» Religion » PREPARE THE WAY - 2018, Susan Davis [great books for teens TXT] 📗

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extreme horror, all at the hand of MY Own Creation. This is the high price of LOVE, True LOVE, LOVE that is perfect and pure. Even so, MY children disregard and diminish the high price of Salvation. Children, those who deny MY Gift will be found wanting with no Blood-covering when they stand before MY Throne. There will be no payment from men that will ever be worthy of escape from hell from human hands. Come accept what is free and given freely. Why choose death and destruction when you can have life and everlasting love? There are no words or pleading from men to release them from their sin crimes committed in this life leading to a sentence of eternal hell-fire. Only MY Gift of Salvation, paid by MY Own Suffering will be found acceptable. Consider this message seriously. Do not abandon the only hope for a very long eternity. Accept the gift today, as tomorrow is not promised to you. I gave everything. I ask nothing less from you. Surrender your all and I will keep you from eternal woes and everlasting misery. MY Word is solid…MY Truth is eternal…


John 14:6 (KJV): JESUS saith unto him, I am the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE: no man cometh unto the FATHER, but by ME.


Acts 4:12 (KJV): Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.




August 9, 2018


(Message given by the LORD to Susan)


Here are the Words I need to give: Today children, seems like any other, but each day is a day closer to standing before ME to give an account of your life. Are you ready for this moment? It will be the most important moment of your existence in this life. It will be a defining moment of all the moments leading up this one single moment in time. You will face ME alone and you will give an account of your life to ME, your MAKER. If you come to ME with only excuses and do no acknowledge the gift I paid highly for your Salvation, then you will be found guilty of sin crimes committed against a Holy GOD. You will not be able to cover your own sin with words or the actions taken outside of MY Will. You will be found guilty and assigned to a permanent place in hell. There will be no words or deeds done outside of MY Will that will merit you salvation from a life of sin. Why risk standing before your GOD empty-handed, unable to rescue yourself? I offer you MY Blood-bought Salvation to clear you and receive you into MY Heavenlies for all time. If you want to be ready for this great test, then receive ME into your heart, repent of your life of sinning and let ME lead you down the narrow path that few find. You cannot do this without ME. You need ME at all times. I am prepared to carry the load with you if you would just lay it at MY Feet and allow ME to give you the Salvation you need to receive full justification from all you have done while in this life. There is no other way, although people look hard for answers to life, only I have the key to a man’s Salvation. Reveal yourself to ME through a repentant heart and a strong desire to be right with your GOD. I can carry you through the greatest hardships, but you must give everything to ME. There is no other way….GOD of Salvation and Truth….


John 14:6 (KJV): JESUS saith unto him, I am the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE: no man cometh unto the FATHER, but by ME.




August 15, 2018


(Message given by the LORD to Susan)


Now daughter, here are MY Words:


Those who know ME, truly know ME will not hunger in MY Truth. I will give truth to all who pursue ME in holiness and surrender to MY Ways. There is NO other Way. The world says there are many paths to take to find what is true and the correct way to live, but all is folly, vain deceit and men wander about aimlessly seeking after empty lies and are making their way to death and destruction. Only MY truth is pure and righteous, only I hold the key to the future. The enemy has a future plan for you, he wants you cast into hell for eternity with no hope of recovery. Most travel this broad road. Many will stay on it too long and never make it to the strait way, the narrow path that leads to all truth, a glorious future in MY Eternal Presence. Children, you must decide which road to travel on, the one that few find or the road that most end up on, far removed from their CREATOR for endless time. This is a choice that is before you to make. All children who are of accountability must decide who they will submit to…you either are submitted to sin and MY enemy or to ME and the way of righteousness, holiness, and purity. I cannot make this choice for you. I appeal to you, plead, draw, but you have freewill and the choice lies in your hands. If you choose for ME, surrender, repent for past sin, forgive all others and submit to the Will of the FATHER, acknowledging the gift of the cross given through a blood sacrifice, then I will come into your being and make MY home within you: guide you through MY Word, lead you to MY Truth, walk with you always. There is very little truth remaining in the world, but the few who carry MY Truth with their full OIL lamp shine bright in a dark and ugly world. Will you be among these, MY Truthbearers? I am crying out before it is too late. Tomorrow is not promised to you, MY children. Be sober in this late, dark hour. TRUTH HAS SPOKEN…


