» Psychology » Non vowel resources of some good mood, Alexander Borodin [e book reading free .TXT] 📗

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at the beginning and at the end of the film and with short elements of Erickson hypnosis (flickering, blinking): “Beyond the Possible” (English The Outer Limits), 1995-2002, USA, Canada, directors Mario Atstsopardi, Jim Kaufman, Georgie Montesi, MGM Television; “Hunger” (The Hunger), USA, Canada, 1997, directors Russell Malkay, Darrell Vasik, Eric Canuel. Popular science films: a film that is not related to the earthly bustle, about those who are called because of their actions to call strong spirit - "Life in space", the original name is "Living in space" (National Geographic), 2014; as well as the BBC scientific series “The Brain: A Secret History”, UK, 2011. Also, it seems, if I'm not mistaken, William Arntz, Betsy Chase, Mark Vicente with his quantum physics in the movie “Rabbit Hole, or What we know about ourselves and the universe. ”

Non-fiction: “The CIA against the USSR” (published in the USSR); it seems like I learned from Vladimir Kara-Murza’s book about the Orange Revolution, which I recommend reading, about Gene Sharp’s book “From Dictatorship to Democracy” (USA). Gene Sharpe’s work should be taken only as information for consideration, in the sense of why it was written and for whom, not as a guide to action when reading a work, it is necessary to be reasonable and sober, the suicidal actions proposed in the book are especially unacceptable; futurologists: Bird Kiwi (all works); Alvin Toffler “The Shock of the Future” (by the way, according to documentary information, Alvin Toffler got a job as a simple worker) and other works; “Secret CIA and KGB instructions for collecting facts, conspiracy and misinformation,” V. Popenko, Moscow Publishing House, AST, 2014

Literature is a political detective genre and another: Gerard de Villiers (all works), John Ronson "Psychopath Test". The fantastic work “Wasp” by Eric Frank Russell, the protagonist predicts situations in which he is caught by law enforcement for his activities, and prepares logical “legends” to evade responsibility.

Sites: popular English-language resources dedicated to psychological warfare and accordingly proving its existence by its existence:

All about Psychological Warfare PsyWar.Org

Radio and US Military PSYOP htm

PSYWAR UK by Lee Richards Psychological Operations Veterans Association http: // www.

Psychological Operations Association psyopassociation /

Propaganda Leaflets of World War II ww2propaganda /

Investigative Report Radio and US Military PSYOP http: // www.

The Psywar Society

Vietnam PSYOP site

US Army Special Operations Field Manual Library http: // www.

A popular Russian-language resource dedicated to psychological warfare and not only:

Resource containing classified materials that have become public in connection with their leak: Wikileaks.

We remember that all films reflect the reality that, according to documentaries, cinema about intelligence filmed in the USSR was watched without fail by representatives of the country's intelligence - geopolitical opponents of the USSR.



Who is the leader of what is called a sect, the one who is called the charismatic - a psychopath or an agent of special services, or both? Organizations, societies, communities, sects, groups - their creation is not at all random, and this is not a natural course of things, but someone’s intentional decisions and actions with the ultimate goal of these actions and decisions? If we talk specifically about European organizations, societies, then do people in Europe create them, because, unlike some Asian states, in Europe there are no teips or something similar? The higher a person is in power, the less free he is? Is utopia more acceptable than realism?

According to documentary and media reports, there is an opinion that most (if not all) large-scale social movements were created by representatives of the special services of various countries, in some cases in order to destabilize the situation (in relation to the state - a geopolitical adversary), and in other cases, on the contrary, to stabilize situation inside your state. If this is so, then which of the following social movements are destined to destabilize the situation, and which, on the contrary, are easy to guess, even without going to lectures on political science. Of course, there are organizations that are created, so to speak, spontaneously, without any patronage, but, based on the fact that some social movements are created by special services (or millionaires, or both), the people involved in them, and they don’t realize that they are simply being used and manipulated by them (such movements are punks, hippies, they are also said to be the brainchild of special services, which were geopolitical opponents of countries where these subcultures appeared). You can draw certain conclusions, if, of course, all of the above is true, because we all must be fans of the facts, so that there is no deception in relation to us, and in this case there are none.

In general, as already mentioned at the beginning of this work, the birth of any movement occurs, as a rule, in countries with a high standard of living, where people have their main priorities no longer in favor of where to find work and earn money for life (he do not, the state pays them unemployment benefits) and where to eat, and where to find new sensations. Therefore, we can assume that some movements and organizations appeared without the help of any special services or millionaires, and some nevertheless appeared with someone's help.

The more the governments of some countries make their citizens' lives carefree, the longer these citizens mature in the modern sense of the concept of adulthood, and may not even grow up, according to generally accepted signs of adulthood?

