» Religion » PREPARE THE WAY - 2018, Susan Davis [great books for teens TXT] 📗

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These gifts and many more await you if you would lay everything at MY Feet and admit you need a SAVIOR and that you need MY Salvation bought for you at a high price. Do not let this moment of truth and heart-reckoning pass by you and slip away. It may be your last chance for redemption. The enemy lurks looking for who he can destroy at all times. Do not take MY Offer lightly, the souls in hell cannot be retrieved. Make this the moment of your salvation, the hour of your release from the grip of your enemy who holds you in contempt. I came to set you free. Do not deny ME MY Pleasure. I am your Loving EMANCIPATOR…



Luke 4:18 (KJV): The SPIRIT of the LORD is upon ME, because HE hath anointed ME to preach the gospel to the poor; HE hath sent ME to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised,




July 12, 2018


(Message given by the LORD to Susan)


Children, I came to bring you peace in a world wrought with evil and fear. I came to earth as a man to deliver what men could not bring to themselves, the peace that passes all understanding. Men long for worldwide peace, but only I can deliver true peace on that scale. Only I can set a captive world free from its long-held sin. I will accomplish this feat when I set MY Feet down on the Mount of Olives when I come back to earth with MY Church. All talk of peace up to that point will lead only to false peace, manmade. And MY enemy will convince the world for a brief time to follow him and his false sense of security. Many will follow his lead to their destruction. His followers will be led to their slaughter. MY Book is very clear about the rule and reign of the antichrist on the earth after I remove MY Bride, the True Church. All talk of peace until I come to earth to establish MY Kingdom rule is manmade and corrupt. It is corrupt because the world still embraces evil. How can a world have peace when it is filled with wickedness? Only I can vanquish evil and destroy the works of the enemy and muzzle the demonic forces captivating the world. I am the ONE you need to be focused on. I am coming for a “watching” church that is sitting on the edge of its seat anticipating MY Return to retrieve it to safekeeping. Children, your focus must be on your GOD and not on chariots and horses and false peace that is not of ME. Men desire peace, but do not desire the ONE True SAVIOR of the world. How can it be? How can peace reign unless I am in the center of men’s hearts? Be ready. Only a few are coming with ME. Most are not watching and most will not be ready for MY Rescue of MY True Church. Though men take on MY Name and use it for their own plans, they know ME not and I will not acknowledge them before MY FATHER and HIS angels when they stand before ME and all men will stand before ME and acknowledge that I AM GOD. Children, hurry to your secret place. Seek ME as your Only HOPE because I am. I hold the key to your escape. I have the pardon for your sin against a HOLY GOD. Only I can save you now. NO other path will lead you out. You must turn and face ME if you desire to be rescued and delivered to True Eternal Peace. Your hour to stand before ME could be today. You are walking on thin ice if you do not enter into a relationship with ME now. Heed MY Words. Look away from an ugly sin-filled world. Pursue righteousness and holiness. Pursue ME! I AM the Only DOOR out!




Zechariah 14:3-5 (KJV): Then shall the LORD go forth, and fight against those nations, as when HE fought in the day of battle. 4 And HIS Feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east, and the mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the west, and there shall be a very great valley; and half of the mountain shall remove toward the north, and half of it toward the south. 5 And ye shall flee to the valley of the mountains; for the valley of the mountains shall reach unto Azal: yea, ye shall flee, like as ye fled from before the earthquake in the days of Uzziah king of Judah: and the LORD my GOD shall come, and all the saints with thee.







July 13, 2018


(Message given by the LORD to Susan)


