» Religion » PREPARE THE WAY - 2018, Susan Davis [great books for teens TXT] 📗

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walk away from a dark world to embrace TRUTH in exchange for a world of hatred and false truth. Where will this all lead? Children, spiritual destruction is coming to each person who rejects MY Ways to fold into MY Will. The enemy will use people to fulfill his interests and then he will destroy them. The enemy has no friends. He betrays all who worship and follow him. He is as a lion looking for all he can devour. He offers the world and delivers hell. His words are sweet to the ear but they lead to eternal death and destruction. His goal is to capture the hearts of men and then destroy them. He has no love for mankind. His desire is for destruction and the demise of all men. Those who follow his ruthless ways will be destroyed on the same path. When you are in league with the devil, you are in league with your own demise. Without a full surrender to ME, you are in a suicide pact with the devil and there is no redemption for those who unite with MY enemy once they are in hell. Hell is a hopeless place, tormenting, dark, and lonely. It is eternal horror. NOW! Come to ME! Break free of living a nightmare of rejecting the PATH of righteousness in exchange for an eternity of hell fire. Come to MY Blood-bought Salvation that is available now. This may be your last opportunity to receive this offer as many die daily in unforgiven sin. Seek MY Word, Seek MY Guidance. Render your life over to ME for care and keeping. I AM the Sacrificial LAMB WHO IS... WHO WAS... WHO WILL BE...



Luke 12:32 (KJV): Fear not, little flock; for it is your FATHER's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom.


1 Peter 5:8 (KJV): Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:


Isaiah 5:14 (KJV): Therefore hell hath enlarged herself, and opened her mouth without measure: and their glory, and their multitude, and their pomp, and he that rejoiceth, shall descend into it.




May 7, 2018


(Word given from the LORD to Susan)


Children, I am your GOD, Great in stature and love. The hour is dwindling for you to make a decision for your GOD. Children are dying in their sin daily with no hope of recovery. Do not be caught up in indecision, as this is the same as a decision against ME. If you ride a fence about your love for ME looking back toward the world, your outcome will be as Lot's wife. Do not let the world filled with lies come between us. I want first place. This is the only way I can lead you out to safety: as a child surrendered fully to a parent, trusting fully in MY ability to lead. Only this can pull you free from a dependency on an evil world run by MY enemy. He holds the world captive to his seduction through many forms. His fingers run through many avenues leading many astray. People fall prey to his lies in many ways. There are many paths to hell. Wake up! Be alert! Find MY Book. Read it from cover to cover, then read it again. It holds the key to MY Salvation. Let ME walk you through its pages. Ask ME to guide you. I will open your spiritual eyes to see the truth. I AM Trustworthy. SAVIOR--LORD and MASTER...


Matthew 7:13-14 (KJV): Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: 14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.




May 9, 2018


(Word given from the LORD to Susan)


Children, your GOD wants to speak to you: The Light of the world is being shut out by darkness. MY children are rebellious and want to mock ME, MY Name, MY Truth. This is a wide-ranging problem. Sin has taken root all over the world. It has been planted and grows and chokes out the truth so that MY Creation cannot see. There is some light carried by very few. Only a small number want all MY Truth. Most only adhere to some or none at all. For the ones who only want some of MY Truth and not all, the little truth they embrace will fall through their fingers and they will stand empty-handed before ME when they give an account of their life to ME. They will be the same as the sinners who wanted none of MY Truth in MY Eyes, only it shall be worse for them because they did not want all of ME, only a partial following. This is the lukewarm church who knows MY Name, uses MY Name but does not want to put ME before the world in their hearts. They embrace the world and only turn to ME when it is convenient for them. This is not intimacy. It is not knowing GOD. They will be cast away when they stand before ME. And so I will spit out their lukewarm attempt to seek ME on their own terms. Their harlot hearts and whoring hands will be judged as sin-filled in MY Court. Their weak testimony will not hold up in MY Presence and their appeal will be lacking. I will tell them, and declare them guilty of high treason against a Holy GOD for misleading others in their iniquity of presenting a partial representation of MY Truth to others. They will be found guilty and their weak lamp light will be extinguished for eternity. Is this what you want, children? Think carefully as your time is running out every day. Today may be your last day to find ME in this life as you do not know your appointed time to stand before ME. You have an appointment set for this meeting. Will you be ready for it? Come to ME now and I will prepare your garment, your heart, your life, and your lamp. Seek ME now, repent often for I am HOLY. Yes, I will receive you as MY Own, but you must draw close to ME. MY Truth cannot be altered for anyone. Come to ME for all truth. This is the GOD of Grace for the childlike, humble, and surrendered.


