» Religion » PREPARE THE WAY - 2018, Susan Davis [great books for teens TXT] 📗

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leads to safety. I alone am the PATH. I alone know the way. Come to know ME, MY Truth. Your days are numbered. Only I know the number of your days. I know your beginning to your end. Let ME bring you into great joy and release you from the captivity of a dying world and to revive your soul to true life in ME, the AUTHOR and GIVER of all life. Extend your hand, your heart, your life to ME and I will give you the desire to pursue ME all the days of your life.





Romans 14:12 (KJV): So then every one of us shall give account of himself to GOD.





May 31, 2018


(Word given from the LORD to Susan)


Children, who come to ME on bended knees and hearts filled with MY SPIRIT, I love your devotion your will is submitted to MY Will. We are one in SPIRIT and Truth. Our hearts beat as one. We walk in harmony. These are the children who have grace and mercy daily. I am sanctifying them for MY Purposes. Their lives have purpose to serve their GOD, others, and to live in peace. With their mind being renewed by MY Word, through MY Book, and MY SPIRIT guiding them to all Truth. They are MY Temple, doing MY Will, seeking MY Face, walking on the Narrow PATH. They are the few, the little flock, recognized as outcasts from the world around them. Foreigners in a foreign land, their Kingdom is not of this world. They belong to another Kingdom, where peace and love reign supreme. Bend your will to MY Will, little flock. I am your COMFORT, your SECURITY, your PEACE even as the sea rages around you. I am your ROCK, your Solid GROUND that does not shift or move. Be at peace at MY Side, comforted in MY Arms, loved eternally. This is MY Love letter to you MY little flock. This is your SHEPHERD, mighty to deliver.



Luke 12:32 (KJV): Fear not, little flock; for it is your FATHER's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom.



JUNE 2018


June 1, 2018


(Word given from the LORD to Susan)


Children, your GOD loves you on a level you will never comprehend. I take great pride in your creation. I created you with MY own Hand from MY Heart. You have a purpose in this life if you choose to seek it you will find it. When you surrender to MY Will through MY Blood-bought Salvation, you will move into your true purpose. You will be used by your GOD for MY purpose. Until this happens, your life meaning is empty and will end in greater emptiness and destruction. If you are being used by MY enemy outside of MY Will you are working against the Kingdom of GOD and there are great consequences for your rebellion. Please seek ME for answers and all truth. Only I know the way and will reveal it to you. I have a blueprint for your life--One of love, joy, peace, and counsel from above. I can settle the unsettled heart of the lost sinner and bring comfort and reign in peace no matter how far off the path someone has run. Only I can do this. Let ME pull you back towards MY life-giving ways of love and contentment and an assured future that cannot be taken away. I am nearer to you than you realize. Call on MY Name and I will answer. Repent of your past evil with a broken heart of remorse and all will be forgiven and repair can begin. Let ME show you MY gift of renewal and promise of a future that will never give way or falter. There is so much for ME to share. Do not waste another moment. I beseech you, cry unto ME. Let ME have MY way with you and return you to the path of righteousness. I am the PATH of Righteousness.


Hebrews 12:2 (KJV): Looking unto JESUS the AUTHOR and FINISHER of our faith; who for the joy that was set before HIM endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the Throne of GOD.


Psalm 23:3 (KJV): HE restoreth my soul: HE leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for HIS Name's sake.




June 5, 2018


(Word given from the LORD to Susan)


You may listen to MY leading: Children who I cherish: I am a WELLSPRING of Truth. MY Love is resilient. I give, you take. I am an Endless FOUNTAIN of Truth and Love. MY resources will never run dry. I am Everlasting. MY Ways are not your ways. I know the future. You must trust in ME and MY future: the one I have prepared in advance for you to partake in. If you choose against ME, the future you plan for yourself outside of MY Will, will come to a dark ending. All futures planned apart from MY perfect Will, will end in disaster. How can you know the future I have for you? Choose for MY future. Choose it in your heart daily. Repent, acknowledge MY Blood-bought payment for your sin on a humbling cross of pain and suffering. Choose ME and you can choose to surrender your all to the Will of the FATHER. Pray to receive MY SPIRIT in all HIS Fullness and I will keep you walking on the One Narrow PATH toward the one future that counts. All other futures will burn up. What is your destiny? A bright future with an Eternal GOD or to end in judgment with eternal flames of destruction. Your choice has eternal consequences and outcome. MY Love is too great to ignore. Come walk with ME and I will guide you all the way. Daily MY children choose against ME and daily they enter into eternal separation from GOD. This choice seems easy, but most will not choose eternal life. I will not forsake those who choose the path that few find. “I AM” died so you can live...


