» Religion » 2009.08.09 - The Word of God at the feast of the great saint, martyr and healer, Panteleimon, Lord Jesus [trending books to read TXT] 📗

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2009.08.09 - The Word of God at the feast of the great saint, martyr and healer, Panteleimon

The Word of God[1] at the feast of the great saint, martyr and healer, Panteleimon[2]



With a healing spirit and a sweet word of longing I am coming down to you, My people, faithful to My coming of today, for without your faith in My coming of word during these days, you would not be My people of today. I am strengthening Myself in the gates and I am coming to you with much healing, for My pain is also yours, and we have to heal each other and we have to learn this from the Father, as the Father has sent Me to you to do you good, and I am sending you on the earth with My entire word to give to the healing of many, son, and I have obedient sons in you, who take Me from heaven and put Me down on the earth as word when I come to exhort the man to the Father, for after My resurrection from the dead, I ascended again to the Father to draw all the faithful ones to Him by everything I fulfilled and will still fulfill over the earth, to the healing of the nations. Amen.


I am coming down with the saints to you, My people. I have the healer Panteleimon within My descending and I want you as I want My saints, son. Oh, what a healer this disciple of Mine was, for he was healing the man from the death of his unbelief and by everything he fulfilled by his faith and prayer to Me for man. Take care, My people, take care to love the healing from heaven for you, for the healing of sicknesses on the earth is temporal and it does not make the man better for Me, but on the contrary, it urges the man to greater pleasures on earth, as man buys for himself days to live on the earth on money, (Reference to the health and pension assurance, r.n.), and he who does this does not get better for Me, but he only boasts about his healing and with the joy that comes from it, but very, very little the man rejoices over Me, for in order to rejoice over Me, he has to spend very much time with Me and for Me, for otherwise the man dies with respect to Me, and he gets used without Me on the earth with his life.


Man spends with man on the earth, for this is how he has been taught to do, as man is sad otherwise. Oh, there are no longer happy people on earth, there are no longer any! The happiest among people are those for whom I am sufficient. Those for whom Christ is not enough, then nothing is good enough for them, and that is why man seeks and seeks with the earth and after everything that is on it, and that is why man is dust and only dust, poor of him, and man has forgotten his origin. I want to cry out from heaven to man and I want the man to hear Me, and I am coming down as word on earth and I am coming with My saints, with those to whom the people pray for help and for the healing from their bodily and spiritual on earth.


Oh, My disciple Panteleimon, it is your feast in heaven and on earth among those who are heavenly and among My faithful ones on earth. Therefore, share freely the healings over people in your day of feast, so that they may be heavenly on the earth, as you were when I touched you with the gift of the holy faith and became My confessor over the unfaithful ones! May your work of today be blessed upon people and upon My people of today. Amen.


– Oh, Lord of Your saints full of You and of Your healing from You over those with whom You are well pleased among people! Oh, the people wonder, many of those who see Your word and many of Your saints wonder why this word is on the earth and where it is from. It is hard for the people to believe because of their mind and because they chose not to believe, but not because they might not believe in Your coming as word on the earth with Your saints, those who are alive as You are, Lord. Those who are faithful choose to believe in You and in the saints and this is what they choose as their life and as their spending on the earth with God, and those who are not faithful choose not to believe in You and in Your saints, and they choose the life with pleasures in it and the running after the pleasures and after the freedom for everything that is passing away on the earth. However, You have always, always had faithful sons on the earth, and with them You have always dwelt on the earth, walked over people and worked at the unbelief in the people, and You have worked with signs and wrath from time to time to make the people know You and then to follow You, but they, poor of them, stumble each other, against each other, and love each other to their fall from You, Lord, as though only they are between heaven and earth, and You are no longer.


I want to heal the people from their lack of wisdom, because their lack of wisdom comes from their lack of fear from God, Lord. Oh, here it is what I ask you in my today’s prayer into the midst of Your people of today: fill with the fear of God all the people, from one margin of the heavens to the other, Lord! It is the time to work with great revival and all the people to see that God is the Master of the heaven and the earth, and that man is not the master. Spare under the shield of the holy faith all those who are faithful to Your works between heaven and earth and give them the spirit of confession to work from the earth, and You, Lord, from heaven. Let the revival that You work over all people be like a resurrection, as the time is late and Your saints wait for Your glory on the earth as their reward in heaven and on earth, a glory they have longed after, for they have loved You and wanted for You the glory before the people in all the time of the heaven and the earth until today and until tomorrow, Lord. (See the selection topic: „The glory of the Lord”, r.n.)


The people buy days for them on money. The people go to doctors and give them money to give them days in return in order to live against their sicknesses which You send for their salvation, not for the healing of their body and that is all, for the people need healing from their sins, but they need days to live when they go to doctors, they do not need healing from sins, they do not need salvation, Lord. Oh, bring to the people their revival and their longing after You, not after them, Lord, for the healing is the reward of the faithful man, the reward of his work for You and for what You have to work and establish on earth in man, and other healing does not come upon man from You when man finds it, but it comes to his greater fall from life. Let the people have over them my speaking with You in heaven on this day, for I am a healer of souls and I am Your holy one, and I healed souls on the earth and I raised dead people to make the people know You as the God of the faithful ones and of Your saints, Lord, on the earth. Amen.


And as for you, people of the Lord, receive from the Lord, take through His healing saints, take the work of the Holy Spirit in you and with you get healed from yourself so that only the Lord may be your dough, because the Lord is from heaven. Let no one of the sons of this people make his brother laugh, but let him rather make him look up to the healing from heaven, for the Lord is from heaven. Let the speaking among you always, always bring the heaven on earth, as this is how the Lord has taught you to live at your work and at your staying, and the Lord will be the wonderful One among you. Seek after much health within your soul and with the Lord in you, for He dwells in places, cleaned for Him and for His dwelling in them, for the Lord is from heaven. Let your love burn after Him, and may your thought of Him never go out, loved ones, for the Lord is from heaven. Be the Lord’s heaven and be on earth as those in heaven, for the Lord dwells forever in those who are from heaven. All the words are from heaven upon you, and let them be your food, for man does not need to eat only bread alone but he needs to eat much from heaven, as by His word the Lord has made the heaven and the earth and all that are and live on it. This is how you should also be, and you should always be the fruit of His word upon you, full of faith that His word is going to be fulfilled. Do not doubt, do not think like man, for the man is passing and the Lord has eternal life. Be His house, for the Lord is eternal. And may His house be likewise. Amen.


Oh, you those who leave faith, seek after the faith and not the unfaith in this word, which has been feeding a people from heaven for more than fifty years. Oh, you do not earn anything by your not believing but only trouble and emptiness, but with faith you earn hope, peace and sustaining of your souls, and you also earn the Lord, as your Savior, for He appeared, and behold, He Who appeared is coming again. He always comes; He comes and will come and the Scriptures have been fulfilled with Him and for Him, and we see His coming and we are in it, and His coming with the saints is our reward, and this is the reward of the faithful ones, and the reward of the unbelievers will be to see the Lord’s coming with the saints and to mourn over themselves because they did not believe, because they did not love when it was the time of love for their last reward.


Oh, people called by the Lord His people, take care of your life, son of today. The life is inside man. Learn from the teacher to make your house and the life in it beautiful, for many in you are weak in their life, weak in their wisdom for life, and this happens because man lives very much in his inner being and does not welcome guests and he does not always receive much teaching upon himself. It is as in school, when some of the children learn and always receive a prize, and others, going to school are poor at learning and speechless in the speaking for learning, and those who do not speak do not receive a mark, do not receive any reward, and the man’s wisdom or his lack of

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