Matthew 7:21-23 (KJV): Not every one that saith unto me, LORD, LORD, shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven; but he that doeth the will of MY FATHER which is in Heaven. 22 Many will say to ME in that day, LORD, LORD, have we not prophesied in THY Name? And in THY Name have cast out devils? And in THY Name done many wonderful works? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from ME, ye that work iniquity.




May 9, 2018


(Word given from the LORD to Susan)


MY children: Run into MY Arms--I wait patiently, even in long suffering. Turn your heart toward ME away from the world. You grasp a world that seems attractive, but deep down it is dung and your grip on it will only deliver you to hell fire. Stop holding hands with MY enemy, depart from the lies, the evil and deception. You are buying trouble, eternal trouble, by believing you can play on both sides of the fence. You are going to get caught in sudden destruction and when it comes there is no escape if you continue trusting in that which cannot be trusted. Wash in MY Word. Come clean through its cleansing power. Read the truth and see how you work against a Holy GOD. Let ME reveal the ways you sin against ME and how to break free from the tyrant you are chained to. I have made a way for your freedom on a cruel cross. The dogs surrounded ME, but I was brutalized for your salvation. Come to know MY Ways, come to know ME. There is no other way--no other salvation. Stop living in the shadow of death. Embrace truth, live in freedom. “I AM” is coming! Prepare, for you do not know the hour....


1 Thessalonians 5:3 (KJV): For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.


Ephesians 5:25-26 (KJV): Husbands, love your wives, even as CHRIST also loved the church, and gave HIMSELF for it; 26 That HE might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word,




May 13, 2018


(Word given from the LORD to Susan)


Children, this is your LORD and SAVIOR: I want you to listen closely, MY Word is true. All that is in MY Book will come to pass. You must read it, you must immerse yourself in it. It holds a fountain of wealth. I have put valuable truth in it. Each page has words that are inspired by ME, given to you for greater understanding not just for this life but the life to come. I have outlined great truths written many years ago that you can assuredly see are now coming to pass. The words written by MY faithful followers, MY prophets are now being seen by you daily. Open the pages, open your eyes. Do not cast a blind eye to what is visibly coming about. You must awaken and watch. Not watching will be your downfall. It will lead to the upheaval of your soul. You must come to your senses. Come to ME for truth, understanding, and knowledge about the times you are in. You are on the cusp of a great conflict between MY good and MY enemy's evil. It will play is written. Will you be found worthy to escape all that is coming on the earth? You decide. Come clean in MY Word. Wash in its cleansing water. Rise up out of the miry clay and seek higher ground. Come into MY Presence. Only being near ME with a full oil lamp assures you safe passage through a world that is filled with evil. You know of what I speak. Darkness surrounds you. Stop chasing men for your answers. Only I hold the key to eternal hope and everlasting peace. Only I have the plans for the future that will be. Only I know the beginning to the end. I am the BEGINNING and the END. Let ME build a fire in your heart. This is The Eternal FLAME...


1 Thessalonians 5:3 (KJV): For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.


Ephesians 5:25-26 (KJV): Husbands, love your wives, even as CHRIST also loved the church, and gave HIMSELF for it; 26 That HE might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word,


2 Timothy 3:16 (KJV): All scripture is given by inspiration of GOD, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:


Isaiah 40:8 (KJV): The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our GOD shall stand for ever.



May 15, 2018


(Word given from the LORD to Susan)


Let's begin: I am still in charge though the world disregards ME. MY plans stand. All that the world does is for naught. These worldly plans will fall to the ground. Already MY Plans are coming to fruition. Can you not see? What was spoken of long ago is coming to pass. Many believe in different futures. There is only one future and that is MINE. If you are MINE, then your future is bright. If you reject ME, then your future will crumble and your world will plummet. Why do you resist ME so, church of the lost lukewarm? You cling to the hopes of a lost and dying world full of traps and tricks of the devil, MY foe. He has no

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