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with him to the marriage: and the door was shut.

Psalm 91: He that dwelleth in the secret place of the MOST HIGH shall abide under the shadow of the ALMIGHTY.


Release Your Devotion To The World

Words of the LORD:

“Don’t be blinded by your lack of knowledge and resistance to Truth—MY Truth.”

(Words Received from Our LORD by Susan, November 14, 2012)

Let US begin:

Children, it is I, your LORD:

There is a lesson I am about to teach the world. I am about to show MYSELF strong. I am about to unleash MY wrath. I am about to allow the people to know their GOD in a way they have not known ME before. I will allow these people to see ME as a GREAT SAVIOR of MY ardent followers and then the GREAT JUDGE over the evil and wicked who reject ME wholesale.

This earth is an abomination to ME—a stench and a stink under MY Holy Nose. The protection over this land I have provided is slipping free. I am releasing MY Grip over the earth making ready to turn it over to MY adversary who is waiting in the wings to carry out his treachery and destruction. You have not known this much evil coming over the world at once.

MY children, you have become accustom to MY Hand of protection. You have not really seen what can happen when your GREAT GOD releases HIS Grip and turns the world over to evil leadership. You have not experienced the world without your GOD’s Protection in place.

This world will soon not look the same as MY opponent and evil men take over and the light of MY bride is removed from your presence. She is bright with MY HOLY SPIRIT WHO restrains the evil from reigning in full force. Soon this restraint will be removed and the antichrist will rise up to destroy those who are left behind who turn back to ME for their salvation. HE will not allow anyone who claims ME as their SAVIOR and GOD to run free or to live in peace. All will know the penalty of being loyal to ME.

This tyranny is forming now. Don’t be blinded by your lack of knowledge and resistance to Truth - MY Truth. Come to your senses. READ MY WORD. Awaken to the understanding of the hour you live in and make things right with your GOD. SURRENDER to ME in a COMPLETE and FULL SURRENDER. REPENT to MY Holiness. FORGIVE those around you leaving no stone unturned. Come to ME and RECEIVE A FULL OIL LAMP.

Read and study MY Word and get to know your GOD in an intimate way by seeking ME in the secret place. Come to know your GOD. Release your devotion to the world. Make time for your GOD. There is no other way. I AM THE ONLY WAY by which men can come to the FATHER. Only by believing and knowing ME. All other roads and paths lead to hell.

I am SURE FOOTING - SOLID GROUND - I am your PROTECTION in the storm. Come to ME now. Get to know ME now. I am holding your place at MY Table, MY Wedding Banquet. Only you have the power to choose for ME. Make your choice. I have made a way for you. The door will not stay open forever.


Joshua 23:15: Therefore it shall come to pass, that as all good things are come upon you, which the LORD your GOD promised you; so shall the LORD bring upon you all evil things, until HE have destroyed you from off this good land which the LORD your GOD hath given you.

Zechariah 14:6-7: And it shall come to pass in that day, that the light shall not be clear, nor dark: 7But it shall be one day which shall be known to the LORD, not day, nor night: but it shall come to pass, that at evening time it shall be light.

2 Thessalonians 2:7: For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only HE WHO now letteth will let, until HE be taken out of the way.

Hosea 4:6: MY people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to ME: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy GOD, I will also forget thy children.

Matthew 25:10: And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut.

Sun, 25 Nov 2012

Subject: The LORD's Words: “Your half-hearted pursuit of ME will never gain you a place at MY Marriage Table.”

The LORD's Words for Today (Posted at www.End-Times-Prophecy.Com


JESUS CHRIST will come to take HIS blood bought, surrendered bride to her heavenly home. ARE YOU SURE YOU ARE READY?


Blatant worldwide evil, unashamed wickedness, rampant chaos in all levels of society, and


Extreme weather, a myriad of earthquakes as never before; Israel surrounded by those who would annihilate every Jew and Christian on this planet.

GOD’s Word is no longer the foundation of the United States. The fourth president James Madison, known as the Father of our Constitution, declared, “We’ve staked our future on our ability to follow the Ten Commandments with all of our heart.” NO MORE! It is illegal to have a copy displayed in our public schools.

"Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near." Luke 21:28


JEWS: I can personally testify to that. A Jewish lady, whom I knew at work, came to me and desired something serious. She told me that YESHUA came to her in a dream, put HIS Hand on her shoulder and said, “I am your FRIEND!” She came from a strict background. We went to lunch and I gave her a Jewish Bible and had her to read Isaiah 53. When she was finished she looked at me with tears in her eyes and knew exactly who Isaiah was talking about – YESHUA ! “A few months before he died, one of the nation's most prominent rabbis, Yitzhak Kaduri, supposedly wrote the name of the MESSIAH on a small note which he requested would remain sealed until now. When the note was unsealed, it revealed what many have known for centuries: YEHOSHUA, or YESHUA (JESUS), is the MESSIAH…His son Rabbi David Kaduri confirmed, however, that in his last year, his father had talked and dreamed almost exclusively about the MESSIAH and his coming. "My father has met the MESSIAH in a vision," he said, "and told us that he would come soon."…But there they were, scribbled in the rabbi's own hand. When we asked what those symbols meant, Rabbi David Kaduri said they were "signs of the angel." Pressed further about the meaning of the "signs of the angel," he said he had no idea. Rabbi David Kaduri went on to explain that only his father had had a spiritual relationship with GOD and had met the MESSIAH in his dreams.”


CHRISTIANS: Joel 2:28 "And it shall come to pass afterward That I will pour out MY SPIRIT on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your old men shall dream dreams, Your young men shall see visions.

JESUS is showing up to young and old alike telling them to warn HIS bride that HE is coming very soon and they need to be right with HIM. Here is an example from this link:

Update on Dreams/Visions: A dear friend from Switzerland who sees the LORD in visions wrote this note about two weeks ago: She wrote: Friday night, I was at a prayer meeting, there was a pastor from England who preached. During the worship time, I saw in a vision YAHUSHUA, HE told me: "Daughter, I’m coming." Then after that, the preacher looked at me and said that the LORD talks to people and tells them things. Since August, twice she has seen a vision of CHRIST coming down through the clouds and twice she has heard the sound of a trumpet blowing very loudly.

Then she wrote me again this note about a week ago: Hi Susan! Greetings in the name of YAHUSHUA. As I told you, yesterday at about 6:20 pm, I felt lifted up, I couldn’t feel my steps, I felt so light. I thought it was the rapture, it was so real and this sensation of going up was amazing. I saw loads of blue lights around me and I knew there were angels around me. So I told ABBA FATHER : "Is it the rapture?" I repented and told HIM that I don’t want to be left behind. I‘ve experienced being lifted up last week too, but yesterday it was stronger with those blue lights around me.

Also a good friend’s husband had a three-part vision a couple weeks ago : He saw first a bright white cross. Then next, he saw people going up into the air—he said there were "hundreds" not thousands that he saw and finally, he saw himself floating among very bright stars and he said it was a very peaceful sensation.

Finally, I want to add that yet another friend has reported finding white feathers all over her home that are showing up just recently.

Words of the LORD:

“Your half-hearted pursuit of ME will never gain you a place at MY Marriage Table.”

(Words Received from Our LORD by Susan, November 20, 2012)

I am ready to give you a new Word. This Word is for MY people.

Children of GOD:

You are before MY Face. I see MY church: those who worship ME in Love and Truth; those who seek ME through MY Word and who pursue ME through Truth. MY children who truly love their GOD seek ME relentlessly through faith, believing I am REAL. They want ALL of ME ALL the time. They make time for ME throughout their days.

These children know their GOD because they have taken time to pursue ME in their hearts. They don’t reject ME for the world. They find ME worthy of their time. I fill their days because they enjoy MY Company. They reject the ways and things of the world that pull them away from ME and MY Truth. Their time is MY Time. They have given themselves over to ME. They are no longer their own and MY enemy’s.

Their heart is devoted to ME, MY Will, MY Ways, and the things I pursue. MY Pursuit is their pursuit. They are MY Hands and MY Feet. Their selfless giving replenishes many. This is MY Way, the Way MY church embraces—MY bride, MY light.

Soon I will take these out from the earth—those who light the way in darkness—a dark, evil earth. I will remove the last remaining light on earth—MY SPIRIT WHO shines through MY bride and MY church WHO bears the LIGHT of MY HOLY SPIRIT. All will be removed and that which restrains evil will be taken out of the way. Evil will then take over in full force.

I will take you to safety when I come for MY bride. You must come to ME with a full surrender, repentance with a humbled heart, forgiveness from a repentant heart to those around you. You must seek a full oil lamp and the filling of MY HOLY SPIRIT. You must read MY Word. Get acquainted with ME by coming to ME in the secret place where we can meet and know each other.

I am not elusive or hard to find. I am always near. I am always ready to meet you wherever

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