» Religion » Left Behind After The Rapture, Susan Davis [13 ebook reader txt] 📗

Book online «Left Behind After The Rapture, Susan Davis [13 ebook reader txt] 📗». Author Susan Davis

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(notice the chart uses a military personnel to showcase this technology—you can see more about the military plan to microchip their personnel here in this article: ). Ultimately he is at home and is able to be checked remotely via his RFID microchip. This chart has the Obama logo/seal on it and is part of the Obama Health Care plan; the same in which Obama mocked GOD suggesting “that the ground didn’t open up” the day the bill passed with the microchip component that was squirreled deep within its 2,000-page document.

Something amazing the LORD showed me was in the three little words in the bible “HE CAUSETH ALL.” This is incredible—it is the Obamacare program that puts forth the proclamation and legal right that the microchip can/will be utilized for human tracking—so it is the Obama initiative that we see the “mark of the beast” initially surfacing—HE CAUSETH ALL—he initiates it—he is causing it.

To understand what the bible is saying here, let us look at the standard definition of the verb “cause” which means: tomake something happen usually, something bad To date, there is no one else whose name is attached to this initiative the way the Obamacare program and the current US administration is:

Revelation 13:16: And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

Also, don’t let secular views and speculation about when this technology might be forced on people dictate your opinion/thinking on when you need to get ready for the LORD’s return. GOD is ultimately in charge and the rapture will occur first forcing the use of the microchip to the forefront to bring the world back under submission to the antichrist.

So now is the time to watch for the rapture to occur since the onset of the chip by human time tables is growing extremely close. It is absolutely time to get serious about watching for the LORD’s return and to debunk all the false information that indicates otherwise put out for the purpose of damning people to hell by satan himself.


4. Calamity Will Reach An Unheard Of Plateau


Words of the LORD:

“Seek MY Truth; pray for eyes to see the Truth; and what is soon approaching the world—unbridled evil.”

Words Received from Our LORD by Susan, November 7, 2012

Yes WE can begin:

Here are MY Words. They are for MY children:

Children, I want you to listen to MY Words. I am a GOD of Truth—Everlasting Truth. I have stated to you the direction that I am moving in. I am trying to wake you, MY children up!

Can you see the dark hour that is approaching? It is moving fast to the hour of MY Return. I am a GOD WHO makes promises and keeps them. I am True to MY Word. MY Word will come about as I have said them. Read and study MY Book.

Soon children, I will allow the worst calamity to strike this earth that mankind has ever witnessed. It will be disaster upon disaster.

At the point MY bride is removed, the calamity will reach an unheard of plateau and those left behind will have unrivaled regrets realizing what they are about to face. No one will escape the hand of MY enemy—who claims to know ME as their SAVIOR. All will be wounded and pierced for aligning with ME against MY enemy. The destruction of those who love ME will be certain. There will be no one who will escape the evil intended for those who claim to be MY own after the bride has been lifted out to safety—better to know ME now and to be part of MY bride.

This can be yours if you will just LAY DOWN YOUR LIFE and SURRENDER YOUR ALL to ME. Give ME your FULL COMMITMENT. CHOOSE FOR ME against the world and all she stands for. REPENT of your sin you have committed while in the world. FORGIVE those around you. Ask for a FILLING of MY HOLY SPIRIT. SEEK TO FIND ME THROUGH MY BOOK. PROCLAIM YOUR DECISION TO OTHERS and tell others about the love you know through MY Sacrifice.

In exchange, I will give you Everlasting Life. I will write your name in MY Book of Life. I will give you a new name and a new mind and MY SPIRIT will indwell your spirit and you will be sealed by MY HOLY SPIRIT. There is very little time remaining to come to ME now. You don’t want to delay as evil is moving over the land in rapid succession. The hour of your redemption is nigh if you are among MY bride.

Come, let US reason together: seek MY Truth; pray for eyes to see the Truth; and what is soon approaching the world—unbridled evil. Dark storm clouds are forming. Don’t be caught unawares in the trap of MY enemy who longs to destroy MY children.

