» Psychology » Non vowel resources of some good mood, Alexander Borodin [e book reading free .TXT] 📗

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impress others, for example, when someone made a tattoo.

“Look, you found a swell,” as some say to touchy people.

On health - as a rule, this is addressed to those whom they say with envy: "He has such an expensive car." Answer: "To your health."

"Let him ass (ass is a rough synonym for the word buttocks) kisses," - this is addressed to the one who created an idol.

Some sayings are, in essence, “wiring”, that is, programming for someone to stimulate them to do something, are sayings psychostimulants? If you want to achieve something, you need to include or educate in yourself the personality you need for this, or get acquainted with that person who has already achieved what you still want to achieve and what you are striving for. For example, if I want to lose weight, I recall the one who was starving, it’s like with music: do you include relaxing, when you need to relax, prompting - when you need to do something? It is understandable with weight loss, and if you want to get to know the opposite sex, but don't have one, and you don't know how to get to know him, then we remember someone who knows how to get to know the opposite sex, “dress his skin”, choose his line of behavior, which he uses and everything will be tip-top? We include the right person with the right qualities for a certain moment and use?

Hands under x .. sharpened (x .. this is the rude name of one organ), so they say about those who can not do anything.

The physical labor of the mind does not add, but the crap knocks out.

You won’t be full of noodles from your ears.

Anyone who wants to work is looking for work, who does not want work, is looking for a reason.

Everything in life is easier than most people think, one of the proofs of this is proof that everything is as simple as it’s hard to imagine: again, back to losing weight, if you want to lose weight, don’t eat.

Some say they cannot lose weight or cannot fall asleep - they need to watch the film “The Fate of a Man,” directed by Sergei Bondarchuk, 1959, USSR. In the camp, in which the main character was a prisoner, there was not a single complete person, less food and more physical work, isn’t it all simple?

Everything is relative?

Everything is relative - relationships, etc.?

Some make some people miserable and frightened by unnecessary “downloads”? Do some people's management practices sometimes fail? Everything will be “ok” when you correctly understand all social processes, or rather, when you have objective information about them?

Most likely, this is so, because they are also one of those who take part in the upbringing of society, it is not just said that leaders came up with morality for the convenience of managing the masses, and moral restrictions sometimes lead to intrapersonal conflict.

An interesting fact, which was mentioned earlier, those who are considered schizophrenics, considered themselves generals, marshals, Napoleons, who have a more disciplined fantasy , consider themselves prosecutors, but none of them thinks of themselves as a loader, janitor, cleaner, plumber, of this does it follow that ambitious individuals are subject to what is called schizophrenia? No wonder Cesare Lambroso draws a parallel between genius and insanity in his work “Genius and Insanity”, probably in order to think creatively, you need to be different from others. Such people were probably brought up outside of ordinary stereotypes, they were probably told that they were special, or there were some other factors. Lambroso also indicates that the imprint of a person’s character is on his face, one can agree with this, as the people say, a gangster face or an invasive face, when a person has very rough facial features, and the lower jaw sticks forward.

Some mental disorders (according to information from the Internet and documentaries) prove that a person can "boot up" or a person can be "downloaded" with anything, and also prove that partially borderline mental disorders cause what is commonly called cowardice, and there where cowardice is used, for example, alcohol is used to suppress it. What makes mental disorders uncomfortable is that they interfere with the tasks an ordinary person needs to survive, for example, what will happen to a bird if it is afraid to fly high, and it needs to catch insects (for example, shear) at a high altitude land? The bird will die of hunger.

Here are some well-known so-called ordinary phobias (Greek "phobos"), according to information from the media: erythrophobia - fear of redness, nisophobia - fear of pollution, necrophobia - fear of the dead, acrophobia - fear of heights, claustrophobia - fear of confined space, xenophobia - obsessive fear by foreigners. Recall, as already mentioned, if someone is familiar with the work of Gerard de Villiers, a master of political detective, a line from one of his works, where he writes that there is a fear of a Soviet officer coming to a meeting, this proves that the formation of borderline mental disorders for example, some mass media take part in the population through their manipulation of public consciousness. So, using the example of Gerard de Villiers, some citizens of the times of the existence of the USSR were inspired fear of the Soviet military, otherwise where would the fear come from except from suggestion?

Some exotic and extravagant phobias, according to the media: acrodentophobia - fear of damage to teeth falling from a height, acrodentoxenophobia - fear of damage to teeth when falling from a height on a foreigner, florentophobia - fear of being bitten by a plant, urethrophobia - fear of relieving a little need, while relieving a small need, mementourethrophobia is the fear of forgetting to relieve a small need, mobilenecrophobia is the fear of the moving dead, quadronephrophobia is the fear of the four dead, quadroxenonecrophobia is the fear of the four dead foreigners, amorenecroxenophobia - fear of falling in love with a dead alien, necrourethrophobia - fear of the dead, who are in need, erythrourethronecroxenophobia - fear of reddening at the sight of a dead alien, managing a little need, foreign consumption fall in love with four dead moving aliens celebrating a small need.