Feminism is a movement that defends women's rights, as far as we know, according to the media, it was created and financed by a man who was a millionaire.

Hippies - a pro-Pacifist youth subculture that emerged in rich countries at the end of the 60s, hippies denied generally accepted social values ​​and rejected generally accepted social behavior, during the time of “hippism” many walked with long hair, some say there is nothing more unpleasant than the old hippies when they see people kissing in public who look 40 years old.

Punks - according to the media, this is a pro-anarchist youth subculture, born in the late 70s, the goals were the same as those of hippies - the denial of generally accepted social values ​​and generally accepted social behavior. There is an opinion interpreted in the same media that punk, like all destabilizing movements, was invented by special services in order to “decompose” the population of various countries.

Freegans are almost the same as hippies, but something more augmented by modernity: the same inherent hippie wandering lifestyle. Part of the behavior of freegans is the search for food in the trash, and the representatives of this movement themselves, as a rule, have all the material benefits that a resident of a civilized rich country has: housing, cars, they are such a kind of rich ideological bums, which were already mentioned in the material , i.e., homeless people from rich countries that are completely unlike homeless people from poor countries, so we turn off associations with the homeless people that you saw in countries considered to be poor.

The scout movement is something like Soviet pioneer. Naturally, the information is not provided about all communities, on the Internet you can find more about all of the above, including exotic communities.

Development in the world is not synchronized, it is different, some countries lag behind in development from others in technological and other senses. One conclusion suggests itself, really different communities and movements are, as a rule, the lot of rich countries, and this is not from the difference between cultures and poor countries, but from differences in the standard of living of the population? There are probably no analogues of the communities and movements inherent in rich states on the African continent (there are no punks, hippies, etc.). They are not in some countries where the majority of the population has nothing to eat, where people die of hunger and disease, war and other situations that most news agencies of the world do not show in order not to injure the inhabitants of civilized states.



Unusual phenomena require unusual evidence. Words attributed to Karl Sagan.

This is a continuation of the section obtained in the genre of the management term “brainstorming”. There was no time to find the necessary chapter and insert there new information that was appropriate in meaning, therefore everything that appeared new at the end of writing this material was introduced here in this chapter. Although, perhaps, everything turned out to be messy somewhere, but, as already mentioned, the main task in creating this material was to convey information, maybe the print edition will correct everything, or maybe not.

Everything can be interpreted in the right direction for the person interested in this, while at the same time manipulating the biochemical processes in the brain with simple words or phrases, for example: someone quarreled with someone, met after a long time, and circumstances it turned out that you have to communicate with this person - usually in such cases, in order to relieve tension, they say “There were young, hot, and had a fight” - that, it seems, influenced the biochemical processes in the brain, the person calmed down only from one What kind of phrases ... Or when someone is nervous because you changed their plans for them, you can answer them that everything is relative, all of a sudden, if they followed their plans that would not change thanks to you, it happened to them something else worse. In general, for an emotional person, words and phrases mean a lot. I heard an example of persuasion and interpretation in the right direction at the bazaar from clothing sellers, when I came to their shop in winter and asked them for a jacket that I liked, they said that it was winter, when I arrived in spring, then on that jacket that was winter winter, spring they said that it is spring. It is clear why they called the same jacket differently - they also needed to sell the goods.

More and more decisions about what the law will be like in most countries that are considered civilized are made by people, the authorities only regulate them, leaders understand that laws should be such that they do not cause emotional stress or rejection of the population, in any case, its majority.

Remember that, according to documentary, genes give a small place to modern genes in the formation of personality, although they talk about genetic memory.

You can instill the most crazy idea (even the story speaks of this, for example, as already mentioned, such a thing as a witch hunt, and this was done not by children, but by adults). You can suggest any idea, especially to someone who spent his whole life in isolation, and at that time he was inspired and told what they wanted, in this case you do not need to be a super-specialist in suggestion. But the most special hit is to inspire something to someone who lives in a society full of suggestion competitors, each of whom wants to inspire something of his own.

Remember: the human brain is a very plastic material, from the one who reads this material now, it would be possible to mold tens, if not more, of thousands of different personalities? For an ideal, 100% conviction of something before, the relevant conditions were created from the moment of the birth of the child, such as preventing competitors from propagating other people's ideas, maybe it is still like that, but not very pronounced, as in the old days. In the process of personality development, you can fill it with anything, instilling any ideas, and in the end this person will think that this is the way it is, and the way it is.

The excess of the performer is when some important person asks to eliminate the danger posed by his enemy, and his faithful companions, who are subordinate to him, understand this literally, the effect is such that these comrades kill the object of their master’s irritation and relieve tension, Well, it’s hard to bring the owner to justice, he didn’t seem to “order” his subordinates. The result - the one who executed the order, to prison, and the owner

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