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must be, in the nature of things, a latent capacity greater than has yet been discovered. And one discovery must lead to another until the man finds the deep wealth of his own possibilities. History is full of the acts of men who discovered somewhat of their own capacity; but history has yet to record the man who fully discovered all that he might have been."[Sidenote: "Acres of Diamonds"] You who are a bit vain of your visits to other lands, your wide reading, your experience of

an and ends in a muscle. This statement represents the general scheme well enough, but leaves out an important detail. The nerve does not extend directly to a muscle, but ordinarily goes by way of the brain. The brain is merely a great group of nerve cells and fibers which have developed as a central organ where a stimulation may pass from almost any sense organ to almost any muscle.But another importance attaches to the brain. When a sense organ is stimulated and this stimulation passes on to

nt pasture for dairy-farming and water-power for both tramway and funicular, and where the necessary capital could be borrowed; and the other one hunted about for marks of stratification and upheaval, and ransacked his memory for historical data about the various tribes originally inhabiting that country."I suppose you're a painter and regretting you haven't brought your sketching materials?" said the scientific man, always interested in the causes of phenomena, even such trifling

nd held onto the sticks that were over the sluice planks and so came safely and dry over the water. Then I asked the old miller how many water wheels he had. "Ten," answered he. The adventure stuck in my mind. I should have gladly known what the meaning was. But as I noticed that the miller would not leave I went away, and there was in front of the mill a lofty paved hill, on which were some of the previously mentioned elders who walked in the sun, which then shone very warm, and they

m dare askand then answer the question we clones avoid like the plague, he doesso with relentless, laser-like precision. Read his book. Take your seatat the double-headed microscope and let Sam guide you through thedissection. Like a brain surgeon operating on himself, Sam explores andexposes the alien among us, hoping beyond hope for a respectable tumourbut finding instead each and every cell teaming with the same resistantvirus. The operation is long and tedious, and at times frightening

re on the baseball diamond or the football gridiron: readiness to do everything, or anything--or to do nothing, if he is so directed--in the interests of the team. It must take a leaf from the book of General Pershing and his fellow officers who, in a time of stress for the Allies, were willing and eager to brigade their troops with the soldiers of France and England, thus losing the identity of their forces in the interest of the great cause for which they stood. It must learn the lesson

heancients denominated destiny, nature, or providence, which wecall the voices of the dead, and whose power it is impossible tooverlook, although we ignore their essence. It would seem, attimes, as if there were latent forces in the inner being ofnations which serve to guide them. What, for instance, can bemore complicated, more logical, more marvellous than a language?Yet whence can this admirably organised production have arisen,except it be the outcome of the unconscious genius of crowds?The

tion Process]The other aspect of the Sense-Perceptive Process has to do with the mental interpretation of environment. Both these aspects are distinctly practical. You should know something of the weaknesses and deficiencies of the sense-perceptive organs, because all your efforts at influencing other men are directed at their organs of sense. You should understand the relationship between your mind and your environment, since they are the two principal factors in your working life. CHAPTER III

p>The most important of these laws is the Law of Habit. In obedience to this law, the next idea to enter the mind will be the one that has been most frequently associated with the interesting part of the subject you are now thinking of.The sight of a pile of manuscript on your desk ready for the printer, the thought of a printer, the word "printer," spoken or printed, calls to mind the particular printer with whom you have been dealing for some years. The word "cocoa,"