There is such a thing as a lordly illness - this is when the liver is sick, it means that it can hurt in some cases from alcohol and overeating, and who can afford a lot of alcohol and overeat - master, bye, square and other people who have there is the opportunity to drink a lot of alcohol and eat a lot of fat.

Phobias and neurosis, probably also from the category of lordly illness, because in some places in Africa, where the population is starving and where war is still going on in some states of this continent, there is no such thing, in any case, no one about the manifestation of such disorders on the African continent I heard. Apparently, for this, this continent created higher forces, so that from there human resources of the country called civilized — not spoiled physically and mentally strong people — would be renewed from there.

Some of the phenomena that interfere with life are commonly called diseases, in connection with which there is a disease proving that everyone has everything in their head (meaning a thought process), and therefore reality can be perceived in completely different ways. A syndrome of impaired perception of the body is a syndrome characterized by an irresistible desire to amputate or mutilate one or more healthy limbs. Until this makes the person suffering from NTVT syndrome, he feels extremely, to put it mildly, uncomfortable, and as soon as a person with NTVT syndrome loses his limb, he becomes, no matter how scary and strange it sounds, happy. Regarding this phenomenon, there are suggestions that this syndrome is of the same nature as other disturbances in the perception of one’s own body - including anorexia, dysmorphophobia (hostility to one’s body), and gender dysphoria (violation of sexual identity). It should be noted that so many modern girls suffer from some of these syndromes. In many NTsVT it is aimed specifically at the fat folds on the body, it is with this fact that one can come closer to understanding NTVTs, when someone is annoyed by extra pounds of body weight caused by the presence of fat folds.

Feeders - a category of people who feed their wives in the literal sense of the word to a weight that is not characteristic of the normal weight of the body, up to 200 or even 300 kg.

Oniomania is an irresistible desire to buy something, without paying attention to the need and consequences. Affluence - the search for yourself additional sources of income due to the constant concern about their financial situation, when there are no objective reasons for this.

Psychologists and psychiatrists already consider almost every life step of a common man to be a mental disorder, if this step is not beneficial for some governments, even greed already seems to have a medical name, and is even treated for it.

So, psychologists and psychiatrists will soon put a question mark about all those whose behavior is unprofitable for some from their point of view or certain people. Either there will be, or there will already be custom-made diagnoses and a customized psychiatric point of view from the powers that be, as in custom-made sports masts they pre-order the result of the game.

Remember: what is called mental disorders, they may appear in one country and not appear in another, it's like laws - they are different in different countries. They can also be considered disorders at one historical time and not appear at another, even a science such as psychiatry, according to historical data and documentaries, sometimes works in a mode that is beneficial or disadvantageous for some to recognize this or that action as abnormal, and in the end Any science tends to make mistakes.

In general, in its pure form, a mental disorder can probably be interpreted as the state of the psyche when one who suffers from what is called a mental illness cannot survive physically without assistance or can, but the disorder makes this problematic.

Pareidolia - the tendency to find associations with something in any drawings, for example, a drawing on a carpet that is associated with a person - this is not a disease.

The effect of the synchronization of the crowd - when several people repeat the actions of another person. Try to cough on the bus when it is standing at the railway crossing, and you will see and hear the effect of crowd synchronization in action - this is not a disease, some will cough after you cough.

Mental health consists of objective information, knowledge, as well as information, how to satisfy your needs, and even of the right behavior? The Japanese proverb says: there is no past, but there may not be a future - does this mean that you need to live in the present? You say that he is a good person, he may be a good person, but what kind of citizen is he - can everything be twisted by correctly constructing phrases? How to always be right in any matters - the main thing is to learn to say something that cannot be proved or refuted? Is dependency day one who wants independence dependent on a desire for independence? All statements are “plasticine” - can any point of view be fashioned?

As already mentioned, everything must be treated critically, no one should be trusted and nothing, for example, the media considers the topic of the dangers of products of a particular company, from one country or another or another manufacturer, and where is the guarantee that this is not the machinations of warring among themselves for the sales market of competitors who set correspondents, doctors or anyone else at each other?

You do not always need to listen to the advice of people older than you (you can listen, but not all), the fact that someone is older than you is not an indicator of objectivity in thinking, adulthood is not an indicator of objective perception of the world. Previously, in the distant past, adults used to hunt for witches,

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