» Religion » Left Behind After The Rapture, Susan Davis [13 ebook reader txt] 📗

Book online «Left Behind After The Rapture, Susan Davis [13 ebook reader txt] 📗». Author Susan Davis

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the word. 45And they of the circumcision which believed were astonished, as many as came with Peter, because that on the Gentiles also was poured out the gift (baptism) of the HOLY GHOST. 46For they heard them speak with tongues, and magnify GOD. Then answered Peter, 47Can any man forbid water (water baptism—a separate baptism), that these should not be baptized, which have received the HOLY GHOST as well as we? 48And he commanded them to be baptized in the name of the LORD (in water as well as the HOLY SPIRIT Baptism they received from the HOLY SPIRIT). Then prayed they him to tarry certain days.

(Words Received from Our LORD by Susan, May 4, 2012)

Only I give the Power you need to keep you in MY Will. The flesh cannot succeed at staying in the Will of GOD. Only by MY Power is any man successful in walking in MY Will—flesh cannot accomplish this task. It is the Power of the HOLY SPIRIT.

A partial surrender does not allot the fullness of MY SPIRIT to bring the individual under the controlling Power of MY SPIRIT thus they cannot successfully ward off evil, sin, and be in MY Will. They are considered “lukewarm” and lost. Partial surrender is not “surrender.” Make no mistake; a partial surrender leads to death the same as an outright denial of ME as GOD.

Repentance is “key” to the person’s surrender. If they are still believing they have no sin or they don’t need forgiveness how can they be freed by the evil that still controls them?

Remorse over sin is the beginning of healing—healing heart, soul, spirit—all is interrelated. A repentant heart, a humble heart, can receive the salvation of their soul and will enter MY Kingdom upon receiving the HOLY SPIRIT by baptism.

This is part of releasing the person into freedom to be freed of demonic spirits: true remorse over past sin, acknowledgement of sin before a HOLY GOD and then the filling of MY SPIRIT and total submission to MY Ways and to ME as the individual’s LORD and MASTER.

All other expressions are weak and ineffectual. The person must be submitted to ME completely to be relieved of the power of MY enemy and I must be their undisputed MASTER so that the individual can be walking in MY Will conquering sin and filled with the Power of MY SPIRIT. Not before will the individual be able to deal successfully with vanquishing sin in their lives. This is the “narrow path.” All other paths lead to destruction.

Deuteronomy 30:19: I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life that both thou and thy seed may live:

Your Lamp Oil Filled? The LORD will take only those 'sold out' to HIM and filled with the HOLY SPIRIT in the coming rapture of the church (remember, only the five virgins with full oil lamps are ready when the Bridegroom comes). If you don't think you are 'sold out' to HIM because you are caught up in things of this world then there is still time if you engage yourself right now in a relentless pursuit of knowing and following HIM. You must first be filled, 'baptized' with the HOLY SPIRIT.

You can be baptized in the HOLY SPIRIT right now: you can pray this suggested prayer: "In the LORD’s Name, I pray to be baptized in the Names of the FATHER, the SON, and the HOLY SPIRIT. I pray to be filled up completely from the top of my head to the bottom of my toes. I pray for my Spiritual eyes to be opened and for the scales to fall off and I pray for a bolder testimony for the LORD JESUS and for MY OIL LAMP TO BE FILLED TO THE TOP. I surrender my ALL to the LORD and repent for all my sins from a sincere heart of remorse for these things done before a HOLY GOD." (You can also be prayed over by someone who has been baptized in the HOLY SPIRIT.)

You don't have to go anywhere or do anything as it has to do with the attitude of your heart. Just pray and you will receive through a sincere heart. Surrender your life over completely and repent from all your sins to the LORD. If you desire to be baptized in the HOLY SPIRIT, stop right now, where you are and pray. You can pray the suggested prayer above. You have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO LOSE AND EVERYTHING TO GAIN! When you pray to receive then 'press in' and read your bible or do it more and pray more. Fasting also is recommended because it is by fasting from food, a meal, or something enjoyed such as your iPod, TV/movies, worldly pursuits, whatever we do that we 'die to our flesh.'

Fasting does not replace salvation by JESUS' Blood at all. It just means we are dying to our flesh which is pleasing to the LORD for greater personal intimacy, seeking answers through prayers, whereas salvation is a free gift from GOD and not earned by any human act of sacrifice. These are verses that support a second baptism (the other being water baptism—the water baptism can come before or after the HOLY SPIRIT baptism) given from the HOLY SPIRIT:

Matthew 3:11: "As for me, I baptize you with water for repentance, but HE WHO is coming after me is mightier than I, and I am not fit to remove HIS sandals; HE will baptize you with the HOLY SPIRIT and fire."

