» Religion » PREPARE THE WAY - 2018, Susan Davis [great books for teens TXT] 📗

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Hands. I am far greater, then the greatest thing that men can understand. Yet, men put their trust in weak substitutes. They choose anti-GOD, evil directions to run in and come up short everytime. Evil men continue to seek that which is against ME and MY Ways and their choices will condemn them and they will not escape the terror to come in this life and the next. MY enemy has traps laid for everyone—but MY children, who call ME and believe in ME as LORD, will always be guarded. The enemy cannot steal their souls if they surrender them to ME. I guard the souls of those who commit their full lives to ME. Will you choose to have this security in a gross and dying world? It is not getting better, children. Things are not going to get better. Men will continue to purse evil only they now want so much evil their hands can hardly hold it all, so they bring more people with them to join them in their folly. When will it all end? I will bring it to its end at MY second coming, but I will put MY church in a safe place prior to the anti-christ assuming his position of evil. In one moment all will go dark. In the twinkling of an eye when MY true church is changed so then the world will go dark like never before—which side will you be standing on at that unique moment in time, the twinkling of an eye? Will you enter into a world of incredible evil or will you come into your divine home changed and ready to be received by your GOD. This is what you must decide now. Readiness is key to entering into MY Glory and resisting the enemy and all he stands for. Do not be caught empty handed at the moment you are called up—fill your hands with MY truth, MY forgiveness, MY LOVE! I am coming soon. Watch for ME.


1 Corinthians 15:52 (KJV): In a moment, IN THE TWINKLING OF AN EYE, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and WE SHALL BE CHANGED.




August 25, 2018


(Message given by the LORD to Susan)


Children, the “I AM” wants to speak to you: Hear MY Words with your spiritual ears and with the eyes of your heart…I am coming! I will come for those whose focus is securely on ME, MY Ways, MY Truth. Do not despair if all around you troubles you. These days would come. I warned and now you see MY Words coming to pass. Righteousness has taken a back seat to the devil and his works. Compassion for the helpless has been sidelined in favor of selfishness. The self-willed only pursue what satisfies the flesh. Love and tenderness for those who are needy has been uprooted by evil doctrines carried out by vile men pursuing self-centered goals. The love of men has grown cold. Darkness has overcome the earth. Even good works are done outside of the Will of GOD and are merely evil acts promoting a world that believes it knows better than GOD. This world brags on itself of how it can function without its MAKER—all this is evil. See it for what it is—good performed outside of the Will of GOD is ultimately evil, although humans see good works, they reward and honor human flesh and empower the devil. This will only lead to death. It is the broadway and the road may look good but those who travel on this road will be destroyed and all their human works of good done in their own will, will burn up with them, forgotten, never to be remembered again…Come to ME. Lay your life down, your plans, your selfish desires. All that seems right, is wrong without a full surrender to ME. All the honors that men bestow on each other apart from the Will of GOD will burn up. What does it mean to gain the whole world, but to lose your own soul, MY children? Run from the world that offers death wrapped in good intensions of fallen men by the angel of light, the devil who comes to kill, steal, and destroy. All men will face their MAKER to give an account of their life. Will you be ready? Will your earthly accomplishments and actions be with MY Will or outside the Will of GOD?


2 Corinthians 11:14 (KJV): And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.


Genesis 2:17 (KJV): But of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.


Matthew 3:11-12 (KJV): I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance. but HE that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: HE shall baptize you with the HOLY GHOST, and with Fire: 12 Whose fan is in HIS Hand, and HE will thoroughly purge HIS Floor, and gather HIS Wheat into the garner; but HE will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.


Matthew 7:21 (KJV): Not everyone that saith unto me, LORD, LORD, shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven; but he that doeth the Will of MY FATHER which is in Heaven.