Here is today’s message: Write it down,


Today children, I come before you filled with love. I am a Loving GOD, always ready to answer prayers, the prayers of those who seek ME diligently. Those who run to be at MY Side will not grow faint. Love will be their constant companion. I live within these children, always abiding, never distant. I am at all sides of MY humble servants, those who approach ME daily for all their needs, those who seek MY Face and believe I am real. I am never apart from these whom I love. I know them intimately. All they do I am aware of. Their actions speak louder than words. They are quiet humble servants who call on ME night and day. I hear their requests. I know their hearts. WE are never apart. Their love for ME is the love I have given them returned. They love because I loved them first. The have returned to their First LOVE. I know the desires of their hearts because they delight in ME. I will give them so much more than they ask for in the life to come because they have placed ME on the throne of their hearts. I rule over them in this life and they will rule and reign with ME in the next life. This is MY Bride, the apple of MY Eye. This church is the love of MY Life, devoted, ever-grasping for ME, pursuing ME at every step. When we are together words are not necessary, MY Church knows where their love and life flows from. There is no doubt because their faith has surpassed mere knowledge. Their hearts walk on water. They are resolute in WHO they believe and serve. Their commitment is on the ROCK and for this they will never be disappointed. They are part of a Kingdom not of this world and their hopes are beyond what this world offers. They are foreigners in a foreign land and their eyes are set on eternity. Are you among this peculiar people, a church rejected by an evil world? I am waiting for MY lost sheep to come home. I am the SHEPHERD of the little flock and no one can pluck them out of MY Hand. Come let ME hold you and keep you in the galleries of MY Heart. Let ME write your name in MY Book, the Book of Everlasting Life and Eternal Beauty. Surrender to MY Truth. Accept MY Blood Payment for your sin. Repent and be filled with remorse for your sin towards your First LOVE. Give ME your life and I will exchange it for True LIFE, MY LIFE. I will fill your lamp with MY OIL, MY SPIRIT and you will be found worthy to escape. Take on the Will of GOD, rejecting your own will. Come drink pure water from the Words of MY Book and seek ME above all else and you will find ME. I love you…No one will ever love you more….



1 John 4:19 (KJV): We love HIM, because HE first loved us.


Revelation 2:4 (KJV): Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy First LOVE.






July 15, 2018


(Message given by the LORD to Susan)


Write these words down. I am coming for a clean church, a church that has purged itself of the filth of the world by MY Holy Book and MY Holy Name and the Power of MY SPIRIT. This Power is available only through full surrender. A partial surrender will not bring you MY Blood Covering. As long as you continue to hold hands with the devil, you cannot hold hands with ME. I am a Jealous GOD. I did not create you to partake with evil. You either entrust your soul with ME or you will vanquish with false hope and lies from MY enemy. MY lukewarm church believes all is well to have a partial faith. They believe they can call themselves by MY Name and yet devote their lives to the world. It cannot be. You either hold to ME with all your heart, even your life or you cling to a lost and dying world. It is a matter of choice. MY children know in their hearts that the world chases after evil and is filled with GOD-haters. Yet, they pursue evil thinking that evil can never touch them. Be careful little ones, the enemy goes about like a lion looking for who he can devour. Do not fall prey to what looks right in an evil world. You will be caught off-guard. Your demise will be quick and your outcome eternal. Your loss will be great if you rest on evil. You may place your hopes on an evil world now, but you will never rest in peace in the life to come. Children, be wise, choose for your GOD. A short dance with evil will only lead to everlasting destruction. I am the Only Secure PASSAGE. All other ways lead to outer darkness. Come out of your hopeless wanderings in a lost world and pursue the Only True LIGHT of the world….


Matthew 7:13 (KJV): Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:




July 20, 2018


(Message given by the LORD to Susan)


Children, your GOD wishes to speak to you:


I am an All-Consuming FIRE. I am stronger than any power there is. I hold everything together by the Power of MY Tongue. I am a Righteous GOD. There is nothing that gets by ME. MY Knowledge is beyond comprehension. All the minds of the world combined cannot match ME. You must relinquish your life to MY Care. Only I am capable of keeping you safe from all the forces of evil. Until you commit wholly to ME, your life is in jeopardy. Only I can pull you free from the grasp of evil, from the desires of the flesh to handle the unclean. Only I hold the key to freedom. I am the ONE WHO can release you from curses and long-held generational strong-holds of evil. Your life was cursed at the start. All are born into sin. Only by a repentant heart, remorseful over past sin surrendered to MY Will and through salvation obtained on the cross can you be freed from life-long sin bondages. It is a choice of the heart. This freedom is available but timing is everything. If you wait too long, MY Salvation and your freedom may be out of your grasp. This is well-known by those who are in hell with no hope of escape. Wait too long and your decision against ME will be final. This is why I warn…this is why I plead. Truly, your time is running out. Why risk eternal sorrow to hold onto a dying world? So many have eternal regrets as hell is expanding daily. You need a savior. I AM that SAVIOR! Turn your life over to ME and let peace reign in your heart. I am the LORD WHO loves

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