that you do not need to look for any ways to satisfy them and spend your time on it. If we have in mind sexual needs, they say that many scientists were generally virgins, and not because they

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