» Religion » PREPARE THE WAY - 2018, Susan Davis [great books for teens TXT] 📗

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evil, speak good things? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.


Revelation 3:16 (KJV): So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of MY Mouth.



August 30, 2018


(Letter of the LORD dictated to Susan)


Here is MY Message: Little children, your GOD delights in addressing you:


I have won you a place in eternity. I alone accomplished this task. No other could bring this about. No other could release you from a life-long curse of sin and despair. Only I hold the key to your eternal salvation and release from evil that consumes the world you reside in. You can receive freedom at MY Hands only. Only I am able to bring you out of darkness into the Light: The Light of truth, peace, love, and rest for the troubled soul. Many will come in MY Name promising safe harbor, riches, and delights. They cannot save. They are masters of darkness cloaked in lies. These dark representations of GOD promise truth, but deliver lies. They are the gods of the lukewarm who “claim to know ME”, but know ME not. They speak from a different mouth—the mouth of MY enemy who is the father of lies. Many will chase after these imposters and many will worship false versions of ME believing their lukewarm doctrines. These will lead the masses astray and they will be a number that is so great, MY Book says they are uncountable. This is the lukewarm who chase after false gods. You can only find ME through a full surrender and then you receive MY SPIRIT in all HIS Fullness when your lamp is filled with oil, then you come into the understanding of WHO I am…what I represent…what I desire from you. Without the fullness of MY SPIRIT, darkness will shroud you and truth will escape you. Pursue ME, with all your heart, strength, soul, and mind and I will reveal MYSELF to you. There is no other way. Run whole-heartedly after ME and I will receive you with open arms. Your time is short—tomorrow may be too late.


Time is short and the path is narrow….




September 1, 2018


(Message given by the LORD to Susan)


Susan, Here is MY Word today: Children, you who seek ME with all your heart will find ME. I can be found by those with an open heart and childlike faith. It is the childlike who come nearest their GOD. When MY children exhibit childlike attributes that is when I am nearest. Without this quality, I cannot really enter into the life of the individual. Only the childlike truly seek ME as their SAVIOR, their only hope, their “REST”. I cannot be the “ALL” to those who are filled with pride and believe that self-rule holds their answers. The enemy will allow you to run your course with your own will as long as you never enter into MY Ways, MY Truth, MY Narrow Path. He would have you to believe that you can do whatever you want apart from your GOD and that you can be in total control. Your control will disappear in your hands because your future is uncontrollable. You have no control over any of the events of your life although you are deluded into believing this. The enemy wants men to believe this lie that they can run their futures through their life work, their finances, their health. All is about manmade control over the unknown future that I alone ultimately control. MY future is the only true future. All other plans and predictions of men guided by the enemy will blow away. I have even given you a detailed outline of the future but men refuse to believe and embrace it. I have disclosed to mankind all that will come about and MY Words are true and accurate. Today MY Words are coming together in all their completeness. Why then do men continue to pursue other avenues? Because they love the lie and they love their sin. Men will go to their death wallowing in their sin and love for the world. All will come into the understanding that MY future is real as foretold. For most it will be too late. Let these words pierce your heart and bring you back to the Narrow Path into MY future. Exchange your will for the True Will of GOD. Surrender your human-directed future for the future of the Divine. Fall to your knees in repentance in believing that frail humanity holds the answers to its future. Seek MY Cross forgiveness. It’s only by MY accomplishment on a hard cross that anyone can come into the eternal rest with a HOLY GOD. Accept this free gift and pursue ME all your days like a child.



This is the FATHER Above over the future….


Jeremiah 17:5-7 (KJV): Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD. 6 For he shall be like the heath in the desert, and shall not see when good cometh; but shall inhabit the parched places in the wilderness, in a salt land and not inhabited. 7 Blessed is the man that trusteth in the LORD, and whose hope the LORD is.




