» Religion » 2021.01.20 - The Word of God at the Synod of Saint John, the Baptist, Lord Jesus [motivational novels TXT] 📗

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2021.01.20 - The Word of God at the Synod of Saint John, the Baptist

                        The Word of God[1] at the Synod of Saint John, the Baptist



The word of God is being written on earth and in heaven, and no word of God set on earth and in heaven is powerless, according to the word of the angel who told this when he came and brought on earth the great news of the birth of John the Baptist, and then the news of My birth from a Virgin mother, two thousand years ago.


It is being worked on this day in a spirit of Epiphany, and I am coming down in the book of My word with John, the Baptist, and We are revealing heavenly mysteries, for because of the lack of the wisdom from above over people, many are led astray, because people have got used to take for them only from the earth, and the book of the Holy Spirit, the book of the heavenly wisdom, the Holy Scripture, people do no longer have it opened on their table to know from it everything man has to know in each time and what he has to do with the steps of his life, with his mind, which he keeps on completely spoiling with all the things written from the earth; things spread from the people and then also gathered from the people, for it is written in the Scriptures that every man is a liar, because man cannot be otherwise if he lives separated from God and from the wisdom set by God on earth over the people.


Every man is a liar, because he does not take from God for him and for man, but he rather takes from man, from the lying one, oh, and it has never been on earth otherwise among those who have not chosen to be with God, as the Christians have chosen God for them, and they are nourished likewise; they take and eat from God.


On the second day of the feast of Epiphany, I am leaving on earth a written word of advice for man to take from God, if he wants to know, and to have somewhere to know from, what to do in the midst of the time on earth now, for even now it is a time of ignorance, and this because of the spirit of lie, which wakes up in people early in the morning, and day by day it is shared to the sides and the people take for themselves, poor of them, and behold a time of ignorance, for the book of the heavenly knowledge, and which has written in it all the times under the heaven and the knowledge for each time, oh, this book is completely put to sleep, and man does not take it from its covers to know what time is outside and inside, to know whether it is cold or warm, to know how he is supposed to put on him according to the weather, and to know how to live and walk. And behold, I am coming; the Lord is coming down on earth as word. He is coming with the saints, as it is written[2] (1Thess: 3/13; Jude: 1/14; Apoc: 19/14.) in the Scriptures about the time of My coming after two thousand years from My great victory against the ruler of this age, satan, the old serpent, and which even now, as in all the times, keeps on whispering to man no to listen to God, but to stay above and to know all things so that he may be victorious against the Lord, the One Who has built the man.


Oh, behold, man, you have always taken from man to know, and man, oh, every man is a liar, because man wants to be greater in such a way that he may no longer need God, the Only and great One.


I have mercy on you, man, disobedient to God and ignorant concerning satan’s deception that whispers to you as he did to Adam in paradise and by so doing he drew out of it the man built by God as rest for the Lord between heaven and earth. Man, however, behold where he has exalted himself, as he has ascended above the clouds with his haughtiness, with his throne, and from there he looks over the earth and over the people to put fear in all so that they may listen to him and in this way to be able to draw all on the side of his hell, and you, man, who are on earth today, oh, you are in danger, but I am coming to teach you to call out to Me to come, help and rescue you from the roller, for satan wants all, all of the people, and he turns on all sides to be able to overcome God and man, as he forgets, or at least he seeks to forget how shamefully he was defeated and judged by the God of resurrection two thousand years ago, and since then he has kept on losing, as without knowing what he was doing, he filled My heaven with confessing sons against him and he lost everything he thought that he had earned for himself. However, he is very much against Jesus Christ, that is, against Me, he has got the pride of overcoming Me, as he knows well the Scriptures which say that Christ overcomes the beast, that is satan, and that the chalice prepared for the destruction of the beast’s seat is ready to be reclined and to make a great noise, and to destroy the whole fabric set up by all the servants opposing God, who are afraid of the light because of the darkness in which they all are taught to stay well hidden, for before the light they all fade, they all flee from the light.