John 14:6 (KJV): JESUS saith unto him, I am the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE: no man cometh unto the FATHER, but by ME.




June 8, 2018


(Word given from the LORD to Susan)


Children, your GOD has words for you: I am a patient GOD, long suffering, ever-waiting and watching over those who surrender all to ME and those they pray for. I also am ready to receive anyone who wants to give ME a full surrender, total submission. What does this mean exactly? It means: for you to desire to have ME at the helm of your life, to oversee your every move and guide you down the narrow path toward eternal life with your GOD in MY Holy destination of rest and everlasting love. You must repent of your sin crimes lived out in a flesh body cursed from birth, performing evil against a Holy GOD and rebellion against MY Holy Kingdom rejecting truth and embracing evil. You will be judged for your works of evil, sin, rebellion while in your own self-centered will, if you face ME without MY Blood-Covering. I paid dearly to give you this covering. You cannot free yourself by your own works. All are filthy rags when done in the flesh apart from a full surrender to the Will of the FATHER. I make it possible for you to enter into the Will of the Most HIGH. Without repentance and surrender wholly to ME you will be found lacking when you come before MY Throne and give an account of your life. You must know ME in your heart as a close friend or your religion will leave you in hell. Relationship is what I desire. Works will never replace knowing your GOD through intimacy. I will be closer than a brother to you, but you must pursue ME for this to take place. There is no other way, no other path. I have a fountain of love to give you but you must truly desire for it. I will not share MY Love with another. I am a Jealous GOD and I want you all to MYSELF. Thou shalt not have any other gods before ME. MY Word is unchanging. Fix your eyes on ME and I will draw close to you. LOVE is MY Name...


Exodus 34:14 (KJV): For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous GOD:




June 11, 2018


(Word given from the LORD to Susan)


To MY children, who I love: The days are moving swiftly toward MY removal of the church. The time of MY Bride's removal is closing in. How can you know? Study MY Word and see the times. Evil is closing in all around on all four corners of the Globe. All is not well. The world cannot tolerate truth, holiness, MY Words, its CREATOR. It has placed another on the throne of its heart. The world has chosen another to pay homage to. MY Words fall on deaf ears and blind eyes. Cold hearts have taken over. Evil men are rising up--filled with violence, love of death, evil intent, murderous hearts. Their souls are ice cold. Their eyes desire evil and their hands commit adultery at every turn. Evil men with a lust for mammon prevails and fills the earth. Greed abounds. Hope dwindles as the world turns its back unanimously from its MAKER GOD. I have no recourse but to fulfill MY long-given promises. All will come to pass even as I have stated it would so long ago. Where is your heart? Where are your allegiances? Whom do you serve? If you are lukewarm, you do not know ME and you are the same as the cold-hearted only worse. You have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof. You wish to be called by MY Name but you play as an adulterer with the world. You bring ME no joy and the leaven has spoiled the whole lump. Turn to ME whole-heartedly. Reject the world and all it stands for. Return to your First LOVE. I am HE. I loved you before the foundation of the earth. Why reject such a great love for a short dance with MY enemy? He holds you in contempt and will destroy you if you let him. Turn from your sin by repenting and surrendering all to ME. There is no other way. MY Blood-bought Salvation gives you the ability to exchange your will for the Will of the FATHER. Without this exchange you will be lost. This may be your last letter. Read carefully. Commit to ME now. NO one knows when I will require their life from them. Do not live in such a risky way. Turn to ME now and live in peace with your GOD, CREATOR. Do not let the devil's trap capture you for eternity. I warn because I love. This is your GOD on High, pleading for you...Come home!


Revelation 2:4 (KJV): Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy First LOVE.




June 13, 2018


(Word given from the LORD to Susan)


Yes, daughter, here are MY Words: Soon, I will break through the clouds to receive MY Church unto MYSELF. Who is MY Church?


They are

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