September 3, 2018


(Message given by the LORD to Susan)


Children, I have Words: I am not an isolated GOD, far away, unsearchable. You can approach ME at anytime. Come to ME, cry out to ME, even in the heat of your battle. I know all that torments you, whether it be personal strife…lust of the flesh…trials with family…financial temptations…persecutions…lack of restraint…infidelities…loss of relationships. I understand and see all. I am with you through it all. I am not far although most never seek ME and allow their troubles consume them. I can be easily reached. How you may ask? I can be found between the pages of MY Book. I will even lead you with MY Eye to the scriptures to read if you give over your life to ME. I can open and close doors for you that would remain closed and open without ME. I can guide your feet and rule over your heart to pursue the righteous path if you surrender your all to ME. I can lead you to and from people whether right for you or wrong. I can change your circumstances and I can bring peace to unchanged circumstances. I can heal the broken heart ravaged by evil men run by the enemy. I can fill the empty soul struggling from loneliness and great personal loss. I can change bitterness into brokenness and brokenness into the fruits of the SPIRIT. What is there that I cannot do? Seek ME for your life’s answers. Why seek for answers anywhere else? I created all life. I hold the key to all of humanity’s greatest concerns, disillusionments, and losses. I alone can bring about true and lasting love to MY creation. This void can be filled no other way, though men throughout history try to fill the empty heart longings with everything but GOD—only I can fill the human life with true love, lasting love, endless joy, and complete satisfaction. MY children walk in the desert wilderness while I am within reach and I can provide the refreshment of the dry, empty soul. Come seek and find ME. I am the TREE of LIFE and MY Fruit never spoils….




September 5, 2018


(Message given by the LORD to Susan)


Let us begin: Children, your GOD loves you but I am releasing MY protection from over the world and men who desire sin over truth. The world is a stench under MY nostrils and filled with contemptible rebellion to MY Truth and MY Words written so long ago. The world will not continue on in this sin indefinitely. I will show MYSELF great as MY wrath pours down on mankind and their habitation. Men will shake at what is coming over the world. After MY church is moved to safety there will be nowhere to hide. Though men will continue on in their sin rejecting MY Truth, they will not escape the wrath to come. The horror will rain down from the skies. The waves of the ocean will rock to and fro. Fear will grip the hearts of mankind at the sight of mountain sides falling down and the earth opening up. There will be no safe place for those who reject ME. Disease and pestilence will be rampant. Men’s hearts will become cold, filled with thoughts of evil at every turn. Neighbor will turn against neighbor. Children, you must face these truths. I have warned…I have pleaded…I have reasoned. MY Words will prevail. Men who choose to ignore ME and MY warnings will be filled with sorrow and angst. Self-preservation will become the mainstay as people will look the other way to cries for help. Brother will turn on brother. Men will not regard each other. Terror will reign supreme. Hatred will be natural. The people will turn to mind-altering sorceries and give in to all kinds of evil abuses toward others and themselves. Their own hands will be their foes as they engage in self-mutilation directed by the enemy. Where can you hide when you become your own worst enemy? Let MY Words convict your heart. Turn back from the brink of destruction by following a lost and empty cruel world. MY enemy comes to kill, steal, and destroy. There is nothing he desires more then for your physical and spiritual destruction. Why play into his hands when I hold a door open for escape? This door will not remain open and even now it is only available for a short time. Once I pull MY church through, I will close the door and it will not open again. Read MY Word, choose for ME. Repent and pursue ME and your GOD’s Will above all else. The days of your life are numbered. Only I know the hour of your appearance before MY Throne to give an account of your life. Will you be found worthy to escape eternal disaster and separation from GOD? You alone can choose to turn to ME. MY Blood sacrifice on the cross of forgiveness and salvation is the only way. You cannot put a price on your eternity in the Presence of GOD. Only MY Blood will cover the sin that excludes you. Come take what is free to gain that which is priceless….


Luke 21:26 (KJV): Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.




September 10, 2018


(Message given by the LORD to Susan)


Children, I am writing you from the Throne room. MY Words are serious and true. I am displeased with the rebellion of an evil world aligned with MY enemy. Those who unite themselves to MY enemy by choosing against ME will have irreversible consequences if they do not repent and receive MY gift of salvation. MY death was wretched. It was a period of horror and I endured it to save the lost human race and those who willingly acknowledge it is now a remnant who want to

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