This Word is for your benefit. Don’t mock and reject it. Turn to your only hope.



Isaiah 45:7:I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.

Deuteronomy 32:4: HE is the ROCK, HIS work is perfect: for all HIS ways are judgment: a GOD of truth and without iniquity, just and right is HE.

Mark 13:20: And except that the LORD had shortened those days, no flesh should be saved: but for the elect's sake, whom HE hath chosen, HE hath shortened the days.

Revelation 20:4: And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of JESUS, and for the Word of GOD, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with CHRIST a thousand years.

Revelation 3:5: He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the Book of Life, but I will confess his name before MY FATHER, and before HIS angels.

Revelation 2:17: He that hath an ear, let him hear what the SPIRIT saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.

Romans 12:2: And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of GOD.

Ephesians 1:13: In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that HOLY SPIRIT of promise,

Words of the LORD:

“I can only offer the keys to MY Kingdom—I cannot force them into your hands.”

(Words Received from Our LORD by Susan, November 9, 2012)

Children, it is I your LORD. I want to speak to you now.

There is a time coming where I will send a blast from MY Nostril down to this earth of MY Wrath and indignation against evil men—men who reject their GOD. The world has become an offense to MY Holy Senses. I no longer take pleasure in it. I find no pleasure in looking upon it. Only MY bride is pleasing to ME—a small select few who pursue ME at all cost. These are the ones I will soon release from the tyranny about to take over the earth.

MY precious bride will be unscathed and preserved from the evil overtaking this world. I cannot stand by and allow this world to wallow in its depravity unchecked any further. Soon there will be full retribution for the choices men make against a Holy GOD—their CREATOR—RULER SUPREME.

Although men choose not to believe in ME, that does not change the fact that I exist and all will face ME—each to give an account of his life before MY Holy Face to come into MY Eternal Glory by MY Blood Covering and Free Salvation or to face death, destruction, eternal punishment.

There will only be two possibilities for the outcome of your soul on the day you face your GOD and stand before ME to face the judgment of your life of decisions: either for ME or against ME. This will be the conclusion of your life on earth to receive eternal salvation and rest for your soul in MY Heavenlies or to receive the reward of punishment for rejecting the Will of GOD for your life.

So many stand before ME at the climax of their life on earth completely unprepared to face ME and are horrified at the outcome of their lifetime of choosing against ME when they find themselves outside MY Kingdom for all eternity. Very few choose the narrow path that leads to the eternal preservation of their soul. The enemy’s deception runs deep and wide: and broad is the road to destruction. Few make their way down MY Narrow Way of Salvation.

Most do not want to pay the price for MY Free Salvation. I, YEHUSHUA, paid the price for the salvation of men and in turn few are willing to give up the world, surrender their all, exchange their will for MY Will, carry their cross. Only a handful discover that what looks the hardest is ultimately the easiest way to go in the long run. Few persevere and overcome their fears of—and desires for the ways of—this lost world.

I can only offer the keys to MY Kingdom—I cannot force them into your hands. You must want to be freed from your attraction for this evil world and the lusts thereof. Only you can choose for yourself—no one else. Though many may try to reach you, only you must decide for or against ME.

You only have a short time remaining to run under MY Blood Covering to safety to pursue ME in all your ways and to surrender your all to ME with a remorseful repentant heart, forgiving all those around you. MY Word is complete. Don’t waste your time with the words of men. Seek MY True Word for the cleansing of your heart.

Purify your soul with a complete filling of MY SPIRIT within your spirit. Let MY SPIRIT burn out your impurities and make you whole and perfect to come before your GOD in this final hour. Choose the righteous path; turn from evil.

MY Love can sustain you in this life and prepare you for the Glories of the next life in MY Soon Coming Kingdom. Come and be fitted for your royal robes—white and pure.

I am the HOT COAL to purify your lips*

Come into MY Purifying Fires

Luke 21:36: Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the SON

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