Satan is very much afraid of Jesus Christ’s name, he is afraid of God’s word, he is afraid of the cross and of its power, he is afraid of the incense dedicated to God’s glory and he is afraid of Christians too. And now, I am taking from the Scriptures and giving the news for the Christians and I am saying this: «Stand firm in faith, resist satan, and he will flee from you and will go away from you», (See James: 4/7), this is written[3] in the Scriptures.


Behold, on this day, I am advising the Christians, the Romanians, for the Romanian people has been a Christian people even from its beginning on this ancestral land two thousand years ago. I am grazing all people on a day of Epiphany, all those who know or do not know My river of word during this time in the midst of the Romanian people, and I have here with Me, John the Baptist, the godfather at My baptism, the confessor here for My word and I am saying this:


Read the Scriptures, dear Romanian, for it is the time for you to know well and to stay with your finger on this map, because satan, the antichrist man, (See the selection topic: „The antichrist and the apocalyptic beast”, r.n.) the one who resists the Lord, your God, has an unrelenting longing to tear your little robe of Christian, your little shirt of baptism, and he is walking around you with all kinds of schemes and is lying to you so that you may receive his baptism, his needle in your flesh as a Christian. (Allusion to coronavirus vaccines, r.n.) Oh, your little shirt of baptism was put on your body as a Christian people two thousand years ago, two thousand years of faith, of the confession of your faith in Jesus Christ, the One Who overcame satan.


Oh, Romanian people, only you have been Christian for two thousand years, only you among the nations on earth, only you alone, and you are a great mystery among God’s mysteries with the people! Arise and watch, stand up, I am calling out to you, for Satan’s servants, the antichrists, Christ’s adversaries, are very much against you because of your great name, with your mystery from God, with this land chosen for the Christian people on it, kept as Christian until My coming, the country of My coming as word on earth now, in the end of the time, for Satan’s time will finally end with the cups of the wrath poured out over the work of the darkness of the man who has been opposing God for two thousand years.


Oh, read the Scripture, Romanian people, and do not leave your God! Woe to you if during this satanic time you do not know the Scriptures in which it is written about this time, and when the antichrist man believes, more than any time, that he completely removes God, and that man, willing or not, will need only bread and not God.


I, the Lord, come to you, Romanian Christian all over the earth, and I teach you, I exhort you and gently ask you no longer to walk from here and there on earth, for satan is everywhere and he tries to write you down into his register, and you do not know how to be on your guard during this dangerous time. Receive advice from the Scriptures, dear Christian, so that you may know on which side to walk and what to do with yourself, because the Lord wants the Christian as he alone chooses to do, and satan does no longer want man to buy or sell but only if he sides with him, with his stamp. (Apoc: 13/15-18; Apoc: 14/9,10)[4] However, I have taught the Christian ahead of time and I have told him not to worry what to eat or what to dress, because I will give him, only for him to like to be with Me and with My table food, for there is much holy food for man on earth, only that he may eat of it and be satisfied with what I give him, and let no man take from the one with the stamp in his hand that wants to put on all people, if he can do this, first on those who are on satan’s side and with their lives with him.


Oh, Christian, satan does not save you from any danger; rather he draws you under his will so that you may no longer know who you are, what your name is and who satan is.


Oh, Christian son, stay on My arms of Shepherd, in My care for you and be firm in your faith and life as Christian in time of trial of your love for God, of your faith in your salvation from Me, oh, and do not be afraid of anything and of anyone but only of your separation from God during this hard time, for satan with his entire trick and with all his army are going to fall down with a great noise, and also all his deception by which he thinks that is going to overcome the church and the Christian people on earth.


And here it is My advice:


Stay in humility and in the spirit of repentance, dear Christian! Oh, be good and do no longer walk on the way with the world, as the chalice full of lawlessness is being poured out, and I do not want to find you on the way with the world, but I want you to stay on your grounds, in obedience to the Lord, in a holy prayer, Christian son, for here it is what I am doing: I baptize you in

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