Mark 1:8: "I baptized you with water; but HE will baptize you with the HOLY SPIRIT."

Luke 3:16: "John answered and said to them all, 'As for me, I baptize you with water; but ONE is coming WHO is mightier than I, and I am not fit to untie the thong of HIS sandals; HE will baptize you with the HOLY SPIRIT and fire."

John 1:33: "And I did not recognize HIM, but HE WHO sent me to baptize in water said to me, "HE upon WHOM you see the SPIRIT descending and remaining upon HIM, this is the ONE WHO baptizes in the HOLY SPIRIT."

Acts 1:5: "For John baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with the HOLY SPIRIT not many days from now."

Acts 11:15-16: " 15And as I began to speak, the Holy Ghost fell on them, as on us at the beginning. And I remembered the Word of the LORD, how HE used to say, 'John baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with the HOLY SPIRIT.’"

Free End Times Prophetic Books from Deborah Melissa:

The books can be downloaded for FREE:

Book 1: 'The Final Call' - The book is about the Bride and what the LORD says about the Bride.

Book 2: 'The Exodus' - The book is about coming out of Egypt and how to get into the Promised Land (Millennium).

Book 3: 'My Son David' - The book is about the "rulers and reigners" in the Millennium. Those who will rule and reign with CHRIST.

Sun, 11 Nov 2012

The LORD's Words: "I can only offer the Keys to MY Kingdom. I cannot force them into your hands."

The LORD's Words for Today (Posted at www.End-Times-Prophecy.Com

Dear Faithful Followers of CHRIST:

After I began to hear from the LORD all through the day, the LORD gave me a brief “Jonah” lesson on obeying GOD. I was at my mother’s assisted living at the time and I was heading to the elevator of her building to run out and pick up my son from school and I was running late. There was an older woman in the lobby area by the elevator and the LORD told me to give her a word from HIM. Wow can you believe it, I told the LORD I was late to pick up my son and I could not do it.

Then the LORD said very calmly to me: “I give you permission to go, daughter.”

Well the next thing that happened was astounding. As I stepped onto the elevator, the woman across the room from the elevator who I was supposed to talk (but didn’t) immediately jumped up from her chair and dashed across the room making a beeline straight for the elevator before the door shut. This woman was standing right next to me on the elevator and with my eyes popping out of my head, I said to the LORD, “I guess you want me to talk to her,” to which HE then said, “Yes” and HE gave me a word for this lady which was very meaningful to her.

That day, I learned a lesson just as Jonah, who ran from GOD, had learned only to find himself in the belly of a whale. The lesson is to obey GOD when HE tells you to do something. Just like these letters I put out for the LORD, I receive a lot of grief about them—but that doesn’t mean I can disobey GOD, no matter what people say or think.

“Mark of the Beast”

Now, I want to talk about the things the LORD has revealed to me to share with you. I want to talk about the “mark of the beast”—it is the RFID Chip according to the LORD despite what many people—even what many ministry people say. Most people want to debunk the truth that the current microchip is the mark of the beast because they don’t like the idea that the LORD’s Coming could be so soon and that puts us right at the door of HIS coming if the RFID chip is in fact the mark of the beast. The RFID chip (also available as a “mark” now) lines up with the bible’s description of it exactly: it is to be placed in the forehead or the right hand just as the RFID chip and it is usable in for buying and selling.

Nowhere in the bible does it say that this will be a second or third generation of the mark that matches the bible’s description as so many are saying that the RFID chip is only the “forerunner” to the actual mark—this is a lie.

Revelation 13:17: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

The LORD showed me that the RFID chip is the “mark of the beast” by revealing to me that everything is bar coded now and that means this chip works with this coding and the bar coding is being established everywhere (the military, healthcare venues, and retail venues) to accommodate the one and only “mark.” This is why it is wrong, even evil to make people believe that this chip is okay to take.

I want to ask these ministry people who think it is okay to spread these lies—just who gave you permission to put other people’s eternal salvation at risk by telling them falsely that this chip is okay and probably not the mark of the beast when it meets every criteria in the bible perfectly for the mark? Already thousands even possibly millions of people have been chipped.

Now, I want to go on to reveal something else to you very powerful the LORD has shown me about this RFID “mark.” Watch this youtube about this miraculous dream revelation from GOD about the “mark of the beast” and President Obama’s initiation of the chip:

Now ONLY BECAUSE OF THIS DREAM REVELATION PROVIDED BY GOD HIMSELF—it led to the following chart/link: In this Obamacare chart, you can see a military man going through a hospital and at various stations you can see this military patient receiving assistance by way of the records on his RFID microchip

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