August 26, 2018


(Message given by the LORD to Susan)


Children, this is your GOD, HOLY and MIGHTY. There is a path that I have blazed before you. It is a narrow trail, passage leading to MY Presence. I am the FIRST FRUIT leading the way for MY Bride, the Church. I go before her, to make the way clear. This path is Holy, it is clean and clear of debris—the debris of sin and evil. Those who walk this path fly above the tempests and rise above the carnage of sin and destruction. They are the overcomers—those who overcome evil, pursue truth and wholeness in ME. This is attainable, but not in the flesh. The lukewarm seek to travel on this precious path in their flesh and their own power. They will never accomplish it. This path is for the bride and no one else. Only those who have shed their self-driven ambitions and relinquished their all to ME, their SOVEREIGN GOD. The lukewarm still desire to be entertained on the broadway. They deny the power thereof, while claiming godliness, but it is not true godliness, but a form or type of it. This lost church will be lost in sudden destruction and others left behind. Many will escape eternal destruction through martyrdom. I did not die in a humbling way for MY children to go this way. It is not MY choice for these to follow evil against MY Will, but all is a choice. If you are reading this letter, it is not by accident. You were meant to read these Words. I do not work by chance or coincidence. You have not come to this message by stumbling on to it. These Words were meant for the readers. You have a choice and you also will be without excuse if you choose against ME. MY enemy is your enemy. He comes to kill, steal from you, and destroy you. What will you do with this knowledge? Your life is a mist. You will come into this life and leave it as quickly. Your brief stay determines your eternal destiny. How will you choose? Everything rides on your life choices. Hell is real, MY Book is thorough in its descriptions. Those who choose to understand will see. Those who look elsewhere will live with eternal regret. Your time for decision is limited. Think upon this message seriously, as time is a premium that is priceless, and can never be recovered once spent….




August 28, 2018


(Letter of the LORD dictated to Susan)


I will give you a letter. Here it is: Children, at the hearing of these Words your GOD is pleading for you to turn back from the precipice you reside inches from. Anyone who has not entered into MY Will through repentance, surrender, and commitment to ME stands inches from eternal destruction--outside of MY Will, MY Way and MY Truth is death and destruction. No one is safe when they walk apart from ME. The world is not a safe place for those who know ME not. Even church is not the refuge of safety because they are now filled with wolves in sheep's clothing. They appear to be halls of protection and harbors of truth but the lukewarm churches are dens of vipers and white-washed tombs with dead men's bones. Death lurks within: men who say they know ME and use MY Name are leading the masses astray. They will be held accountable to a higher standard of accountability for casually using MY Name while deceiving and luring people to their spiritual deaths. Because they refuse to surrender everything over to MY Leadership and operate with a form of godliness and deny the power thereof. Those who mislead others in MY Name will have the greater punishments for cruelly misleading the sheep and feeding them lies, false promises, and half-truths. This deception comes from the pit of hell. These are the vipers cloaked in white robes wearing mantels of evil. They are backbiting and drive MY children out into the wilderness and use MY Name to create all manners of confusion. These will have eternity of sorrow to consider their actions against MY flock. If they do not turn back now and repent of their evil ways, they will take up residence in hell where there is no escape. To use MY Holy Sacred Name to mislead and confuse the lost sheep is a wretched act of treason against the Throne of GOD. These shall rather desire they had never been born then to lead the little flocks astray. Repent, church of darkness! Seek ME on your faces...admit you need a SAVIOR...full surrender--you who use MY Precious Name and MY Precious Surrender to an evil cross as a way to profit and gain worldly status. You will fall hard and your slanderous ways will not save you from MY Holy Wrath. Evil church filled with lies who have removed MY HOLY SPIRIT from the little children, your names will be stricken from MY Book of LIFE and your evil deeds of “good works” planned and executed outside of MY Will, will never be remembered. Fall on your faces and repent before it's too late. Time plays favorites for no one. Your life could be demanded of you this day. I am a GOD of ALL TRUTH...MY warnings are real...


2 Timothy 3:5 (KJV): Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.


Matthew 7:14-15 (KJV): Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. 15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.


Acts 20:29 (KJV): 29 For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock.


Mark 14:21 (KJV): The SON of man indeed goeth, as it is written of HIM: but woe to that man by whom the SON of man is betrayed! good were it for that man if he had never been born.


Luke 12:20 (KJV): But GOD said unto him, Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided?


Daniel 4:31 (KJV): While the word was in the king's mouth, there fell a Voice from Heaven, saying, O king Nebuchadnezzar, to thee it is spoken; The kingdom is departed from thee.


Matthew 23:27 (KJV): Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness.


Matthew 12:34 (KJV): O generation of vipers, how can ye, being

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