Matthew 7:13 (KJV): Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:

August 16, 2018


(Message given by the LORD to Susan)


Now here is the message today: All is not well, MY children. The world is groaning under the pressure of sin. I am about to make MY Entrance to see the things through that I have for so long now predicted through MY prophets and MY Words laid out with care and accuracy. Just as I outlined in MY Book, MY Words are coming to pass. The world is falling into the pattern I foretold so long ago. Evil would begat evil and the stench would rise up to MY Throne so that it reaches a pinnacle and I must therefore give over the world to its vile acts of heresy against ME, it’s Holy MAKER. I will bring out MY Own before I give over the world to MY enemy. Once MY True Followers are released to safety, then the world will experience darkness like never before. Why children, do you continue to run towards a broken world that continually lusts for evil? MY lost children have become self-serving, blood-thirsty, intoxicated with unrighteous living and pursue MY enemy as if rabid dogs. They cannot get enough of their frenzy for sin. They profess to know ME and yet spend their days and nights clinging to all I am against. Those who are mine must be set apart. Come away from the world and all it stands for. Even a little leaven spoils the whole lump. Touch not the handle to the doorway to hell. When you place your hand on this door to peek in, MY enemy will suck you in all the way and the door will be shut behind you. You must resist to reach for sin. Sin will only lead to death. Run from all appearances of evil. Partake not in that which is not of ME. Read MY Book, learn what is not of ME. Seek ME for knowledge and understanding of the Words of MY Book. I will bring you into MY Marvelous Light and clean your garments. When you are tempted to do evil reach for ME instead. I will increase your spiritual strength to resist the devil, and he will flee. I have the power to do through you what you cannot accomplish in your own flesh. Only I can help you to resist the world you reside within. Turn your life over to ME and I will make you a citizen of MY Kingdom and put MY SPIRIT within you to fight the evil you reside among. MY Love is greater than the evil desires of the heart. Come learn of MY Love….


2 Corinthians 6:17 (KJV): Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the LORD, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.




August 19, 2018


(Message given by the LORD to Susan)


Here are today’s instructions: Your GOD knows you intimately. I know everything about you, your comings and goings. The words you speak all through the day. What makes you laugh, what makes you cry. I have intimate knowledge of your soul: what part you have consigned to ME and the parts you share with the enemy, whether your lamp is full or not with MY HOLY SPIRIT OIL. When you stand before ME and give ME an account of your life, nothing will get by ME, nothing will be hidden from ME. The books will be opened. If you surrender your all to ME, repent of past sins, come to ME with a whole submission to MY Truth, MY Work on the cross, willingness to exchange your own will for GOD’s and to be filled with MY SPIRIT, then I will gladly accept you into MY Presence for eternity and MY FATHER and HIS angels will accept you. You will enter into MY Eternal Rest. But if you reject MY Crucifixion Payment for your sin then I will deny you before MY FATHER and HIS angels. If you have rejected knowing ME intimately pursuing other trophies in life, I will command you to depart from ME and declare you to be a worker of iniquity. Many have already heard these words to their shock and dismay. Because they believed the traditions of men before repentance and surrendering all to ME. They deny the HOLY SPIRIT entrance into their churches, their lives, and their beings. Without MY SPIRIT, men may attempt to appear righteous, but they are powerless to be righteous without a full oil lamp and relationship with ME. The interpretation of men of MY Book only leads to works and without MY HOLY SPIRIT, these works are merely filthy rags. All will come into the understanding of this at some point. Will you accept this truth now and turn from your evil before it’s too late? You decide. Will you have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof? All is a choice. Does your heart lust after the world or does it crave the truth, MY Truth? Whose leadership will you be under when you stand before ME? MINE or MY enemy? These are crucial moments. Your eternity may begin at any moment. And so where will you be in eternity? Your partial love will never suffice. I am a Jealous GOD. MY Name is JEALOUS…

Luke 9:26 (KJV): For whosoever shall be ashamed of ME and of MY Words, of him shall the SON of Man be ashamed, when HE shall come in HIS Own Glory, and in HIS FATHER's, and of the Holy angels.




August 22, 2018


(Message given by the LORD to Susan)


Children, I am watching you night and day. I see all. There is not a moment that slips by ME. You cannot comprehend ME and MY absolute power. I am beyond your comprehension. I hold the stars in MY

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